
  1. drtbear1967

    Arjuna - Heart Health

    Arjuna is a tree bark that has many medicinally benefits when it comes to cardiovascular health. As you know, some of the things bodybuilders take to build muscle can have deleterious effects on your heart health. There are several triterpenoids and polyphenols associated with the benefits of...
  2. drtbear1967


    GABA is a popular supplement many use to improve sleep and studies show that it may also boost growth hormone production! One side effect many have reported is weird dreams/nightmares so keep that in mind when you go to bed. - ◾️Study: Cavagnini, F., Invitti, C., Pinto, M., Maraschini, C., Di...
  3. D

    Muscle Chemistry Igf-1 LOG and Questions

    Bought 2 bottles of Igf-1 from muscle chemistry advanced supplement store. I was planning to use 20mcg a day for 50 days pining IM in chest, delts and arms. Package arrived fast and the bottles were in foil and tapped to an icepack which was still slightly cold to the touch. I was impressed by...
  4. Musclebeauty

    Creatine: The Must Have Supplement For Women

    Creatine? Yes, we’ve heard of it,*we’ve seen it, it’s a powder, its white, and guys take it to bulk, right? Thanks, I’ll pass. That’s probably the typical female reaction to this supplement, even for the mostdedicated gym rat. Why? Because the way it works is that, as it is explained to...
  5. Musclebeauty

    Peptides information

    Peptides*information. Peptides*are short polymers of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. They have the same peptide bonds as those in proteins, but are usually shorter in length. The shortest peptides are*called dipeptides. They consist of two amino acids joined by a single peptide bond. There...
  6. Musclebeauty

    Peptides information

    Peptides*information. Peptides*are short polymers of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. They have the same peptide bonds as those in proteins, but are usually shorter in length. The shortest peptides are*called dipeptides. They consist of two*amino acids joined by a single peptide bond. There...
  7. drtbear1967

    Orotic Acid - Possible replacement for Beta Alanie

    Orotic acid came on to the fitness scene in 2004, but for some reason or another is not in a lot of products. Orotic acid(OA) is a truly remarkable supplement. In the body, OA is an intermediate in the pyrimidine pathway which is responsible for making nucleotides(like in DNA/RNA). As far back...
  8. D

    First Try on MC Igf 1! What to expect and How to use Correctly

    Hello everyone, It`s my very first thread here... After reading a load of reviews I decided to give MC igf 1 a shot. I just bough 2 1mg Bottles. Question time... 1)Is the MC igf 1 already reconstituted with Acedic Acid or does it come in powder form ? 2)If it is readily reconstituted, is it...
  9. Presser

    Body Shaping & Volume Restoration: The Role of Hyaluronic Acid and its Applications In Bodybuilding

    Body Shaping and Volume Restoration: The Role of Hyaluronic Acid and its Applications In Bodybuilding Are Obvious at first glance. We arent just Body Building, but rather we are always trying to sculpt our physiques, Mold Our Muscles into the best possible shape we can. Hyaluronic Acid is...
  10. Presser

    Hyaluronic acid and Hypertrophy

    AbstractHyaluronic acid (HA) is a component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in most vertebrate tissues and is thought to play a significant role during development, wound healing, and regeneration. In vitro studies have shown that HA enhances muscle progenitor cell recruitment and inhibits...
  11. Presser

    Hydronics H20 or Hyaluronic Acid

    AbstractSkin aging is a multifactorial process consisting of two distinct and independent mechanisms: intrinsic and extrinsic aging. Youthful skin retains its turgor, resilience and pliability, among others, due to its high content of water. Daily external injury, in addition to the normal...
  12. big in vegas

    Anyone try E-Pharm Supplements from patrick Arnold?

    Pump Spray - Arginine Ursolic Acid Arginine ursolic acid is an enhanced version of a natural compound known as ursolic acid. You may have never heard of ursolic acid before, but take my word for it when I tell you that it has more potential to change the way your body looks and...
  13. A

    amino acid classification

    There are 4 commonly used classifications for amino acids. Three of them respectively differentiate between standard vs. non-standard amino acids, proteinogenic vs. non-proteinogenic amino acids” or their chemical properties. The most well-known way to classify amino acids is based on human...
  14. drtbear1967

    Lactic Acid to Gain Muscle

    themusclephd 🔹Lactic Acid is a large component of the metabolic stress that makes us gain muscle. Lactic acid is produced mainly when we use our muscle carb stores (glycogen) at very high levels and when our oxygen energy systems cant keep pace.This occurs with 30-90 seconds of all out work. -...
  15. drtbear1967

    Alpha Lipoic Acid and Insulin Sensitivity

    Alpha Lipoic acid is a mitochondrial fatty acid with really interesting properties. It's been extensively studied for a multitude of benefits, but perhaps the most applicable benefits are its use as an anti-oxidant and a tool to manage blood glucose levels/insulin sensitivity. It's been shown to...
  16. drtbear1967

    Ellagic Acid to lose fat.

    by Chris Shugart • Magazines love headlines like "Drink Red Wine for Health!" And wine mommies everywhere love to see such exclamatory headlines. While there are some health benefits to having a little booze, many of these benefits can be had without pounding back 1700 extra calories per week...
  17. drtbear1967

    Avoid the Sad Pecker Disease!!

    There are several health conditions that can cause erectile dysfunction, like heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and alcoholism. Men with a 42-inch waist or larger also experience Sad Pecker Syndrome 50% more often than guys with a 32-inch waist. But sometimes the problem can be caused...
  18. Iron Game

    FAT ATTACK: Eat Fat - Burn Fat

    Pull Quote: While some fats are more prone to be taken up by fat (adipose) cells and stored as body fat, others are more likely to alter metabolism to favor fat-burning. For many years doctors and nutritionists were steering people away from “dreaded” fat assuming that fat in the diet was...
  19. Iron Game

    Your Liver and the toxicity of oral steroids

    Some of you may already know this but this thread is to inform the misinformed about the toxicity of oral anabolic steroid use. I'm writing this thread because I was running anadrol @ 100mg ED and had to stop because my food wasn't digesting and led to becoming constipated, had really bad gas...
  20. Iron Game

    Anabolic Research On Orals & MCT Oil, Omega-6 & Taurine

    Anabolic Research On Orals & MCT Oil, Omega-6 & Taurine Orals With MCT Oil? How to get the most bioavailability (BV-the extent to which a compound can be used by the body) from your oral steroids is a common point of discussion. After all, anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are expensive— and...