
  1. Presser

    Steps To Maintaining Permanent Muscle Gains Post SARMs Ostarine Cycle

    <section class="bSe left" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;">Steps To Maintaining Permanent Muscle Gains Post SARMs Ostarine CycleSteps To Maintaining Permanent Muscle Gains Post SARMs Ostarine Cycle – Anabolic Steroid Forum MK-2866...
  2. drtbear1967

    Does lifting faster increase strength?

    Does lifting faster increase strength gains? _ You often hear the advice of “lifting slowly” and “focus on the squeeze in the muscle”. _ Turns out this might very well cut your 1RM strength gains in half. _ Performing squats with maximal speed in the upward (concentric) phase vs half the...
  3. drtbear1967

    Concentric Training.

    Muscles can produce much more force eccentrically than concentrically. Therefore, a limiting factor in strength performance is concentric force production - you can lower a weight but can't lift it! This study confirmed the specificity of strength gains in finding that subjects using...
  4. drtbear1967

    Understanding PCT

    What is a post cycle therapy? A post cycle therapy (PCT) is a tool utilized by steroid users to aid in recovery when coming off an anabolic steroid cycle. It is comprised of numerous techniques and supplements to help with the recovery process, both physically and mentally. Hence, the majority...
  5. drtbear1967

    Protein post workout is a must.

    This study found that 20-40g of protein post-workout was more effective than 0 or 10g at increasing protein synthesis in trained individuals. If gaining muscle mass is your goal, adequate protein intake is incredibly important - consuming less than optimal amounts of protein can impair your...
  6. drtbear1967

    Beta-alanine benifits

    Beta-alanine has been shown several times over to benefit endurance performance and has even been shown to increase repetitions to failure in strength training protocols. However, the literature on beta-alanine having a significant impact on long term gains is inconclusive, but the short term...
  7. drtbear1967

    Dumbbells for Overhead Press.

    This study found that using dumbbells during the overhead press was more effective than a barbell for increasing shoulder muscle activation. This effect was seen in all three heads of the deltoid and was further increased by performing overhead press while standing. Dumbbells appear to be a...
  8. drtbear1967

    Lack of Sleep = Lack of Gains

    The recommendation of getting 8-hours of sleep every night is well-known. However, athletes and bodybuilders may need more sleep. This is due to the fact that athletes and bodybuilders are always recovering from one intense training session and preparing for another. The good news is that naps...
  9. D

    inject superdrol

    I read on here somewhere about super drol. I'm really thinking about injectable! It comes in 25 mg per ml. My thoughts are 1/2 an ml everyday. I have no idea as to length of time. I've red here that 3-4 weeks then gains stop. Has anyone used before? If so can you hook me up with some info?
  10. drtbear1967

    Deload periods for gains.

    Sometimes the best thing you can do for gains is taking a deload period. This study found that trained athletes increased muscle fiber diameter by 11% following a taper protocol. This method might be useful for the bodybuilder undergoing constant and strenuous training – back off of the weights...
  11. drtbear1967

    Vitamine C - Know when to take it.

    Vitamin C is a popular antioxidant and immune system booster. Its antioxidant properties, however, make it unsuitable for ingestion around a workout. Antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress that accumulates during exercise. Oxidative stress may act as a growth signal, so reducing the amount can...
  12. drtbear1967

    Sodium - You need it!!

    Athletes and bodybuilders require a much higher intake of sodium than sedentary individuals as sodium is the main mineral lost through sweat. A hard workout can easily cause 1-2 grams of sodium to be lost through sweat. How do you replenish sodium? Table salt is the best way, as sodium makes up...
  13. drtbear1967

    How to make your Cardio count.

    When do you do cardio? 🏃 . Your muscles store energy as a carbohydrate known as glycogen, allowing you to be able to carry out an intense workout as your glycogen stores are depleted. Refilling these glycogen-stores is one reason why post-workout carbohydrates are important. . Cardio also...
  14. J

    Help with new w/o plan

    Would anyone be willing to help me out with coming up with a new work plan? I’ve been on the 5x5 plan for over a year and long ago stopped making gains in both size, strength, & weight. I’ve always been a skinny guy but have managed to pack on almost 20lbs in the last year, but am still under...
  15. R

    Which cycle would produce the most gains

    3) 1-8 Tren ace 100mg EOD (3) 1-8test prop 100mg EOD ————————————————- (6) npp m/w/f 200mg/MWF 1-10 (3) 1-15Tren e 200mg/MF (3) 1-15 test e 250mg/MF 1-20 weeks Deca 450mg/1xweek 1-13 test e 250mg/2xweek 14-21 Masteron prop EOD 150mg
  16. C

    Best Strength Gear?

    Whats everyones take on the absolute best strength gear... injections only as orals I seem to lose those gains pretty quick after...... I have tried Tren E, Deca, Eq, ..... another questions is because I know everyone will say Tren... how about 1.5G test e, a week solo vs 4-600mg tren +...
  17. drtbear1967

    High and Low Reps to build Hamstrings

    For hamstring size, do both a heavy load, lower-rep range and a higher rep range. . 1 – Heavy, Low Reps: Your hamstrings are primarily fast-twitch dominant. This may contribute to the massive hamstring development in sprint athletes. In the gym, this means you should incorporate heavy...
  18. drtbear1967

    Calcium - Why you need it.

    themusclephd &#55357;&#56485;99% of our body’s calcium is stored in our bones with the other 1% being stored in the muscle. Calcium is critical for muscle contractions, but if our muscles start to run low on calcium, they can simply extract more from the bone. This is why calcium intake is so...
  19. drtbear1967

    Pre Sleep Protein for Gains

    Previous work has shown that taking some extra protein before sleep might increases muscle mass gains. . 🥛Our new study suggests that you probably want a relative large dose before going to bed for stimulating muscle protein synthesis (MPS, the process that drives muscle growth) during the...
  20. drtbear1967


    Who needs to recover better from training? - 💥Betaine is a compound commonly found in post-workout supplements for its ability to increase recovery. Betaine has been shown to reduce markers of inflammation, decrease cortisol & fatigue, and increase your training volume. - 💊I recommend 3-6g/day...