
  1. C

    How long did it take to feel good after starting TRT.

    Hey guys, as the title says, How long did it take for you to feel "normal" or good after starting TRT. I'm on 9 weeks and still feel like crap, can't lose weight, tired all the time and developed a small case of gyno even tho Estradiol is low. I'm in touch with TRT doc and we are in the...
  2. drtbear1967

    7 Signs of Good Digestion

    7 Signs of Good Digestion I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” but I’d like to take the sentiment one step further to claim you are what you absorb. Digestion is the complex process by which your body reduces the food you eat into individual nutrients in order to build...
  3. C

    My Anavar tested as Turinabol

    Hey guys. So I decided to test the Anavar that I bought last year from PCT-Shop.com because it didn't feel right on my last cycle. I used the test kit from Colorimetrics. It came back as Turinabol. What should I do?
  4. drtbear1967

    Dislike you body less!!

    <header class="entry-header">Disliking Your Body a Little Less<time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2018-07-09T12:48:40+00:00">July 9, 2018</time> by Nia Shanks </header> "Ugh, I hate my thighs.” “I hate seeing this flab on my stomach.” “I need to work out more because...
  5. 9

    Max Holloway Starting to Feel Better

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/XeFSDoUZH4A?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. guardianactual

    Gh and lethargia?

    Been doing gh for a while now I am using t3 between 25 and 50mcg I also am using proviron at 50mg ed I am so fucking tired it isn't funny. I feel like falling asleep after I wake up even after 8+hours of solid sleep. Somedays i feel good waking up energetic just to crash post shot. I do use...
  7. T

    Clenbutoral makes me feel like crap!

    I just started it, only 20 mcg tabs, and now I remember why I discontinued last yr, the shakes and just generally feel like crap, the stuff I had many yrs ago didnt do this. Anyone else?? (kind of reminds me of taking those stay awake OTC pills that truckers would take from long time ago)
  8. drtbear1967

    Complacency Kills

    For the sake of this article, we will be referring to your overall health and fitness results—but this topic can transition over to just about any aspect of your life from your job, business, personal life, home life, etc. The topic at hand is complacency and what it means to your success when...
  9. E

    Injured while lifting weights - Need help

    Hey!! I have joined the gym a few months back. A few weeks back, I lifted weights and injured my elbow. My arms are aching a lot. I don't know what to do. I feel like I can't use them. They feel like very heavy and tired. I can’t even straighten my elbow when I try to do it. I have to keep them...
  10. drtbear1967

    6 Meals or less, What Works For You?

    The key to losing fat and keeping it off is simply to figure out what's sustainable. Those who achieve their body composition goal are those who can stick with the changes they make in the long run. Sure, you can cut huge amounts of carbs and fats, basically surviving on only protein and...
  11. Bulkraws

    Anavar Powder Stocked !

    Bulk Anavar powder just stocked !! All orders with anavar would be arranged out ! Bros who need more anavar powder please feel free to contact Bulkraws ! Thank you
  12. D

    IGF I/M or Subq and the winner is

    Just want to say that ive tried both intramuscular injections and subq.My first couple of weeks I did the Intramuscular with good results and felt good pre or post.About a Month after that I decided to try Subq injections.All I can say is subq did nothing for me as I didn't feel any results what...
  13. NAIR

    Abdominal pain

    I've developed a pain in my abdomen that's been with me for a couple of months. I believe it might have been caused by too much strain during dead lifts, and so I took it easy for a little while. It seemed to go away, but I really feel it again now that I've transitioned into high intensity...
  14. drtbear1967

    Stimulants and Pre Workout - What the Future Holds

    by Matt Weik We live in a world where people who use pre-workouts are focused only on one thing — stimulants. That’s right, they want to feel jacked up. They want to feel as if ants are crawling under their skin, that tingly sensation telling them their pre-workout product is working. If...
  15. drtbear1967

    Do Pro BB Have the Right to Not Post Progress Pics?

    by Matt Weik In an industry that is judged on appearance, do bodybuilders have the right to hide their physique during their prep, or do they owe it to the fans to showcase their progress leading up to the show? Contractual Selfie Stick? Personally, in my opinion I feel as if bodybuilders...
  16. E

    Feeling fucking fantastic!

    I just finished a relatively quick chest and triceps workout at the company gym. I was able to go a little bit heavier than I have in a while on bench (294 for 5 reps) on my heaviest set. But besides that, part way through the workout I stopped and thought, "Fuckin AAA, I feel GREAT!!" That...
  17. drtbear1967

    The Build Muscle Diet

    by Jason Ferruggia Confused about the best muscle building diet to become a strong, lean badass? Sick of trying to figure out exactly how to eat for optimal health AND physical performance? You’re not alone. With thousands of conflicting articles, it seems like you can’t eat anything anymore...
  18. Iron Game

    The Ultimate Decision: Bodybuilder or Weightlifter

    The Ultimate Decision: Bodybuilder or Weightlifter By Ron Kosloff You are going to come to a crossroad in our game where you are going to have to decide whether you want to be a bodybuilder or a weightlifter. A bodybuilder sculpts the body to make each and every muscle stand out. If Vince...
  19. T

    My gym manager wear too hard core??

    So heres my issue, I hired a gal some time ago to do outside marketing at my gym, she used to work at a few other facilities so she had some experience. I have put her out in the public going to businesses handing out passes to gym...have had very little response so I'm politely nudging her and...
  20. drtbear1967

    SubQ Test Injections - Study

    Most people inject test via IM, but there is new evidence suggesting that injecting subcutaneously(subQ) works just as well, if not better. This paper is just one of many that show you can reach the same therapeutic levels of testosterone injecting subQ vs IM once a week. A similar study...