Starting Lipostabil tomorrow

MaxRep said:
I first started reseaching Lipostabil about 2 months ago. I have spent numerous hours reading what came up through the search engines as well as the published scientific studies. FYI, Most of the articles are in a foreign language and most of the scientific studies are not applicable to how we want to use it.

I then contacted a few BB friends of mine in Europe, one in England and one in Germany to pick their brains on the subject. They were both familiar with Lipostabil and know people who have used it although neither had personally used it.

Just start reading everything you can find on it and through the internet it's easy to make friends in other countries.

Good luck,


I have read everything in search engine myself & the information provided is either incomplete or seems to be more of a plug*advertisment for Lipostabil rather than educational material.

Since you have found published scientific studies & I have not, would you mind passing on where I can find them?
Some of us do understand more languages than merely English ;)
Yes, it is easy to make friends in other countries.. I have close friends in Germany and family in England, Australia & Canada.

I don't know who you are & it's very noble of you for 'taking one for the team'.. but, take your temperature.
If the swelling in your sides continues, along with the heat & redness in your face and you are running a fever.. get yourself checked by a physician for infection.

ps. Ignore my avatar *lmao*
I was being silly today~
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Hey Satchet

The swelling stays for many days but the redness and flushed feeling is just for about 24 hours- I took you advice and took temp- temp was a little high but not bad was 99.2. I will make sure to monitor that temp-

And to answer your question on who I am- I am a short fat guy from minnesota who has taken a year off after winnign my 1st show last year and am holding a lot of fat in my waist-wanted to get my gut down a few inches without restricting my calories or doing to much cardio as I am training to put back muscle I lost. Also wanted to see if this stuff did work so I could use it for my show- as you gusy know you dont want to try to many new things 8 weeks out from a contes tunless you know it works-

took shot this mornign and am looking forward to it being done.
I trained legs today and the weight belt kills your sides :)
Good luck we are all watching and waiting. Did you take pre measurements? You will probably have to wait for all the swelling to go down to see your full results. Keep us posted
Hey Guys tomorrow is my last set- I was supposed to do it today but had my manager riding with me and I didnt want to be all figity with the pain of my pants and suit rubbing on my gut- I have nto taken measurements yet but by looking in the mirror I can see a difference- after tomoorow I will wait 1 week for the swelling to go down then I will send out my measurments-

Only thing I am mad about is after I ordered 10 vials for 300- comes out with 10 fo rthe price of one- damn i hate when that happens-

If you lab corp guys are reading this- Hey give a brother another 5 vials :)
Has the swelling been less after each dose or has it been the same and how long did it hurt to the touch after taking the dose.
Good luck
The swelling did go down after each dose.. Not alot but a little

The pain lasted 3-5 days to the touch and has gottne better on the 4th and 5th set. 1st 3 where pretty bad.

I will keep you posted
You shoot sub-q into the fatty areas like your stomach- you take 1 vial and break that down to 5 slin pins. each 5 slin pins are used on one side of your abs- take 1 shot about 50ius then move couple ccm and shoot the other 1/2 of the slin pin and do 10 total shots. 1 set includes 2 vials broken into 20 injects- wait 3-5 days then repeat- after 5 sets you will have great results.
If you were taking the lab-corp lipostabil I was wondering if you mean you take 50 i.u in each slin pin and inject those 10 individual (50 i.u.) slin pins indifferent areas, I have everything else down except for the exact dosage (i.u.). I would appreciate any help!
physiqueartist said:
Hey Satchet

The swelling stays for many days but the redness and flushed feeling is just for about 24 hours- I took you advice and took temp- temp was a little high but not bad was 99.2. I will make sure to monitor that temp-

And to answer your question on who I am- I am a short fat guy from minnesota who has taken a year off after winnign my 1st show last year and am holding a lot of fat in my waist-wanted to get my gut down a few inches without restricting my calories or doing to much cardio as I am training to put back muscle I lost. Also wanted to see if this stuff did work so I could use it for my show- as you gusy know you dont want to try to many new things 8 weeks out from a contes tunless you know it works-

took shot this mornign and am looking forward to it being done.
I trained legs today and the weight belt kills your sides :)

;) I'm a worry wart~
Just remember that low grade temps signal there's an infection too..

You're a short, fat guy from minnesota, huh? *grins*
Well, that's what happens to all you champs that splurg after training your butts off for competitions :D
Congratulations on your win!
That must have been very exciting & best of luck to you in your future competitions.