Go ahead and drink that dog pis and then please confirm with me that you'd prefer it, LMAO... Shoot it into something you can eat and swallow like a grape or a banana.

shiko24 said:
OH GOD it has been 2 hours since my second 1ml shot and my mouth is still numb! shit man I would rather drink dog piss!
Just curiouse, but what exactly is the reason that you don't inject animals with the liqued research chems. I always just buy through an online pharmacie so this all new to me.

sorry for the dumb question.
fuck man you should try letrozole that shit fuckin burns the fuck out of my mouth. I take a gulp of water into my mouth then squir it into the water in my mouth then dirnk more water. Cant really taste it then
I tried injecting into a grape with 18 ga was hard to pulla cc out and when I injected it made a big mess and would not stay in the grape.