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  1. F

    anyone remember these anadrol

    Oh yeah I remember them. Lots of gains from them. I havent tried drol in a while, but I always liked them
  2. F

    New to this site

    Welcome to MC eddiez
  3. F

    Favorite movies

    Im shocked that nobody mentioned Braveheart.........that is my number one favorite movie. A few others Blade 1 and 2 Friday the 13th Halloween Nightmare on Elm street I love the old school horror which I grew up watching
  4. F

    It,s Myu Firt Time Posting Here.

    Good catch Flex:arcade:
  5. F

    New to the site

    Welcome to MC
  6. F


    Bump to those whom lost their lives for no good reason on that day 3 years ago
  7. F

    I'm Back

    Great to see you back Lord Odin. You may be leaving again soon with Ivan on the way
  8. F

    best Syringes to use

    Most people I know just order them over the internet. There are lots of places to order pins from
  9. F

    Powder Conversion Instructions

    Does anyone have it to make primo???
  10. F

    26 yrs 198lbs

    Good to see you over here Vander V. I havent seen much of you over on Pro muscle lately? Rea is looking great as always, and you need to bring her over here, she is an inspiration for all at her young age
  11. F

    Pride/UFC weekend

    One of the best UFC that I have seen. Lots and lots of knockouts
  12. F

    Does this mean I'm Gay!?!

    Ive been here for a few years jacked when MC was just starting out. I just lost my old original handle so I just decided to create a new one. Good to see your promotion over here bro along with Lord Odin.......but great choices
  13. F

    Favorite Shows?

    I would say my favorite on TV has to be Nip/Tuck. I also watch the Sunday night shows on HBO as well, 6ft under, Sopranos,ect. Also a series that was on Showtime called the Lword ( who dont love lesbians)
  14. F

    Ravens vs. Eagles

    Us EAGLES fans should be betting in Scrapple. I want to bet Cyphon 2lb of scrapple and I will take the Eagles
  15. F

    Does this mean I'm Gay!?!

    Just imagine if you had a dream about a man chasing you around a dept. store trying to kiss you on the neck..............If you had that dream and also turned down a young hottie at the gym.........I believe it can be determined that you maybe BI:D
  16. F

    CONGRATS to More New MC Reps!

    Great choices for the board presser
  17. F

    what do you weigh part II

    I started a mass cycle at the beginning of Oct. I am 5'5 and went from 192lbs up to 207lbs. I will be dieting down starting around the end of March for the summer. Hoping to come in at 190lbs at 8-10%bodyfat for the summer
  18. F

    Where do you live?

    Philly- the city of brotherly love