
  1. drtbear1967

    It not the Turkey that make you Tired.

    Most people attribute eating turkey, which isnt extremely high in the amino acid tryptophan, to being tired. This isn't entirely true. Tryptophan is the body's source of serotonin, the "feel good" neurotransmitter. Most anti-depressants, as well as street drugs like Molly affect serotonin...
  2. K

    What kind of gains/changes should I realistically expect from this cycle?

    5'11, 190lbs, 45yrs, 5 years straight on TRT @ half CC of 200mg Test Cyp every 4-5 days, Dexa scan put me @ 17% body fat 32lbs fat tissue, 151lbs lean tissue and the rest bone mineral content. I train 5-6 days a week @45-60 minutes hard, Test Cyp is the only thing I have ever taken so far and I...
  3. C

    3 weeks in my honest review.

    Started MC IGF-1 LR3 3 weeks ago with my Test + Deca cycle at the same time, so the Deca - Test probably have not really hit yet... Week 1 - 40 mcg pre workout sub Q, First time doing chest I noticed an unusual pump from just flat bench which I NEVER get a pump from so this shit does work...
  4. L

    ED Issues

    Damn! For a couple of months I've had major ED problems. I've tried Sildinafil as well as Cialis, even tried using a cock ring. Nothing is working. I've even viewed a shit load of porn. And my libido is really good. My wife and I do a lot of foreplay. I'm really into that and really enjoy it...
  5. drtbear1967

    Why you cut might not be working.

    It’s common for people to “bulk” in an effort to add some quality lean muscle mass to their frame. What generally tends to happen due to a surplus in calories to allow for muscle growth, a little body fat tends to be added as well. When it’s time to start your cut, many fail to see the results...
  6. drtbear1967

    Know how to Deload and Avoid Over-training.

    Ever feel like you finally are “on a roll” with getting to the gym? You work out as many times a week as you have planned and keep making progressions, but soon you feel your body working against you. . You start feeling progressively more tired and have a hard time increasing weight/volume...
  7. Presser

    Bodybuilding Supplements For Pre workout and Post Workout

    <h1>Best Bodybuilding Supplements post workout and pore workout</h1> Just about every guy who works out has an ambitious goal in mind when they start pumping iron – get swole, get jacked, get ripped, get shredded. But to even get close to achieving those physique goals, a few things need to be...
  8. U

    UFC reactions?

    howd yall feel about the mcgreggo and khabib fight?
  9. H

    Not ready for steroids / no need for goals?

    Today, I had to go to the hospital, as I had a cist in my eye causing inflamation, and now I have steroid eye drops to take over the next week. I'm on tren + test now. Last week, I experienced 2 days of wipe out (extreme tiredness, to the point that I was having breakfast, and dozed off in my...
  10. B

    Nouveautropin Canadian pharma grade gh

    This gh has been tried and tested. A recent gh serum result of 50 which was surreal. All my Canadian fam, we finally have the best gh and don't need to worry about customs. Nouveau is also expanding into peptides and nootropics and sarms. Amazing brand. I'm hoping their banner will be up soon...
  11. drtbear1967

    Don't try to be anyone else!!

    Many people have goal physiques and seek to obtain a level of leanness or muscular development of someone else. There's not much wrong with this, as long as you take into account that how your muscles exactly look when they grow for a large part depends on genetic factors. - For example, where...
  12. drtbear1967

    Axe and Sledge Fuel Pump - Its worth a try.

    [*=center] [*=center] [*=center] [*=center] [*=center] [*=center] [*=center] [*=center] SUPPLEMENTSFUEL PUMP // PRE-PUMP 31 REVIEWS$46.99 USD <form action="https://axeandsledge.com/cart/add" method="post" class="clearfix product_form product_form_options"...
  13. drtbear1967

    Battle Ropes - How to!

    Like any other exercise, load matters. If you allow more slack in the ropes (by stepping forward) you'll be forced to work with the weight of the rope itself. Stretching them out tight doesn't allow for any actual weight to be loaded on the movement of your arm strokes. . Grab the ropes, walk...
  14. Presser

    Middle Aged & Middle Class 40 + Year Olds Taking Anabolic Steroids To Stay Young

    <h1>Middle Aged & Middle Class 40 + Year Olds Taking Anabolic Steroids To Stay Young</h1> I love the statement below! "EXPERTS" WARN!!! These middle age men with careers , and families etc..should send shivers down your spine lmao unreal Experts warn about growing number of men in their 40s...
  15. drtbear1967

    How to like your body more.

    The brain is an amusing organ. We frequently put it to use in a manner we think is helpful and productive, but is actually the opposite. Like at Thanksgiving when your brain prods you to keep piling more tasty, only-get-it-once-a-year foods on the plate. We can totally eat gigantic scoops of...
  16. Metal85

    Percussion Massager & Does anyone have daily intercostal pain?

    Feels like I am playing whackamole here. So after 6+ years of chronic back pain, I got myself off prescribed pain meds cold turkey (although I don't recommend bc you could have a seizure without weaning off, Im stubborn) it took maybe 2-3 months off pain meds, countless massages, rolling my...
  17. drtbear1967

    Why Do Supplements Alway Change?

    Have you ever found a supplement you like, and almost immediately it gets reformulated and you find it isn’t the same? I’ve been there, and I’ve been on the receiving end of customer complaints as well from my time in the industry. Why do brands fix something that isn’t broke? Well, there are...
  18. M

    Igf lr3, creatine, beta alanine and gear synergy

    Have any of you guys notice a difference when using supplements and gear? I’ve done creatine on it’s own, gear in its own and igf in its own and now I’m doing all 3 and i can feel hardness on muscles even. I know about anavar and creatine is There any synergy with what I’m taking since it feels...
  19. Presser

    Boldenone and Enanthate Stack. Test EQ Steroid Cycle

    <header class="entry-header" style="color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: "Open Sans", serif; font-size: 16px;">Equipoise Enanthate Cycle Layout <tbody> Testosterone Enanthate 500 mg per week 16 weeks Equipoise (Boldenone) EQ 800mg per week 16 weeks </tbody> Average Dosage...
  20. M

    Right pec pain

    I have a question regarding some pain I just notice I have on my right pec muscle.. last night I was planning my workout for today I started to press on my chest to see if I wasn’t sore for the workout. As soon a I pressed I felt a pain right between the pec and armpit.. there is no bruising at...