
  1. drtbear1967

    How your body adapts to training.

    If you consistently lift weights, there are 3 main types of adaptations your body goes through: Neuromuscular, Muscular & Connective Tissue adaptations. - First, we have neuromuscular adaptations. Your body recognizes movement patterns and becomes more efficient as you perform certain movements...
  2. drtbear1967

    Should you always train to failure?

    Training to failure is a hot topic in the bodybuilding community. While many high -level bodybuilders recommend going to failure, research doesn’t always support this practice. Why is this the case? - 💥 Research doesn’t always reflect what happens in the gym. Oftentimes, research protocols use...
  3. drtbear1967

    Maca - What you need to know.

    Maca is a plant mostly found in South America that has long been associated with sexual health. Due to this association, many bodybuilders hypothesized that it might have an interaction with testosterone. - 💥 Unfortunately, this hypothesis has not panned out in research. Maca has been shown to...
  4. drtbear1967

    Nutrient Timing

    Every once in a while, we get a study that either confirms or helps direct bodybuilding practices. This is one of those studies. - These researchers found that eating every 3-hours was more effective at maintaining protein synthesis rates over a 12-hour period than eating a smaller protein dose...
  5. A

    NEW MEMBER ALERT! Mini Bio Included!

    Hey guys, I'm excited to have newly joined the forum! I am an up and coming bodybuilder, 24 years old... I have done a few test cycles, have found some bunk gear and have had some very good gear. I have messed around with some other things such as prohormones, dbol, and some natural test...
  6. drtbear1967

    Protein Supplementation and Muscle Mass.

    A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults.Morton RW1, Murphy KT1, McKellar SR1, Schoenfeld BJ2, Henselmans M3, Helms E4, Aragon AA5, Devries MC6, Banfield L7...
  7. Boomer

    Just my 2c and experience with Tren

    Just thought I'd share my experience so far with tren. So I actually started with 30mg dbol daily and 500mh test e for the 1st 5 weeks then dropped the dbol and upped test to 750. . I did gain fast water weight as expected with bp headaches. .to be honest I didn't like the dbol...ran test at...
  8. L

    My gH My Results

    I'm into my 7th week of taking HgH and the results are really not good. I started taking 2iu in the am and 2iu in the pm for 2 weeks then went to 3iu for week 3 and for week 4,5,6 and now week 7 taking 4iu. I've noticed nothing. No change in BF no strength gains, not even any hand/wrist pain...
  9. drtbear1967

    Music Matters

    Most lifters would probably agree that music helps motivate them during their workouts. If you’re one that doesn’t listen to music during training, you might want to start. This study found that subjects who listened to their own music performed significantly more repetitions to failure at 75%...
  10. drtbear1967

    Amount of Rest Between Sets - more or less????

    Bodybuilders often employ short rest periods in an effort to promote gains in muscle size, but that’s probably not the best method. Studies such as this one show that using longer rest periods (3-minutes) is more effective for promoting gains in size and strength than short rest periods. This is...
  11. Boomer

    Face bloat

    Hey guys hope everyone has been well. Im sure many of us suffer from the same problem while on. I notice i can get some good gains on test only cycles. Although i may be quite lean my face isn't!. My face swells and u can just tell i am on cycle. Does anyone have any good tips on ways to...
  12. J

    Cycle advice/suggestions

    What’s up guys. Looking to run my second sarm cycle. Got some solid gains from the first but looking to up the gains and possibly make some tweaks so I’m looking for some input and suggestions. Hard bulk. Here’s what it looks like. 8 weeks Lg: 10mg a day, take in am MK677: 20mg a day...
  13. drtbear1967

    Full ROM for more Gains.

    Gains in muscle size are specific to the range of motion used. Partial range of motion movements will only isolate a specific portion of the muscle whereas full range of motion typically develops the entire muscle – both quarter and full squats resulted in similar upper thigh growth but only...
  14. drtbear1967

    Time under Tension

    The length-tension relationship of skeletal muscle is well-known; however, scientists and fitness professionals rarely realize its relevance to muscle growth. We know that mechanical tension is the main stimulus for muscle growth and the length-tension curve shows us that muscle fibers...
  15. Presser

    Sarm Ostarine mk 2866 for female fitness usage

    When it comes to taking anything to get results women definitely have it harder than men. The problem is that almost anything that provides faster results for women also has defeminizing effects as well. Don't let some of the figure models fool you, take away the makeup, hair extensions...
  16. Vision

    When you hit a wall what do you do? stagnate gains, can't eat etc...Post your thoughts here..

    As the title says "When you hit a wall what do you do? stagnate gains, can't, can't sleep or just lost your motivation... What do YOU do to keep pressing forward during your most testing times? Post your thoughts here... Let's hear some feedback from our members in which they could share for...
  17. drtbear1967

    To Train or Not when you're sick.

    Getting sick is a part of every day life, however, many bodybuilders want to train through their illnesses. For mild symptoms, this is probably fine and simply requires some fine tuning in your workout. More severe illnesses will more than likely force you to take a day off. Training with a...
  18. drtbear1967

    Heavy Negativers for growth.

    Heavy negatives are great for growth, however, they’re basically impossible to do alone. If you want a new intense training stimulus while training along, give max effort isometrics a shot. Set up in a power rack according to the steps given in the infographic. From there, using just the bar...
  19. J

    Steroid Cycle Anadrol Cycles

    What is an Anadrol Cycle? How much should you use? Well, this is actually one of the most interesting facts about Anadrol 50. You see, most steroids produce what we call a "dose respondent curve" which is a fancy way of saying "the more you use, the more you gain." Anadrol is one of the few...
  20. drtbear1967

    Adaptions to Training

    One variable of research that’s always important to consider is the training status of the subjects used. Untrained subjects will make gains of all kinds with pretty much any type of exercise – this is because exercise in general is a new stimulus to them! However, trained subjects follow the...