
  1. 3J

    Anabolic Food by 3J

    Anabolic Foods By 3J It’s a very sad fact that most of the worldwide population doesn’t have a fundamental amount of knowledge when it comes down to nutrition. When you think about it, what we are taught in school doesn’t really apply towards living our day to day lives. Our...
  2. Iron Game


    ANABOLICS 101 - ORAL STEROID FLUOXYMESTERONE Written by William Llewellyn Anabolics 101 - Fluoxymesterone Description Fluoxymesterone is an oral anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. More specifically, it is a methyltestosterone derivative, differing by the addition of 11-beta-hydroxy...
  3. Iron Game

    Medical Supervision of Individuals Using Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids

    by Bryan Haycock Since the Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 became law on November 29, 1990, physicians have struggled with the ethics of becoming involved with patients using anabolic steroids. There are serious repercussions for doctors’ accused of prescribing anabolic steroids to...
  4. 3J

    PCT Specific Dieting: Nutrition for Faster Recovery by 3J

    The PCT Specific Diet: Why Many People Fail in Post Cycle Therapy By 3J Today I would like to discuss a very important topic that seems to be overlooked by most amateur steroid users, post cycle therapy nutrition. Having been a nutritionist on steroid forums for almost a...
  5. Masher59

    The Perfect Muscle Food

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">The Perfect Muscle FoodGet some hard-boiled bodybuilding gains from eggs. <iframe name="f2e390bcbc" width="55px" height="1000px" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" title="fb:like Facebook Social...
  6. akn

    Real-life Experience of Continuous Long-term Testosterone Therapy

    While it is well documented that testosterone levels decline in aging men, recent studies show that in some cases obesity and impaired general health can be more influential causes of testosterone deficiency than chronological age and aging per se.[1, 2] Here I present real-life results from a...
  7. Iron Game

    Positive Effects of AAS on the Heart

    Positive Effects of AAS on the Heart by Doug Kalman MS, RD Steroids will cause your kidneys to implode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon. We read it on the Internet and saw an after school special...
  8. Iron Game

    Testosterone and the heart

    Testosterone and the heart Testosterone is responsible for men's deep voices, increased muscle mass, and strong bones. It also has crucial effects on male behavior, contributing to aggressiveness, and it is essential for the sex drive and normal sexual performance. Although testosterone acts...
  9. Iron Game

    Test Enanthate Only Cycle?

    Q: I have two 10ml bottles of testosterone enanthate (200mg/ml). Is this enough for a cycle? I read that you should always use testosterone as a base, but that you need to stack it with other drugs too. How do you feel about a testosterone only cycle like this? A: Two bottles of testosterone...
  10. Iron Game

    Long Term Anavar Cycle

    Q: How long can I stay on a low dose (25mg) of Anavar? I cannot find a correct legitimate answer anywhere! 6-8-10-12 weeks?? I know Anavar is used in treating AIDS patients from muscle wasting…so what is the max for “healthy” males and females? A: In the context of this discussion, “maximum”...
  11. Iron Game

    Pomegrante juice for Pre-Workout

    "Free radicals in your body enhance the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein – the “bad” cholesterol – to form plaque that can clog your arteries. Antioxidants present in the pomegranate fruit can protect your arteries by preventing the conversion of cholesterol into plaque. Drinking pomegranate...
  12. 3J

    Eggs.. no they are not bad for you

    Ive heard alot of nonsense about eggs and their supposed negative health impacts due to cholesterol.. here is a study done to show that eating eggs actually benefit health AbstractPURPOSE:<abstracttext label="PURPOSE" nlmcategory="OBJECTIVE">Patients with metabolic syndrome (MBS) have an...
  13. Iron Game

    AndroGel Profile (Transdermal Testosterone)

    (Transdermal Testosterone) AndroGel is a transdermal testosterone cream that is primarily used in male hormone replacement therapy (HRT) plans, specifically testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) plans. In recent years AndroGel has become one of the most popular forms of TRT largely due to its...
  14. PUMPED

    FINALLY US goverment longstanding warnings about cholesterol

    The nation’s top nutrition advisory panel has decided to drop its caution about eating cholesterol-laden food, a move that could undo almost 40 years of government warnings about its consumption. The group’s finding that cholesterol in the diet need no longer be considered a “nutrient of...
  15. 3J

    Macro/Micro nutrients explained.. must read!!

    THIS IS AN AMAZING READ.. GOTTA GIVE CREDIT TO DIABOLIC.... NUTRIENTS & WHERE TO FIND 'EM This thread is meant as a quick reference guide to explain briefly what nutrients are and the main sources of them. It isnt an in depth discussion about nutrients or any aspects of them, simply a...
  16. Iron Game

    Tren acetate, Cardarine (GW) and Andarine. N2 Guard SARMs

    Bulking season is upon us and many people are planning on adding mass, but what about those who aren’t looking to go on an all out assault to get swole and thick? I talk to many people who have a wide array of goals and not everyone is looking to bulk during the traditional fall period. Maybe...
  17. Iron Game

    Trenbolone, Cardarine (GW) and Cardio. Tren and SARMs

    Bulking season is upon us and many people are planning on adding mass, but what about those who aren’t looking to go on an all out assault to get swole and thick? I talk to many people who have a wide array of goals and not everyone is looking to bulk during the traditional fall period. Maybe...
  18. Presser

    Blood Work Results FAQ reading and understanding number ranges

    Understanding and deciphering Blood Panel Test, Blood Work Results Understanding High, Low and Normal Number Ranges Review your lab test results Overview Glucose Electrolytes Waste Products Enzymes Proteins Blood Fats Minerals Thyroid Glycohemoglobin CBC Risk Factors Urinalysis Overview...
  19. mroldguy

    Amino Acids and cholesterol

    Studies show that the amino acid arginine lowers cholesterol levels around 10% To find out what influence the amino acid arginine has on the cardiovascular system, 45 people between the ages of 67 and 82 were administered arginine daily. After a specified time period the cholesterol levels in...
  20. D

    Egg white vs yolk

    Now that you know that cholesterol in food (dietary cholesterol) isnot a bad thing, you might be interested to learn about the benefits of eating egg yolks versus egg whites. In fact, other than for some extra proteins, egg whites are pretty much useless and can even cause problems for some...