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  1. S

    Bigger Stronger Faster

    this is true, shit the gov official that he went to see the guy didn't even know the drinking age.
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    Bigger Stronger Faster

    link is still woking, good movie!
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    Enlisted in the marines

    I am in Iraq right now in the USAF-R and love it, but I can't wait to get home too! It's a good time in the end.
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    What brnd hgh??

    Jino's will not be shipped to the US ever again. good luck w/ that.
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    Evacuated due Gustav

    my woman is in Pensacola Fl visiting a friend and she has been seeing the wrath of this storm. no good! hope all is well
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    revol labs

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    revol labs

    any one see anything from revol labs? test
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    sponsored by muscletech!

    bump bump congrats man!
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    UFC 82 this Saturday

    i am going too!! I am going to the Arnold Classic as well......good weekend in Ohio
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    2nd time

    O yea that is by no means the goal of this at all. I was just making a side note with the 100 for 100
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    2nd time

    Hell yea EATEATEATEATEATEAT & LIFTLIFTLIFTLIFTLIFT! IT's the 2nd week and I feel better in the gym. At the end of this I am going to do a lift at my gym that is going on now...Its 100lbs for 100 reps, so far the highest reps is 155. I need to smash that with 200 reps
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    2nd time

    for real? thought that was higher?! What do the "pro's" use
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    2nd time

    ok well through some more reading around I have revamped, I have started this...and I must say pushing the EQ in is not an easy task. Feels like I am trying to fit a brick through a straw. Deca-200mg a week EQ-300mg a week Test cyp- 500mg a week Dbol- 40mg ED for 5 weeks
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    2nd time

    Sounds good. true about the dbol. I have run the Deca before so I guess that I will try the EQ and see how that treats me, I will do EQ-300 a week Test 500 a week Dbol- 40mg ED for 5 weeks
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    2nd time

    Stats 25, 205lbs, 5'8 1-10weeks Test cyp 500mg 1-10weeks Deca 400mg 1-16weeks Dbol @30mg ED Question is I have Equipose 300mg and 250mg How should I incorporate it?
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    Test E

    I have hear that the E does get the temper going...
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    gear freeze

    Any one ever have there gear freeze? And if so is it still ok after the freeze? DaMN OHIO’s cold ass
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    hell I love any kind of bol!!
  19. S

    Nectar labs?

    Any1 know of Nectar labs and if so...good or bad!?!?