
  1. D

    Cholesterol meds on cycle

    Has anyone used cholesterol meds while on cycle to keep levels at a good range?
  2. drtbear1967

    Get in the Water!!!

    The Importance of Water for the Bodybuilder We know already that 70% of the Earth is covered in water. Even a significant portion of land on this planet is covered in ice which is water that is frozen. We’ve been told that drinking X amount of 8oz. glasses a day for optimum health is...
  3. gandhisays

    Single dose testosterone increases total cholesterol levels and induces the expression of HMG CoA Reductase

    BackgroundCholesterol is mainly synthesised in liver and the rate-limiting step is the reduction of 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) to mevalonate, a reaction catalysed by HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR). There is a comprehensive body of evidence documenting that anabolic-androgenic...
  4. D


    What’s your opinion on cholesterol levels, medicine, diet etc. I’ve read some contradicting things. Like there is no correlation between high and normal levels with heart attack’s and strokes. I’ve heard that the only diet related cause that will raise it is trans fats and processed garbage and...
  5. drtbear1967

    Androsteron - Compared to Thyroid Hormones

    theguerillachemist Androsterone is a naturally occurring androgen, similar in structure to DHT, only differing in the position of the 3-hydroxy group is alpha(below the ring) vs the normal beta(above the ring). Bc of this, androsterone is a relatively weak androgen, approximately 1/7th the...
  6. B

    Looking for assistance with correcting cholesterol while on cycle

    Hey all, It seems my LDL/HDL profile is in the shitter! Got my cholesterol checked by my GP and the LDL/HDL numbers are ugly: Cholesterol: 211 HDL: 25 LDL: 163 Triglycerides: 116 Now my Doc wants me to go on Lipitor. Don't like the look of those sides! I've been running gear for the past 3...
  7. Iron Game

    TRT - Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Women

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Women Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands in women. Although typically associated with being a male hormone, a decline in testosterone levels can affect women as well. Of major concern among health care...
  8. drtbear1967

    Anavar - What You Need to Know!!

    AnavarAnavar is a popular anabolic steroid that while often considered mild is quite powerful. The mild classification many tend to give it is due to its extremely high threshold of toleration. Both men and women can normally tolerate this steroid fairly well. In fact, this is the single most...
  9. Iron Game

    Cardarine (GW-501516), Tren and Burning Fat by Sarm Sciences

    Cardarine (GW-501516) aka Endurobol, Tren and Burning Fat Q) Is Endurobolic GW aka Cardarine a fat burner like Aqua-Burn and Cyto-Burn? A) . Endurobolic GW a.k.a. Cardarine GW-501516 dosent actually stimulate your metabolism like Aqua-Burn and Cyto-Burn. It increases preferential lipid...
  10. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroids 101 - Primobolan Depot

    Description Primobolan Depot is an injectable version of the steroid methenolone. This is the same constituent in Primobolan orals (methenolone acetate), although here an enanthate ester is used to slow the steroid’s release from a site of injection. Methenolone enanthate offers a similar...
  11. Iron Game

    Anabolics - Post Cycle Recovery

    Anabolics - Post Cycle Recovery Post-Cycle Recovery: How Long? When we discuss the side effects associated with steroid use, it is accurate to note that many of them (not all) are temporary. For example, oily skin, acne and increased water retention are all common side effects during a...
  12. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroids 101 - Oral Androgen Proviron

    Anabolics 101 - Featuring Oral Androgen Proviron Description Provironis Bayer’s brand name for the oral androgen mesterolone (1-methyl dihydrotestosterone). Similar to dihydrotestosterone, mesterolone is a strong androgen with only a weak level of anabolic activity. It is not regarded as a...
  13. Iron Game


    GW 501516 (CARDARINE) THE PERFORMANCE ENHANCER By Iron-Game Cardarine A.K.A. GW 501516 is usually grouped in the class of a SARM or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator but it is actually a PPAR-delta agonist (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors). The reason for the confusion is...
  14. Iron Game


    GW 501516 (CARDARINE) THE PERFORMANCE ENHANCER By Iron-Game Cardarine A.K.A. GW 501516 is usually grouped in the class of a SARM or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator but it is actually a PPAR-delta agonist (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors). The reason for the confusion is...
  15. Iron Game


    ANABOLICS 101 - FEATURING SUSTANON 250 Written by William Llewellyn Description Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable testosterone blend that contains four different testosterone esters: testosterone propionate (30 mg); testosterone phenylpropionate (60 mg); testosterone isocaproate (60...
  16. C


    Trenbolone is an illegal anabolic steroid that is widely known for its ability to incredibly increase muscle mass and increase fat loss, it was, after all, developed to drastically increase the size of cattle. It is one of, if not the strongest anabolic steroid in the world and while it can...
  17. C


    Trenbolone is an illegal anabolic steroid that is widely known for its ability to incredibly increase muscle mass and increase fat loss, it was, after all, developed to drastically increase the size of cattle. It is one of, if not the strongest anabolic steroid in the world and while it can...
  18. Iron Game


    TURINABOL (CHLORODEHYDROMETHYLTESTOSTERONE) Description Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, the generic name for the more recognized brand Oral Turinabol, is a potent derivative of Dianabol. This oral steroid is structurally a cross between methandrostenolone and clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone)...
  19. Iron Game


    Written by William Llewellyn Masteron (drostanolone propionate) Description Masteron, the most recognized trade name for drostanolone propionate, is an injectable anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Here, the DHT backbone has been modified with a 2-methyl group to...
  20. Iron Game

    Finding The Balance Between Bodybuilding Progress and Health

    by Mike Arnold “Bodybuilding isn’t about health” is a statement uttered frequently by today’s BB’ing enthusiasts. Yet, as a byproduct of the physical culture movement, its practice was rooted in a philosophy which placed health above all else. Throughout the first few decades of the sport, this...