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  1. R

    Hi all Middle east bodybuilder here ... got a question related to gh .

    wow it seems like there are ALOT of haters in this thread. What's with the negativity? This guy is 265 and can definitely take 2 A50's everyday for seven weeks while takin liv52 without any liver problems. A friend of mine who is HIV + uses 3 ed for a year straight (know what your talking about...
  2. R

    Calves baby

    I have a real right calve problem; it's seriously under developed incomparison to my left. I'm in the midst of trying to just workout that calve alone with standing and seated calve raises.
  3. R

    Rocky Mountain Research Lottery Give Away!

    111 What other number is there?
  4. R

    Training on Naproxen

    Anti-Inflamatories are known to hinder protein synthesis. Somehting all bodybuilders don't want to happen. I can't remember where I read it but I'm sure it was genuine fact. I can look it up if you'd like.
  5. R

    any endomorphs here.

    Ecto-Endo here. Easy to be big, easy to get small. I get big fast and get fat fast too. All it takes for me to drop fat is cut carbs. Go down to 150g/day and I'll lose at least 1.5lbs of FAT per week. All it takes to loose size is drop total caloric intake which makes me believe that I'm...
  6. R

    Kidrok - Get your rest tonight!!!!!

    Good thing I'm doin arms tomorrow, HAHA! In all seriousness, I actually hate thinking about doing legs but when I'm there with 3&1/2 plates on each side of the bar and my ass is 6 inches from the ground, it's fucking heaven. LOVE IT!] Show'em who's boss Kid!
  7. R

    What's the deal with these 3 styles of Spanish Primobolan Depot?

    Yeah, just started these bad boys, two a week, gonna use the 072A lot first. Only got 20 so 2 a week it is. Stacking with 400mg cyp and some winny, if it's nandrolone, my tits will know, lol.
  8. R

    Regaining motivation....

    GOOD! Keep it up, you definitely are a motivation yourself, keep that in mind.
  9. R

    Regaining motivation....

    KR, Reading some of your posts has given me motivation and allowed me to better my training, now it's time for you to get to the gym my friend. GO! Just get up and go. After you're done you're gonna be happy you went and it's that simple.
  10. R

    can u start hcg and still do...

    HCG and nolva are supposed to be ran together I always thought.
  11. R

    alchole test

    1.5 shots of 40% spirits is 1 beer in Canada (5% alcohol beer). They're both considered 1 standard drink. I took the "smart serve" course in order to serve alcohol in a legal establishment. They say you burn 2 standard drinks per hour assuming you're a 200lbs man of normal bodyfat.
  12. R

    What are your opinions on this?

    I think there is some merit to what he is saying. I for one,can never maintain a good size during the summer months cause I do so much mountain biking (3x per week 1.5-2hrs per session) regardless of weight training and diet. I'm just as lean while being bigger during the winter as long as my...
  13. R

    Atkins Diet.........Perfect for bodybuilders??

    Super, No big deal but I believe it's aTkins not aDkins, lol. From I what I know, you're right on the concept.
  14. R

    Update for Liquid Research

    Good to hear. Best of luck and hopefully you'll be back in biz before you know it.
  15. R

    ARMS only workout

    legs back and tris rest shoulders traps calves chest and bis rest arms w/foreamrms (OUCH!) 7 day split.
  16. R

    Atkins Diet.........Perfect for bodybuilders??

    The atkins is ideal for us. I think it can be fine tuned according to the individual but nonetheless an excellent diet. There is obviously going to be "better" diets out there such as the one SM mentioned but for everyday eating off season or whatever the atkins seems pretty realistic to me.
  17. R

    peanut butter lovers read this

    You must really be depleted! lol Looks like some hellified PB though. Don't know what made me use that adjective but seemed appropriate at the time.
  18. R

    BB curl vs EZ bar curl

    Never use bb anymore just db and ez, get forearm splints everytime when using bb.