
  1. N

    Why Does Stress Make You Fat?

    If you’ve been gaining unwanted weight and can’t pinpoint why, the answer could be as simple as being stressed. Dealing with acute stress, episodic acute stress, physical stress, and chronic stress have all been linked to weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, and what might look like a...
  2. D

    If you could go back in and time thread

    As the title says what would you change if you went back in time I’m sure we all made many mistakes trial and errors One of Mine I didn’t eat enough and always though 1 chicken breast was enough protein I then lived purely on protein shakes until I researched more on nutrition and began...
  3. drtbear1967


    – Women with higher levels of Vitamin D3 appear to function better sexually. They experience more desire, arousal, and lubrication, in addition to having more intense orgasms. . The Study: Endocrinologists recruited 108 women to fill out the Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire to evaluate...
  4. drtbear1967

    How to stay full while on a fat loss diet.

    Part of the reason why some people find it difficult to make fat loss progress is that they do not feel satisfied after their meals. If this is the case, the first thing I would look into is your calorie-intake. - Regardless of how you design your meals, if your calorie target is extremely low...
  5. drtbear1967

    Vitamin D - is yours working??

    IS YOUR VITAMIN D WORKING? – If you printed out every study on vitamin D and taped them all together, end to end, the length of that paper would stretch all the way around Kim Kardashian's fake ass. That's a LOT of studies. And they all say the same thing: most people have a vitamin D...
  6. jimbosmith316

    Why Dietary Cholesterol Does Not Matter (For Most People)

    Why Dietary Cholesterol Does Not Matter (For Most People) Written by Kayla McDonell, RD on September 26, 2019 OVERVIEW High blood cholesterol levels are a known risk factor for heart disease. For decades, people have been told that the dietary cholesterol in foods raises blood cholesterol...
  7. drtbear1967

    What you need to know about Low-Carb Diets

    How Low-Carb Diets Work With so many diet success stories, low-carb dieting has become very popular. How does low carb REALLY work? What is important to keep in mind when going low carb? Here’s what you need to know. TAKE HOME POINTS Low carb diets (< 50 g carbs per day) are...
  8. drtbear1967

    Is this you???? Not making gains???

    The 7 People Who Never Get Results - Are You One Of Them? Tons of people struggle to see results. They just don't seem capable of adopting a healthy lifestyle. But why? Do they all just have the same unfortunate genetics? Here's what no one wants to talk about: Those who never see results...
  9. Jozifp103

    Any Vegan or Vegetarian Bodybuilders out there?

    This is purely for curiosity. Please forgive my ignorance on this subject but I've always assumed it was much harder for a vegan or vegetarian to keep up with someone who eats meat in terms of gains, development, etc. It seems the amount of plant/vegan based alternatives that need to be consumed...
  10. drtbear1967

    Detox BS

    “Detox Products” Are Straight Up Bullshit Do you feel like you need a cleanse? Even if you do, you are wasting your money if you’re buying expensive “detox” products? Cleansing foods or detox diets are methods that claim to “eliminate toxins from the body”, sometimes with the benefit of weight...
  11. drtbear1967

    Avoid High GI foods for weight loss

    For weight loss, the claim that high GI foods are to be avoided arises because increases in blood glucose and insulin results in a subsequent crash of blood glucose supposedly increasing hunger. . Evidence exists to support this claim; however, one meta-analysis would describe that the GI of a...
  12. drtbear1967

    Scientific confusion about Gluten

    Scientific confusion breeds skepticism toward people who avoid GLUTEN for medical reasons _ Conflicting messages send people down a rabbit hole of food avoidance _ GLUTEN isn’t always the culprit, but avoiding doesn’t hurt as it can lead to certain autoimmune conditions _ GLUTEN free products...
  13. drtbear1967

    Sugar and Obesity

    Eliminating sugar doesn't eliminate obesity! ❌ Data from the US, Australia and UK. 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 . There is a link between the amount of sugar people eat in a country and the amount of people that have diabetes GLOBALLY, but not in Northern Europe for example. . As we've said before, linked does...
  14. drtbear1967

    Not all Sugar is Bad!!

    With so much emphasis on avoiding sugar, the idea that "all sugar is bad" poses the risk of inadequately consuming essential nutrients. . A recent review has summarized data pertaining to the question: does intake of added or total #sugarassociate with #diet quality? . The literature indicates...
  15. drtbear1967

    Your body can use more protein!!

    A lot of people are still scared of protein powder as if it’s some mass muscle gainer.-But here’s the thing; it’s literally just a source of protein. No different really to chicken, beef, tofu or any of the other sources you use. It’s not going to magically enhance muscle growth.-It’s not for...
  16. drtbear1967

    Diet - Has to be practical.

    Diet (noun). The word that puts people off entertaining any thoughts about attempting to make nutritional changes to support an aspiring goal... (usually fat loss). The word may say diet(ing), but really you read it as: ‘the eternal struggle’... ‘something I need serious willpower for’...
  17. drtbear1967

    The Role of DNA and Obesity

    Here’s why you have no right to talk down to people just because they are overweight. Like it or not, there are two things that control everything that you have become: your genes and their interaction with your environment. Scientists can analyze the DNA of obese vs non-obese people to see what...
  18. drtbear1967

    Restraint after you lose the weight.

    You'll always need to exercise some level of restraint, even after you lose the weight. ⠀ ⠀ It's not possible to go back to your old habits (never cooking, eating out all the time, mindless eating while watching TV, etc.) and keep the weight off... ⠀ ⠀ You cannot just have anything and...
  19. Presser

    Post Steroid Cycle Therapy and How To Raise natural testosterone

    Post Steroid Cycle Therapy and How To Raise natural testosterone Its well known that a common side effect associated with anabolic steroid use is the inhibition of natural testosterone production. The body monitors testosterone levels and adjusts production of the hormone within the testes by...
  20. drtbear1967

    Stevia vs Aspartame

    Although most common, aspartame isn’t the only artificial sweetener on the market. Stevia is a relatively new sweetener and marketed as a “natural” calorie-free sweetener as it comes from a South American plant, but the fact is that it isn’t nearly as well studied as aspartame, and we thus can’t...