
  1. drtbear1967

    The Truth About Drugs In Sports

    The Truth About Drugs in Sports by Josh Hodnik Bonds, Clemens, and Armstrong have become synonymous with steroid use in sports. Any time a high profile athlete is accused of using any performance enhancing drug, the story is plastered...
  2. Iron Game

    Estrogen in Men

    Increased T/E ratio in men When testosterone levels are normal, and a man is experiencing signs of andropause, the hormonal culprit is usually estrogen (and chemicals that mimic the actions of estrogen), the female hormone. Both men and women have specific amounts of estrogen in their bodies...
  3. C

    **Cialis and Your Testosterone / Estrogen Ratio**

    Your Testosterone Estrogen Ratio Remember those chem lab days. Well, if you do, you may remember that sometimes the concentration of a solvent or chemical is more important than the absolute amount of the same. What I remember even more is getting kicked solidly inthe right buttock by my 8th...
  4. drtbear1967

    Burn Fat With Every Cup You Drink

    Burn Fat With Every Cup You Drink Drink 3 cups of this a day and you could lose 14 pounds of fat in a year. Here's the science. by TC Luoma Green tea, made from the steeped leaves of camellia sinensis, allegedly benefits almost every organ system in the body. It may be cardioprotective...
  5. Iron Game

    Dave Palumbo's Cut Diet

    IntroductionDeveloped for use by bodybuilders, the ketogenic diet is an effective method of losing fat rapidly while preserving muscle mass. One variation of this diet is the Palumbo Keto Diet, which follows a very rigid diet plan at specific intervals. Note that any keto diet must be followed...
  6. drtbear1967

    Androgen Receptors Explained

    Androgen Receptors Explained by Anthony Roberts One of the most peculiar things about the steroid community, and in particular, the online steroid community, is the ongoing level of misinformation about the androgen receptor and the...
  7. drtbear1967

    The Fad Diet Dilemma

    The Fad Diet Dilemma by Josh Hodnik We are now in a time where convenience rules and patience has become something of the past. With today’s technology many things are done with the push of a button. Tasks that used to take physical...
  8. Iron Game

    Clenbuterol (Clen) FAQ - Aqua-Burn

    Compliments of Andy13 Clenbuterol FAQ: Everything you need to know about Clen I wrote this because of all the confusion that surrounds this drug. Enjoy. What is Clenbuterol? Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist and is used in many countries as a broncodilator for the treatment of asthma...
  9. Iron Game

    Clenbuterol (Clen) FAQ -

    Compliments of Andy13 Clenbuterol FAQ: Everything you need to know about Clen I wrote this because of all the confusion that surrounds this drug. Enjoy. What is Clenbuterol? Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist and is used in many countries as a broncodilator for the treatment of asthma...
  10. J

    new ephederine at pct-shop

    Product Description<br /> <br /> How Does Ephedrine Relate To Ephedra And Ephedra Alkaloids?<br /> <br /> Ephedra is a genus of plants which includes numerous species. Some, such as E. sinica, E. equisetina, and E. intermedia contain ephedra alkaloids in amounts sufficient to be useful for fat...
  11. drtbear1967

    Huperzine A - Profile

    theguerillachemist<!-- react-text: 57 --> <!-- /react-text -->Huperzine A is an all natural nootropic molecule that is commonly found in many top selling cognitive enhancement products. It works by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down the neurotransmitter...
  12. C

    **Cialis (Aqua-Alis) and Your Testosterone / Estrogen Ratio**

    Your Testosterone Estrogen Ratio Remember those chem lab days. Well, if you do, you may remember that sometimes the concentration of a solvent orchemical is more important than the absolute amount of the same. What I remember even more is getting kicked solidly inthe right buttock by my 8th...
  13. C

    **Cialis (Aqua-Alis) and Your Testosterone / Estrogen Ratio**

    Your Testosterone Estrogen Ratio Remember those chem lab days. Well, if you do, you may remember that sometimes the concentration of a solvent orchemical is more important than the absolute amount of the same. What I remember even more is getting kicked solidly inthe right buttock by my 8th...
  14. Chocolate Rain

    Cheating Drug Tests in Sports

    Below are the 19 most known methods of cheating in efforts to pass a drug test within todays sporting world. <tbody> 19 Methods of Cheating (in alphabetical order): 1. Biosimilars 11. Micro-dosing (a, b) 2. Blood transfusion (a, b) 12. Perma Cleanse 3. Catheterization 13. Probenecid...
  15. G

    For everybody who considering Epistane cycle (This Is My 6 Weeks Review)

    Hello guys, first, sorry for my English, its not my native language. I*train about 7 years and this winter I had my fourth cycle ever (1st in 2013 - Havoc, 2nd in 2015 - HDrol and 3rd in spring 2016 - SARM LGD4033, which was totally fail). I decided to try Epistane this winter, because my...
  16. Muscle mechanic

    What are our measurements???

    I hear lots of opinions and goals in fitness and working out for muscle. I have found what works best for me and my life can bend to allow me to realistically incorporate. I can 't afford all supplements I would like to use. I often choose gear that I can afford as well biggest bang for buck. I...
  17. Chocolate Rain

    WADA- Carbohydrates The Master Fuel

    Carbohydrates A diet rich in carbohydrates increases endurance performance because of the extra store of carbohydrates in the muscles and liver, called glycogen. Work completed in the early 1980’s by David Costill at Ball State University showed that if athletes did not consume a diet high in...
  18. Chocolate Rain

    Steroids and Sports Quick Facts

    <tbody> Athletes have used extreme measures to attempt to cheat on urine drug tests, such as inserting a catheter into their penises and filling their bladders with drug-free urine, wearing a special holding bag full of clean urine attached to a prosthetic penis, and pouring whiskey into the...
  19. Chocolate Rain

    Nutrition Timing

    Left to Right-- Least important to most important <tbody> Carbohydrate Non-fasted, low-moderate intensity resistance training under 1 hr Post overnight fasted training Continuous training lasting 90-120 min. Training involving more than one glycogen depleting session in a day...ex...
  20. Iron Game


    CREATINE MONOHYDRATE Lift More Weight, Build More Muscle* CREATINE MONOHYDRATE SUPPORTS SIZE & STRENGTH GAINS* If you're training hard daily, proper nutrition and supplementation are essential. Building muscle takes a lot of work. In the gym, you get out what you put in, so maximum effort...