Starting Lipostabil tomorrow

Hey Bros

Saturdays shots where alot better pain went down to about 4-5 the swelling was there until monday morning. The pain went away quicker this time by monday there was no pain unless i pushed on my stomach.

There is no decrease in my waist measurement wise but i am only on my 2 shot doing my 3rd tomorrow- they say it takes 3-5 sets to see results-

The fat on my stomach does seem more broken down as I said before the fat was thick and solid the hard to get rid of fat after two rounds the fats is more watery and loose- I am hoping by 4 and 5th round I see a difference in measurements as this woudl make contest conditioning a little easier.

I will keep you informed-

Only side effects I have seen are pain at injection sites and around abs, swelling of area and heat and redness to the face- nothign I cant live with
good luck mate ,

can you plz write us a bit more about Lipostabil ?! is there a trade name for it ? where to find it ? what does it do ? seems its for cutting !!

Unique Wrote:

"can you plz write us a bit more about Lipostabil ?! is there a trade name for it ? where to find it ? what does it do ? seems its for cutting !! "

Do an internet search for lipostabil. You will find tons of info on it. To summarize, it destroys fat cells.

Hey Bros

ready to do #4 shot tonight. So far the bruising at site injection has stayed around for the last 4 days. There is still swelling around entire ab area- the measurements have notstarted to decline yet but according to others you really see it after your 5th set. I hope this works as this pain with no results would kinda suck.
I know that with no dieting or cardio I may not get the best results but I really wanted to see what woudl happen.

I will keep you guys informed as tonight is set 4 and in 3-5 days last set. I will keep you updated and I hoep I week after last set that I see a big difference.
physiqueartist said:
Hey Bros

ready to do #4 shot tonight. So far the bruising at site injection has stayed around for the last 4 days. There is still swelling around entire ab area- the measurements have notstarted to decline yet but according to others you really see it after your 5th set. I hope this works as this pain with no results would kinda suck.
I know that with no dieting or cardio I may not get the best results but I really wanted to see what woudl happen.

I will keep you guys informed as tonight is set 4 and in 3-5 days last set. I will keep you updated and I hoep I week after last set that I see a big difference.

Im keeping my fingers crossed bro! I need this to work for you!

Maybe the measurements will really show once the swelling goes down?
Over in Europe where this type of treatment is already used and accepted, they use a local anesthetic such as procaina Hcl, mixed in with every shot. Most clinics doing this schedule shots once a week. The shots consist of .5ml lipostabil and .1ml procaina. An area such as the Abdominal area receives 8 shots per side, 1 shot every 2cm.

Also, something I don't think I've seen mentioned is that lipostabil needs to be kept refrigerated. It will only stay good for about 60 days max. at room temp.

PA, you should be drinking at least several gallons of water/day and doing 10-15 minutes of ab exercises, crunches/twists, about 1 hour after your shots and once a day between shots. Drinking one quart of water immediately after your exercises. Doing this will help in both breaking down the fat as well as helping your body remove the waste product.

Good luck,

MaxRep said:
Over in Europe where this type of treatment is already used and accepted, they use a local anesthetic such as procaina Hcl, mixed in with every shot. Most clinics doing this schedule shots once a week. The shots consist of .5ml lipostabil and .1ml procaina. An area such as the Abdominal area receives 8 shots per side, 1 shot every 2cm.

Also, something I don't think I've seen mentioned is that lipostabil needs to be kept refrigerated. It will only stay good for about 60 days max. at room temp.

PA, you should be drinking at least several gallons of water/day and doing 10-15 minutes of ab exercises, crunches/twists, about 1 hour after your shots and once a day between shots. Drinking one quart of water immediately after your exercises. Doing this will help in both breaking down the fat as well as helping your body remove the waste product.

Good luck,


Excellent info.
MaxRep said:
Over in Europe where this type of treatment is already used and accepted, they use a local anesthetic such as procaina Hcl, mixed in with every shot. Most clinics doing this schedule shots once a week. The shots consist of .5ml lipostabil and .1ml procaina. An area such as the Abdominal area receives 8 shots per side, 1 shot every 2cm.



Would you kindly point me in the direction to where you found this information?
I first started reseaching Lipostabil about 2 months ago. I have spent numerous hours reading what came up through the search engines as well as the published scientific studies. FYI, Most of the articles are in a foreign language and most of the scientific studies are not applicable to how we want to use it.

I then contacted a few BB friends of mine in Europe, one in England and one in Germany to pick their brains on the subject. They were both familiar with Lipostabil and know people who have used it although neither had personally used it.

Just start reading everything you can find on it and through the internet it's easy to make friends in other countries.

Good luck,

hey max rep thansk fro the tip on drinking water after- makes sence just dint think of it-

I am loading up my 10 slin pins as we speak and will be doing 4th set tonight- will finish on friday or saturday with my 5th and final set- keep those fingers crosed