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  1. unique

    VAR question

    well, i purchased the 2.5 cuz they haven’t got any others !! so now how to take them ? 2.5 x 15pill/day = 40Mg/day but that will be so bloody expensive !?!? Should I start by 1 ? or the minimum is 5 and then work my way up ?
  2. unique

    Plan a winter bulker !

    i heard aramdex and others are being used !!
  3. unique

    Plan a winter bulker !

    hitmeoff great info there mate ,, thanks allot . my pev cycle was 2 months ago , i was on Primo/Winny/EQ for 10 weeks , got great gains but fucked up at the end cuz i had to travel and lost most of the gains , add that i didnt do clomid for post cycle !! another questiong should it be Test...
  4. unique

    Plan a winter bulker !

    will do that mate , but I mean to say , I do not have at the momento but are not considering to buy any other stuff .. like this is whats on hand how to mix ? do i make sense .. thx for ur reply cheers
  5. unique

    Pass the Razor........

    so so so shaven on the lady for me ,, i could eat her up and not get enough !!!! me shaven also ...
  6. unique

    PARIS HILTON...mmmmmmmm

    I hear ya Kiss ... look at her toes body2c in the first pic !! mate .... they are ugly !!
  7. unique

    ~Genital Nicknames~

    hers a pie mine is :) ACE . and dnt know why !
  8. unique

    Crazy sex stuff

    Guams the place
  9. unique

    I want advice on a Women

    tell her in a nice way dude ..
  10. unique

    oral sex tips

    indeed i had the same thought munkee ? good post there
  11. unique

    What is the biggest turn off

    bad odor in general and bad feet , quite girls too !
  12. unique

    Plan a winter bulker !

    hey mates , im planning my winter bulker , actualy my 2nd cycle ever and i was wondering if I had only : (T3,Primo,Winstrol,Para,Deca,EQ,Test,Sus,clen) how will you create your fav bulker outa these ? and if you have the choice of : ( Creatine ,Amino Acids2222,Amino Acids10000,Myoplex...
  13. unique

    Fina SUCKS for the GYNO!!!!

    you scared the living hell outa me mates !!!
  14. unique

    GNC show of strength results

  15. unique

    Is this SQUAT ROUTINE a waste of time?

    I wonder where are the boys !!
  16. unique

    I started accutane today

    DangerousGround honestly mate id tell you go for B5 .. its magic trust me .. many thanks to body2see. cheers
  17. unique


    never tried it and by the looks of it .. WONT !
  18. unique

    Starting Lipostabil tomorrow

    good luck mate , can you plz write us a bit more about Lipostabil ?! is there a trade name for it ? where to find it ? what does it do ? seems its for cutting !! cheers
  19. unique

    Favorite (relatively clean) bulking food?

    grilled chicken and chilllliiiiiiies
  20. unique

    EQ cycle by itself?

    wot u reckon then learner ?