
  1. F

    Anastrozole: Best ways to treat low testosterone

    When you buy steroids for sale like anastrozoles 1mg pills for sale you join thousands of other people who don’t want to go through withdrawal. Especially when it comes to low testosterone symptoms. As a result of a number of causes, it is one of the most prevalent problems. Usually, a man gets...
  2. F

    Finest Gears Anastrozole: Best ways to treat low testosterone

    When you buy steroids for sale like anastrozoles 1mg pills for sale you join thousands of other people who don’t want to go through withdrawal. Especially when it comes to low testosterone symptoms. As a result of a number of causes, it is one of the most prevalent problems. Usually, a man gets...
  3. yourmuscleshop

    Buy Arimidex (Anastrozole) Online

    Buy Arimidex Best pct cycle solution Low estrogen level Increase Muscle growth Kindly Visit: Your Muscle Shop for Health Products - Your Muscle Shop (We ship from USA within 24hrs)
  4. N

    Napsgear Fortune Favors The Bold. GP Test-E 250 50% Off Now!

    Geneza Pharmaceuticals Test-E 250 is on sale for 50% off Sale starts today until October 17, 2022 Buck up laddie. Fortune favors the bold. Be Bold with GP Test-E 250. Get yours here: GP Test-E 250 Are you sick of being Mr. Average? GP Test E will take you from Mr. Average to Superman in...
  5. N

    Napsgear Napsgear: It’s Swole Time! DP Sustanon 270 is 50% off NOW!

    Dragon Pharma Sustanon 270 is on sale for 50% off Sale starts today until October 3, 2022 Want to grow? Click here to shop: Dragon Pharma Sustanon 270 Bulking season is here. Are you prepared? Gain 10-20 pounds of muscle with no peaks or valleys with Dragon Pharma Sustanon 270. It’s the...
  6. N

    A Survey of 2,385 Steroid Users: Shocking Results

    Steroid users usually don't tell you they're taking steroids. Generally, they'd sooner confess to being cheaters, thieves, or even thumb suckers than admit that their hulking physiques are the consequence of anything other than hard work and significant nutrition knowledge. They won't even...
  7. Presser

    Anastrozole: How Bodybuilders Prevent Estrogen Side-Effects

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 22.5px;">Anastrozole: How Bodybuilders Prevent Estrogen Side-Effects </header>Today in Elite Fitness News we will be profiling Arimidex (anastrozole). A very powerful...
  8. Steroidify Rep

    Vote on these polls and pay half

    Vote on the following products and pay half. Poll #1: OXANDROLONE - Hilma Biocare OXA-MAX - Maxtreme Pharma ULTIMAOXA - Ultima Pharmaceuticals Poll #2: TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE - Hilma Biocare TESTO-CYPMAX - Maxtreme Pharma ULTIMACYP - Ultima Pharmaceuticals Poll #3: ANASTROZOLE - Hilma...
  9. A

    Chubby Army Veteran - first cycle - Test Prop and Winny

    I’m a 5’8 260 lb army veteran based in NYC who has been chubby/stocky most of my life and I’ve been eating healthy for a few months now and losing weight and then gaining it back. I have muscle under my fat and ordered my first cycle as follows. 3 x Test Prop 1002 x Stan 10 2 x Anastrozole I...
  10. Presser

    Basic Steroid Cycles For Cutting or Bulking

    The term Steroid Cycles refers to the periodic use of anabolic/androgenic steroids (AAS), typically for muscle-building purposes. AAS are not medically approved to promote excessive muscle mass gains (bodybuilding) or improve athletic performance. Aside from early experimentation on athletes by...
  11. Presser

    Arimidex (Anastrozole) For Men

    Arimidex (Anastrozole) For Men by Ben Presser – Arimidex (anastrozole) liquid form for oral use generally named Aqua-Dex or Liquidex. Be sure to know which is which as some brands will call their oral Nolvadex either aqua-dex or liquidex. If your milligram per milliliter is 40mg/ml then you...
  12. Presser

    Testosterone - LH and FSH. ATD (3,17-dioxo-etiochol-1,4,6-triene)

    <h1>Testosterone - LH and FSH. ATD (3,17-dioxo-etiochol-1,4,6-triene)</h1> S.A.R.M. Site Specific Androgen Receptor Modulation – Get Big, Stay BigRecently many readers have been writing in asking questions about how to use one of the hottest new supplements to hit the market – ATD...
  13. gandhisays

    Preventing Estrogen Side-Effects with Anastrozole aka Arimidex

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 18px;">Preventing Estrogen Side-Effects with Anastrozole aka Arimidex </header>MuscleChemistry Arimidex (anastrozole) profile. A very powerful drug that has been...
  14. H

    Adding Anastrozole (Arimidex) to Cycle

    *Posting on behalf of a close friend, I am personally on PCT, his words below* I am on tri-test 400mg / 200mg tren per week (split into 2 jabs, 0.5ml of each mixed in each jab) and anavar (1x50mg in the morning with breakfast). My only side effect, which I have had before, is when I wake up...
  15. drtbear1967

    A Dummies guide to Steroids

    I've never done steroids before, but I'm thinking of giving them a go. I'll probably be using orals since they're safer, plus I'm not exactly ready to wrap tubing around my arm and start poking around for a vein! Anyway, I was wondering how many pills I should take. Thanks! Tom I know, I know...
  16. S

    Masteron as an Anti-Estrogen?

    “Dromostanolone has some reputation for anti-estrogenic activity, but in actuality this effect is fairly subtle. If due to use of aromatizing steroids a steroid cycle would produce substantially excessive levels of estrogen, adding Masteron to the cycle will not fix that. Instead, an...
  17. Presser

    Oral Steroid Recipe Compounding for Anadrol, Anavar, Clomid Proviron, Stanozolol

    Oral Liquid RecipesFor each hormone I listed ingredients needed. For the procedure scroll down. Anadrol: Highest concentration made - 50mg/ml Per 1 gram of Oxymetholone you will need: 8.4 ml's of PEG 300 10.5 ml's 190 Proof Grain Alcohol Anavar: Highest concentration made - 20mg/ml Per...
  18. drtbear1967


    Omnadren <!-- .comments-link --> <!-- .entry-header --> Omnadren® 250 (in its original formulation), was an oilbased injectable testosterone blend that contained four different testosterone esters: testosterone propionate (30 mg); testosterone...
  19. drtbear1967

    Men Need to Keep Estrogen in Check!!

    Men Must Know Their Estrogen LevelsEvery adult male needs to know what his estrogen levels are. His health may depend on it, his appearance may depend on it, his emotional wellbeing may depend on it, and his ability to procreate may depend on it. In fact, his very life may depend on knowing...
  20. drtbear1967

    Keep the Muscle and Drop the Fat

    by Mike Arnold In attempting to define the bodybuilding physique there are two physical characteristics that stand out above all the rest. One of these is extreme muscular development. As the calling card for bodybuilders worldwide, an exaggerated level of muscle mass is usually the first...