
  1. F

    How do you deal with having too much intensity?

    How do you deal with having too much intensity? Strange question yes but sometimes we can over train or get hurt if we dont keep it in check... I wanted to write this post because I remember that every time I blast I train very hard but also seem to push myself beyond comfort sometimes. Running...
  2. V

    Cytomel dosage

    Sorry if its in the wrong section , please move it to the appropriate section I am 24 years old , weighing 175 lbs at around 16-18% bodyfat . Recently i got my bloodwork done and my T3 levels were borderline low at 85 ng/dl, so my trainer suggested i start taking 100mcgs of Cytomel daily in the...
  3. Iron Game


    CREATINE MONOHYDRATE Lift More Weight, Build More Muscle* CREATINE MONOHYDRATE SUPPORTS SIZE & STRENGTH GAINS* If you're training hard daily, proper nutrition and supplementation are essential. Building muscle takes a lot of work. In the gym, you get out what you put in, so maximum effort...
  4. Iron Game

    PLASMA BLAST® / BCAA 8:1:1

    PLASMA BLAST® / BCAA 8:1:1 PRE / INTRA / POST-WORKOUT Formula by George "The Pro Maker" Farah With Nitrochain™ Chain Reaction Feeding System Pre / Intra / Post Workout loaded wit BCAAs 8:1:1 and High Molecular Weight Long Chain Carbs for Sustained Pump for up to 6 hours !!! + STIMULANT...
  5. Iron Game

    24 Hour Bodybuilding Fast--Opinions??

    24 Hour Bodybuilding Fast by Matt Weik This past weekend I had the house to myself since my wife and son were out of town. For most guys this means partying with booze and pizza with the boys. While the thought crossed my mind I decided to take it in a totally different direction. I did a...
  6. B

    CJC-1295 Dosing

    I'm going to be trying the CJC-1295 with DAC peptide for a little while since I can't get actual HGH at the moment, but I'm a little confused about what I'm seeing for dosage recommendations. I see dosages like 100mcg every 3 days or so everywhere I look, but I found one web site that lists a...
  7. Iron Game

    Do You Train Intense? Are You HARDCORE?

    How many of us really train hard. I mean we go into the gym have a set workout we think out. Some follow a path with the same thing day in and day out without thinking that the body has to have some kind of change. Most of us just go through the motions with the same amount of weight and reps...
  8. Iron Game

    Experts Talk About - Making Bodybuilding Great Again

    Written by Ron Harris Making Bodybuilding Great AgainThe Experts Weigh In Numerous veteran fans and athletes feel that the “glory days” of bodybuilding were anywhere from the 1960s to the early 2000s. It’s a worn cliché in just about any sport to insist that the game was purer and more...
  9. jimbosmith316

    Leave abusive relationships for the sake of your kids

    This can go both ways. Unfortunately RAECHELLE CHASE Abusive relationships happen silently but as long as you are breathing, you can still get out, writes Raechelle Chase. After 14 years together, my husband and I separated in February 2015. I don't really know how it happened, but I fell...
  10. V

    Has aney one just stayed on tren a trt style

    I feel grate on it but feel like shit now im off maybe just 25 mg eod for ever
  11. Iron Game

    Jay Cutler & Flex Wheeler Olympia Q&A - VIDEO

    Jay Cutler & Flex Wheeler Olympia Q&A - Part 1 4x Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler & bodybuilding legend Flex Wheeler answer questions about the 2016 Mr. Olympia competition. The topics include: - Who is the biggest threat to Phil Heath's title? - Is Phil under the most pressure of his career to deliver...
  12. jimbosmith316

    Meet the world champion female body builder who gets strangers asking to feel her muscles!

    16:00, 27 AUG 2016BY GINA COLLEY World Bodybuilding Champion Jeannie Ellam at Roy Ellam's Gym, Mirfield. It's official - Jeannie Ellam is the world body building champion! The mum-of-two scooped the title at the World Amateur Body Building Association (WABBA) championships in Verona...
  13. E

    Smith machine bar weight

    Does this vary widely? I have a Body Solid "Pro Club Line" smith at my gym at work. It's an old one. When I set it up, it seemed to me that the counter weights are small, and probably just about offset the bearing assemblies and hooks, etc, which are welded to the otherwise standard Olympic bar...
  14. Iron Game

    Bodybuilding 101 With Kai Greene, Justin Compton, Cedric McMillan & Jon Delarosa

    Bodybuilding Seminar 101With Kai Greene, Justin Compton, Cedric McMillan & Jon Delarosa KAI GREENE A Closer Look at Some Popular Arm Exercises Preacher Curls I find that I’m able to spark deeper, more meaningful contractions when the arms are supported and immobile. You defeat the purpose of...
  15. jimbosmith316

    2013 World IFBB Men's FITNESS - NEKRASOV Konstantin (RUS) - Round 3 (Некрасов Константин)

    Skills! I feel it just watching. <iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5pkFOH3evkc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. Presser

    Snicker, Kit Kat, Gatorade Lunch!

    Well I officially feel like dog shit lmao, didnt have the will to leave the office today and well, i started digging in my fridge to see what goodies I had as keep snacks in there for when wife and kids visit for lunch which is rare lol, so i found me some snickers, Kit kats and a gatorade lmao...
  17. camthman

    Been doing some "Brain Hacking" with success!

    I wasn't exactly sure where to post this but here goes it! I have been doing some research with two products from liftmode.com as of recently and wanted to post my results. First is the Product "Noopept" I have became a HUGE fan of this nootropic and it has honestly made my everyday life way...
  18. 3J

    contest prep before & after pic

    another one of my clients makes a mean change in his physique for contest prep. 75 day prep, the after picture is from yesterday BEFORE i carbed him up for todays classic physique show.. check back to hear final results!! if interested in my 100% online nutrition/training coaching please feel...
  19. Presser

    Has Equipoise ever made any of you constantly tired, bogged down, and constantly Yawning?

    Ive been having an issue as of late with my body / muscles feeling like they were filled with mud, like just heavy feeling and i feel like im lumbering around all bogged down heavy feeling, and constant yawning. The only thing i added new was EQUIPOISE, at 250mg/ml and doing 375mg twice a week...
  20. Iron Game

    Eight common sense anabolic steroid rules

    I. Always Cycle off of AS for at least 6 weeks. ( 12 weeks is preferable IMO.) The rule of thumb regarding how to cycle on and off of steroids is that one should cycle off of the AS for the same amount of time that they were on. Most of us cheat at times though and do not stay off of the...