Search results

  1. hangslo

    Recovery after Microdiscectomy

    I was back at work in 2 weeks ... no lifting of course ... you wont be able to carry a lot of books, but when they say no lifting, they mean it ... putting on your shoes and wiping your ass is gonna be fun while not twisting ... you should be able to do it, but its going to be tough ... you wont...
  2. hangslo

    Recovery after Microdiscectomy

    I had a discectomy done on my L5/S1 disc along with a foraminotomy to open up the passages in the vertabrae that the nerve branches off into from the spinal cord ... my disc was actually ruptured, not herniated ... the surgery was the best decision of my life ... I was in constant pain from my...
  3. hangslo

    tren/prop cycle

    I definitely agree on the 100 mg ED of prop ... but for a first timer, I would recommend 75 mg EOD of tren ...
  4. hangslo

    your fav lean muscle mass gainer

    Well dammit ... dont I feel like a dumbass ... shoulda just done a search ... thanks bro ... :cool:
  5. hangslo

    Alternative to alcohol

    I could always hope that it wouldnt be a crime in FL ... :D It makes me do whatever I am doing, really well ... eating, sleeping, or working (I do custom fabrication and painting as a hobby ... dont touch it at my job, though) ... it is great for bulking ... but then again, I dont need any...
  6. hangslo

    your fav lean muscle mass gainer

    never tried this ... sounds like a good slow release mix ... could you point me in the direction to find some?
  7. hangslo

    your fav lean muscle mass gainer

    Generally Isopure during the day, and muscle milk just before bed ...
  8. hangslo

    MuscleChemistry Ephedrine hcl and Caffeine Now Available

    wheres the banner below? what banner? :confused: Help a brother out ... :D
  9. hangslo

    To those with slin experience....

    I am cutting down right now in between cycles, so I am not using slin too much ... I started out on my cutter, though, using slin post workout with lower carbs ... this is something that I built up to with great care and a pack of glucose tabs close by ... my best friend is a diabetic and shoots...
  10. hangslo

    Clen +T3 +Test Prop

    good advice above ... shooting 200 mg of prop, whether it is 2 ml of 100 mg/ml or 1 ml of 200 mg/ml, is a painfull proposition ... 200 mg of prop into one site is just plain painful ... 100 mg ED with properly rotating sites is a MUCH better choice ... :D
  11. hangslo

    Good ECA source?

    I have bought a couple of bottles of those that will last me for a little while ... but I am starting to see ephedrine powder show up on a few powder lists ... :rolleyes:
  12. hangslo

    cycle comments please

    I agree with this ... on both the dosage and estrogen control ... many overlook or underplay the importance of estrogen control while cutting ... even while on prop and tren, I can notice a difference in the speed of weight loss and the drier leaner look a good AI can make along with an anti-e...
  13. hangslo

    IP Test Susp/Prop mix...

    Now theres a thought ... I hope to be converting some test base into a solution soon ... hopefully at 50 - 100 mg per ml, that way I wont have to worry about clogging the pin ... :D BTW proud13, how'd the hell you get into sunny Fl, when today it is just plain ole FL with no sun? :confused...
  14. hangslo

    PGF2A administration ...

    they are not ...
  15. hangslo

    Your Steak?

    thats it! gotta love the ribeye ... medium rare to rare ...
  16. hangslo

    Body Opus Diet

    OK yeah, I got it ... I cant afford to carb up that much ... I only go 24 hours tops ... thanks
  17. hangslo

    Body Opus Diet

    bump ...
  18. hangslo

    Body Opus Diet

    Hey SM, I'm assuming that this is a schedule of your carb loads for 6 different weeks? ... either that or I suck at math! :D
  19. hangslo

    I look like Greg Valentino

    100 g prop powder makes 1000 ml of 100 mg/ml prop for just less that 150 bucks total ... thats a buck and a half per 10 ml ... thats why we do it ... and I control my own amounts of solvent ... :D ;)
  20. hangslo

    peanut butter lovers read this

    I just usually mix some honey in with my PB ... works like a champ ... but I might just have to try this stuff ... :D