
  1. Iron Game

    Bill Roberts: 2-on, 4-off Steroid Cycle

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">The 2-On, 4-Off Steroid Cycle: A Case Study By Bill Roberts </header>The previous report made of results seen from the 2-on, 4-off cycle did not include any blood work, nor were there...
  2. drtbear1967

    DAC or no DAC

    <!-- react-text: 39 -->CDP-choline is part of an emerging class of molecules known as nootropics, which are designed to improve cognitive function. CDP-choline acts as a choline donor, which is then converted into Acetylcholine(ACh). ACh is a neurotransmitter that is found in your central...
  3. Iron Game

    Rest Pause Training - Boost Your Training Intensity

    Go to any gym these days and you see most trainees doing an endless number of reps all in the hopes of attaining the oh-so elusive and fleetingly short pump. Blame it on Arnold who, years ago in the movie "Pumping Iron," said that getting a pump was as good as coming, or, in Arnold-ese, comink...
  4. Presser

    Ephedrine HCL the Thermogenic Bronchial Dilator effective with Caffeine & Aspirin. FREE GIVEAWAY

    For those of you who prefer Ephedrine HCl over clenbuterol , and like to use it in conjunction with Caffeiene and Aspirin as a thermogenic fat burner were GIVING 1 FREE Pack Away with IGF-1 Lr3 orders. Visit us @
  5. J

    Another option when building muscle?

    Supplement with lactic acid and caffeine makes athletes' muscles bigger If you and I even vaguely resemble the lab rats that sports scientists at Ritsumeikan University in Japan use for their experiments, then it would seem that we can build up more muscle by taking a supplement that contains...
  6. J

    Anavar + Caffeine = more Definitely going to try this out.
  7. Dean Destructo

    The effect of caffeine and albuterol on body composition

    <abstracttext label="OBJECTIVE" nlmcategory="OBJECTIVE">Caffeine and ephedrine was an effective combination therapy for weight loss until ephedrine was removed from the market due to safety concerns. This study investigated the combination of caffeine and albuterol as a possibly safer...
  8. Dean Destructo

    Pre-exercise yohimbine may enhance the efficacy of fat loss strategy by boosting lipolysis.

    The natural alpha-2 antagonist yohimbine promotes sympathetic activity by central as well as peripheral mechanisms, and yet in moderate doses dose not usually raise heart rate, increase blood pressure, or induce anxiety (in contrast to sympathomimetic drugs such as ephedrine). Administered prior...
  9. Iron Game


    DRAGON OVERRIDE® "The Strongest Preworkout ever Developed !" This super concentrated new formula delivers a big powerful energy, focus, pump, vasodilation and 20% increase on strength*. -With Carnosyn® and AgmaPure® -Energy* Pump* Focus* -400 mg Caffeine. -With Synephrine HCL, Higenamine HCL...
  10. camthman

    Been doing some "Brain Hacking" with success!

    I wasn't exactly sure where to post this but here goes it! I have been doing some research with two products from as of recently and wanted to post my results. First is the Product "Noopept" I have became a HUGE fan of this nootropic and it has honestly made my everyday life way...
  11. Iron Game

    Grow Even When Off Anabolic Steroids! Parts 1 & 2

    Grow Even When Off Steroids! Parts 1 & 2 PART 1 by Dharkam Forward: This two-part series introduces a secret anabolic agent which has been used by elite European athletes for a few years. We present the series for information only. Nothing in this series is intended to take the place of...
  12. Iron Game

    Thyroid Hormone for Weight Loss: Physiologic and Metabolic Effects T3 - T4

    Thyroid Hormone for Weight Loss: Physiologic and Metabolic Effects by Nandi Introduction It has been over 100 years since the discovery by Magnus-Levy that thyroid hormones play a central role in energy homeostasis, and 75 years since the hormones were first used for weight loss. Despite...
  13. Iron Game

    Sustanon And It’s Use

    Sustanon And It’s Use Sustanon. Every BBer in the world knows the name. Every “noob” has to try it. But is it a good choice for BBers? Not really. Unless you know what you’re doing and even then you would likely have better and more stable results with less expensive and easier to maintain...
  14. Dean Destructo

    Twelve weeks supplementation with an extended-release caffeine and ATP-enhancing supplement may improve body composition

    Increased ATP levels may enhance training-induced muscle accretion and fat loss, and caffeine is a known ergogenic aid. A novel supplement containing ancient peat and apple extracts has reported enhanced mitochondrial ATP production and it has been coupled with an extended-release caffeine...
  15. Dean Destructo

    Mixed lactate and caffeine compound increases satellite cell activity and anabolic signals for muscle hypertrophy.

    We examined whether a mixed lactate and caffeine compound (LC) could effectively elicit proliferation and differentiation of satellite cells or activate anabolic signals in skeletal muscles. We cultured C2C12 cells with either lactate or LC for 6 h. LC significWe found that lactate...
  16. Iron Game

    The Implications of Cortisol Release

    By: David Robson To increase muscle size and correspondingly reduce body fat one needs to ensure that all aspects of the bodybuilding lifestyle are adhered to. Essentially, a correct bodybuilding lifestyle could be best described as a complex balancing act, and to complicate matters further...
  17. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroids and Kidney Function

    Anabolic Steroids and Kidney Function An interview with Leal Herlitz, M.D. July 15, 2010 by Jerry Brainum in Hormones, Nutrition, Nutrition Science Although anabolic steroid users rarely experience serious side effects, it could happen. Whether it does depends on several factors, the most...
  18. S

    My experience with injecting ephedrine hcl

    I bought some ephedrine hcl from pct-shop last week. My first plan was to inj. 25mg/.5ml before my 6 mile run in the a.m. Then another 25mg before the gym. Valkyrie was trying to explain it being a more clean feeling with no jitters. That's exactly what it's like. I hate that jitter feeling...
  19. Masher59

    Take advantage of the post workout window

    THE AFTERBURN EFFECT: TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE POST-WORKOUT WINDOW! 0 Unless you've been living under a rock, you've certainly heard about the post-workout �window of opportunity.� The two- to three-hour period after a hard lift is an almost magical time, when your body is primed to build muscle...
  20. akn

    Cialis and your Prostate: Understanding Prostate Issues, Prevention & Treatment

    Introduction Prostate health in men is often dismissed or overlooked. Lots of folks are working towards healthy blood counts and liver values, but the fact is that your prostate gland is highly affected. This may not be a big deal to you, but a lot of concern will be raised once you understand...