Search results

  1. FlexX

    Puppy Pics....

    Agree with all of you about raising your dogs..but say what you want about Pitts - there is something about them that just commands respect when you are around them. If I told you the dog in my profile (<---- pic on the left) was totally harmless and you could grab him and wrestle him I'm sure a...
  2. FlexX

    First time on the Gear - Please help!!

    Nice reply - and yes I totally agree with you. Deffinately should wait. Would be good to know some more opinions etc.
  3. FlexX

    First time on the Gear - Please help!!

    Hey guys... I have a mate who is considering getting on the gear and was hoping some of the veterans here might be able to give me some feed back/advice to pass on. He said he is taking 2ml dynobol and stacking it with 2ml super test every week for 12 weeks. I told him to hold back as he is...
  4. FlexX

    My toys...

    Old... but any new pics Pump? Wouldn't mind seeing the new mods!
  5. FlexX

    Identifying fake steroids

    Thanks for that - you just convinced me that the risk is not worth it... I'll keep going natural with nat supplements. Thanks!!
  6. FlexX

    Temper, temper....

    Wish you could have tried that on my dog on the left here... <------------ You would have no more arms to lift weights or inject for that matter... Hit the table kick the shit out of your girls stereo but of all things... LEAVE THE DOG ALONE! :angry:
  7. FlexX

    Dating your freinds sister

    I think only if your going to get serious with her - if he is a true friend, then it's not worth fuc#ing up your friendship for a booty call with his sister. P.S I'm marrying three of my friends sister. (Was friends with her three bro's before we hooked up!):D
  8. FlexX

    Creatine Monohydrate Loading?

    Started taking this but have stopped now. I must have a reaction to this stuff - it makes me feel anxious and sometimes really pis$ed off!! Just going to have to stick with Natural for a while. (Funny thing is after feeling like this I have asked a few people I know in the gym and they have felt...
  9. FlexX

    The Gym

    Haha What a classic - what does he do for a living - stand up comedian? LMAO!!! Come to Sydney Carrie - I would love to feel that sore all week! It's a pain you learn to love!!! :)
  10. FlexX

    Creatine Monohydrate Loading?

    Hey All - just wandering if when starting up on a powder form of CM you should load up (Take it 3 to 4 times a day for a week) or just take it as per instructions - directly before working out?
  11. FlexX

    My Transformation

    Stunning - that is one hot bod sweety! Keep up the hard work!! ;)
  12. FlexX

    26 yrs 198lbs

    AND ONE MORE INCASE YOU MISSED THE OTHER THREE TIMES I ASKED THIS.... I basicly wanted to know what your training and diet regime is over a 6 month period. What do you train and how often per week - do you bulk up and then diet to get ripped or just work lean all the way? Also if it's not too...
  13. FlexX

    26 yrs 198lbs

    I basicly wanted to know what your training and diet regime is over a 6 month period. What do you train and how often per week - do you bulk up and then diet to get ripped or just work lean all the way? Also if it's not too personal a question, do you take any gear to help you. Also what...
  14. FlexX


    And where does skin cancer come into all of the methods above - which is less dangerous etc Not that I need a tan but just curious...
  15. FlexX

    Looks or personality

    You can't just choose one of these... I woudn't be with someone who had the best personality in the world and physically not appeal to me - there has to be some kind of attraction. And at the same time I wouldn't be with the hottest woman who had the personality of a rat either. So deffinately...
  16. FlexX

    26 yrs 198lbs

    Re: ? I basicly wanted to know what your training and diet regime is over a 6 month period. What do you train and how often per week - do you bulk up and then diet to get ripped or just work lean all the way? Also if it's not too personal a question, do you take any gear to help you. Also...
  17. FlexX

    26 yrs 198lbs

    Vander V - any chance we could get a response to some of the questions? Stats? Diet? You on/been on the gear? Thanks
  18. FlexX

    26 yrs 198lbs

    Looking awesome bro!!! How about some stats - and more importantly, what your travels have been to achieve such awesome results (Diet, gear, supplements etc) Well done mate!
  19. FlexX

    My toys...

    We want pics once the customising is done too! Very nice!
  20. FlexX

    Cardio / fat loss

    Also, SM, when your carb levels are near 0 in the morning why does it target stored fat instead of your muscles (or protein in muscles)? Cheers,