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  1. Stupid Biotch

    Good bye to all my bros....

    Sometimes life give you little twists and turns. You choose to take a road you never thought you would. Tonight I've packed my car and am heading out. I don't know where. I don't know when I'll return, if ever. I'm gonna make this post...ahd leave it at that. I'll bring my computer with...
  2. Stupid Biotch

    What is the caloiric Value of 1 grilled chicken breast

    well chicken breasts are all differnt sized. I think the average is something like 5 oz or something. about 30g of protein.
  3. Stupid Biotch

    I can't eat enough!!!

    I have to eat burgers and fatty food to grow or I just don't grow and can't eat enough calories. I don't get fat unless I use insulin or don't move all day, LOL. Everyone is different though. From my experiences I'd up the fat cals. Eat some steak and burgers and some peanut butter.
  4. Stupid Biotch


    It was from an order he placed with a domestic source that recently got popped. We at the fitnessboard had a nice big sticky about him and I think it might still be there. don't mean to speak for O2 but figure he's in a rush to get as much info as possible so I thought I'd answer what I knew.
  5. Stupid Biotch


    Auriflex...I found your website bro! Warning...this is VERY disturbing. Enter with extreme caution.
  6. Stupid Biotch

    lol check this out guys

    I can't believe you just found that out!! I knew about that site like 4 years ago and was going to point it out to you but I figured that was where you got your name from.. LMAO...I really thought you knew, hahhaa.
  7. Stupid Biotch

    any females or bros wives on anavar?Need answers

    Shock! I seriously just made a date with this chick who is 6'2" 140lbs and I thought of you brother! LOL
  8. Stupid Biotch

    any females or bros wives on anavar?Need answers

    I know a girl who used it. I was very close to her but won't say who she was in case she reads this and gets mad cuz I'm telling her business, lol. First of all she was very tiny. 5' 105lbs. Very lady like so of course virilization was a concern. She took 10mg a day. Her bodyfat was...
  9. Stupid Biotch

    making it yourself

    I will be in a week.
  10. Stupid Biotch


    Sorry dude, you and your buddy are just ugly :) LMAO. JUST kidding. Well, I'd like to think I have a good face and I'm very big and I get enough attention to make me happy. I used to me a smaller, lean abercrombie type model homo....and I used to say..."All the big guys get the girls" so...
  11. Stupid Biotch

    Unusual question about as

    Tell him, and this is the truth, that you need fat for bodily functions. Going without fat for too long can result in terrible hair, nails, skin, and even your eye balls hurting because of imporper lubrication in the sockets. Seriously. you need fat and your friend is a moron.
  12. Stupid Biotch

    who here has used slin???

    I too have felt the power of the slin.
  13. Stupid Biotch

    Auriflex's remodeled workout room

    Damn dude, I just looked at those posing pics. Shit you're bigger than I am. Good work!
  14. Stupid Biotch

    half the sets I usually do

    I do twelve sets for large muscles and 10 sets for smaller ones like bi's, tris, and delts
  15. Stupid Biotch

    Just me :-)

    Great size man. Keep it up! and tan for the love of god!! hahha, just being a smart ass! good work.
  16. Stupid Biotch

    Auriflex's remodeled workout room

    Damn Auriflex, that's actually pretty damn cool! Even have the TV set up just like at the gyms! Now you can watch your gay porn vids AND workout at the same time! I also noticed the dumbells only went up to 25 lbs. LOL. Seriously though, very nice setup!
  17. Stupid Biotch

    more pics

    Nice work man! Very impressive! and like Auriflex said...get a side view so he can see a side shot of your package...oh..I mean...hamstrings. He'll be a happy, hairy man.
  18. Stupid Biotch


    Auriflex you keep you oil away from me!! LOL
  19. Stupid Biotch

    JackedUp Upadted pics !!!!! as of March 2001

    Amazing!!! Just amazing. If I ever look like that in my life I will have reached the ultimate goal. Great job man, I know you're very proud and you should be!
  20. Stupid Biotch


    I got trained at a local school about an hour from where I lived. It was horrible training and the only way I made it out of there was because I was good. So I sent my tapes out and went from there. Wrestled from California to Canada. For the person that asked...I'm 6' 224 right now. The...