
  1. Iron Game

    Steroid Corner - Side Effects of Aromatase Inhibitors

    Steroid Corner - Side Effects of Aromatase InhibitorsMost bodybuilders who use anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) have used an aromatase inhibitor to prevent the otherwise inevitable estrogen excess that accompanies the use of supraphysiologic dosing of testosterone and other aromatizable AAS...
  2. E

    Aqua-dex dosing?

    I've only ever used Anastrozole. That I have been dosing at 0.25 mg 2x per week, usually along with my 2x per week shot of test cyp. I'm about to switch over to Aqua-dex. What would be a good dose to start with to try to get the same effect as the Anastrozole?
  3. Iron Game

    Masteron - Anti-Estrogen Use

    by Mike Arnold These days, the use of Aromatase Inhibitors has become commonplace and with good reason. As a whole, they are a potent category of drugs, capable of effectively managing systematic estrogen levels even when using excessive amounts of aromatizable steroids. Prior to the advent of...
  4. Masher59

    Steroid Use Over 40

    Anabolic Steroid Use Over Age Forty All Articles, Mike Arnold January 29, 2015 by Mike Arnold At some point during adulthood, the reality of our mortality begins to sink in, leading us to contemplate the consequences of our actions and re-evaluate our priorities. For most of us, this...
  5. Iron Game

    Time To Upgrade Your PCT

    Is Traditional PCT Obsolete? by Mike Arnold Post Cycle Therapy has become such an integral part of the cycling BB’rs program that its inclusion is automatically accepted and rarely questioned. While there is no doubt that traditional PCT has a lot to offer, its one-sided approach is rather...
  6. Iron Game

    Arimidex Improves Test Lasting Ability

    Arimidex Improves Test Lasting Ability by Anthony Roberts Most steroid users are at least somewhat aware of Arimidex (anastrozole). When it was first being studies for the purpose of reducing estrogen in women with breast cancer, it was prohibitively expensive at $5 for a single...
  7. Iron Game


    Anabolics 101 - Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) Description Deca-Durabolin is an injectable form of the anabolic steroid nandrolone. Nandrolone is very similar to testosterone in structure, although it lacks a carbon atom at the 19th position (hence its other name, 19-nortestosterone)...
  8. Iron Game


    ANABOLICS 101 - ANDRIOL (TESTOSTERONE UNDECANOATE) Anabolics 101 - Andriol (Testosterone Undecanoate) Description Andriol® is an oral testosterone preparation that contains testosterone undecanoate (in an oil base) in a soft gelatin capsule. This drug is very different than most oral...
  9. Iron Game

    Grow Even When Off Anabolic Steroids! Parts 1 & 2

    Grow Even When Off Steroids! Parts 1 & 2 PART 1 by Dharkam Forward: This two-part series introduces a secret anabolic agent which has been used by elite European athletes for a few years. We present the series for information only. Nothing in this series is intended to take the place of...
  10. Iron Game

    Combating Estrogens and Progesterone

    Estrogens and progesterone are two hormones responsible for female characteristics. They can be produced as a side effect of anabolic steroid use when they convert (aromatise) into these hormones. Both are responsible for some of the side effects of steroid use, eg gyno (gynecomastia - female...
  11. Dean Destructo

    Comparison Trial of Clomiphene Citrate and Anastrozole in Raising Testosterone

    <abstracttext label="AIM" nlmcategory="OBJECTIVE">Clomiphene citrate (CC) and anastrozole (AZ) have been used off label to increasetestosterone (T) in hypogonadal infertile men (HIM). Both medications have been shown to increase T with different effects on estradiol (E2) and T-to-E2 ratios...
  12. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroid Use For People Sensitive to Gyno

    By Bill Roberts Q: “I did a cycle of trenbolone 50 mg/day and Dianabol 25 mg/day. I ordered letrozole to use as an anti-aromatase but it did not arrive. I just went ahead as I understand that very commonly that when no testosterone is used, 25 mg/day Dianabol can be gotten away with. I stopped...
  13. Iron Game

    Half Life of Anabolic Steroids and other PEDs - Another

    Bill Philips Q: “I would like to know the real half lives of the most popular anabolic steroids, T3, clenbuterol, and anti-estrogens. Can you post the half lives, because there are so many different half-lives in the Internet?” A: It’s common for published values to be different, because...
  14. A

    anastrozole for sale no prescription

    I got Iron-Banned
  15. Iron Game

    Adex for Gyno AKA Aqua-Dex

    Q: I would like information about using Arimidex for moderate gynecomastia secondary to lipodistrophy. Dosage 2mg? A: Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male breast resulting from a growth of the glandular tissue of the breast. Gynecomastia is defined clinically by the presence of a...
  16. Iron Game

    Stacking Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

    Q: What is the premise of stacking and what anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can be stacked? A: The concept of stacking dates back decades, essentially to the beginning of non-medical anabolic steroid use. These drugs were used medically long before athletes began to utilize them for...
  17. Presser

    Rich Piana Get big as Fuck Steroid Cycle. LMAO or as I like to call it, the entire steroid half life chart

    Rich Piana recently published the details of his next anabolic steroid cycle in two Instagram posts on December 10, 2015. He called it the “get BIG as FUCK” steroid cycle program. Within a couple of days, the posts each received almost 5,000 likes and another 1,000 comments. Judging by the...
  18. Presser

    A New League of U.S. Steroid Users by Rick Collins 2016

    In 2005, an ambitious psychology graduate student named Jason Cohen contacted me to ask for help. Jay, now Dr. Cohen, wanted to conduct an online survey of adult Americans who are using anabolic steroids non-medically. He was concerned that potential distrust among the target population might...
  19. Presser

    How to come off steroids with HCG, Anti-aromatase, Cytadren, Anastrozole. IGF-1 could favorably replace both insulin and HGH for muscle retention

    Is it useful to cycle steroids? After a while, steroids lose part of their muscle building properties. You then face the following dilemma: either increase the dosage at the risk of suffering more and more side effects or simply stop the drug for some time. In that case, you may lose some if not...
  20. HackTwat

    Anti-Estrogens and Aromatase Inhibitors: Letro, Adex, Etc.

    A Look into the Most Commonly Used Anti-Estrogens and Aromatase Inhibitors <!-- Facebook Like Button v1.9.6 BEGIN [] --><IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; MARGIN: 2px 0px; WIDTH: 450px; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; HEIGHT: 30px...