
  1. B

    is my PCT thinking correct?

    hey guys, I would like your thought/advice on my thoughts for my PCT Cycle: 350mg TEST E Every Week for 8 week cycle 30mg EPI ED for about two more weeks, until I run out milk thistle multivitamin ED Liver support keep diet on point PCT: take 500IU of HCG ED for 10 days before I start PCT...
  2. Ox 51

    Arimidex PCT Arimidex for estrogen. Anastrozole arimidex

    Arimidex (Anastrozole) Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor (AI), a drug that works by blocking the aromatase enzyme responsible for the production of estrogen. In clinical use, Arimidex is primarily administered to halt the progression of breast cancer in women. In athletics and...
  3. Ox 51

    Arimidex Profile

    Arimidex (Anastrozole) Arimidex is an aromatase inhibitor (AI), a drug that works by blocking the aromatase enzyme responsible for the production of estrogen. In clinical use, Arimidex is primarily administered to halt the progression of breast cancer in women. In athletics and...