
  1. Powderguy

    Winny cycle and blood work

    So I did a last cycle of tren, winny, igf, and test prop. I ran my winny 8 weeks, tren and test prop 10 and igf still on. So blood work to start was normal ranges, all was good BP was 120/68 cholesterol was 174 liver values were normal 10 weeks later with a clean diet and of course exercise...
  2. C

    High Cholesterol

    Does anyone have any knowledge of supps that lower cholesterol? My total cholesterol is usually 201 to 205 and it would be nice to get it below 200. The statin drugs are out of the question for me, as the liver is damaged by them over time. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  3. C

    High Cholesterol

    Does anyone have any knowledge of supps that lower cholesterol? My total cholesterol is usually 201 to 205 and it would be nice to get it below 200. The statin drugs are out of the question for me, as the liver is damaged by them over time. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  4. Get_Swole

    cholesterol levels a bit high/low

    I can post some more of my results got full panel done this seems to be the only thing outside of reference. but here are my total cholesterol levels. Been off cycle for quite some time diet went to shit though for a while due to many factors including gluten intolerance and lactose issues...
  5. viciouscycle

    winstrol effects on lipid panel

    I just had a physical done 9/11/14. All of my cholesterol values where perfect. I have been running winny for 4 weeks @50mg ed. I have been getting winded real easy lately so I knew something wasn't right. Figured it was the winny so I stopped taking it and had bloods done yesterday. my bad...
  6. guardianactual

    Q&A W/ IFBB Pro Lipid and BP friendly

    Q. Hey man, ive just finished a small cycle of test E (8 weeks.. stopped after i got bloods)at 500mg and kickstart of 40 MG Dbol (4weeks) this is not my first cycle, but the first cycle I got bloods done and monitored my BP. bottom line my cholesterol was over 220 and my BP would regularly be at...
  7. S

    LDL & HDL: How to increase/decrease??

    Alright, I just had lab work for my annual physical by my Dr. I'm on a cycle now and have about 3 or 4 more weeks to go. I'm 35, 5'10'' and 190 lbs. I'm taking Test E at 500mg/week and started Anavar last week at 75mg/day. Lab Work: HDL Cholesterol 32 (need to increase...
  8. T

    liver values & cholesterol

    I was wondering if any of the otc items really worked to help keep these issues in check while on a cycle? Ive heard great things about Tudca but have never used it. I was just doing some reading on Synthergine from Synthetek anyone have any experience with this product? I personally am more...