
  1. LeatherHead

    Thank you TSO!!!

    I ran a container of the Pro Maker Performance, and I firmly believe it helped me with making the gains that I have. I would definitely recommend it to anyone trying to make lean gains. It mixes well, tastes good, and helps get me through my workouts. Thanks again to TSO for letting me be a...
  2. B

    6'4" - 190lbs - 21y/o - SARM Gearing up for Mass

    Alright Everyone, I'm looking to pull the trigger tomorrow on ordering. I've done a bit of research between here, other forums, videos, etc. This will be what I'm leaning towards -any last minute input or change recommendations would be appreciated. LGD - 10mg / per day for 6 weeks then...
  3. Iron Game

    Do SARMs build muscle without training?

    I laughed so hard when I seen this post on another forum. They of course sell SARMs. I figure they posted it for the Search Engine's "You here a lot of guys "complaining" that "it is not fair" you build more muscle on steroids without training than a natural working out hard. Studies have shown...
  4. Iron Game

    Low dose Steroid cycles - Truth and myth

    If you've read some of my posts on other boards, you probably already have seen that I advocate suggesting low doses for beginners. Why jump into 600mg per week of test as a first or second cycle when it is highly likely you will get great gains using 200-300mg (in initial cycles)? I keep...
  5. Iron Game

    Keep The Gains From Your Steroid Cycle

    Keeping gains- Some tips for coming off a cycle for the moderate user to hold on to the new found muscle - These tips are for the moderate user and not for the high dose or long term AAS user, these basic methods will help maintain a degree of muscularity while in the off period. If all...
  6. B

    Y3T Training Program, Cycle extend or no

    Has anyone tried this program? It's a nine-week program developed by Neil "Yoda" Hill (thus the name) that was originally for Flex Lewis. I decided to try it, and I'm almost through to the last week. I have to say, it really works. I think I've put at least an inch on my legs (which never...
  7. Iron Game

    Super AAS Stacks

    One of the most common steroid questions Testosterone receives is, "What 'roids should I stack together for optimal results?" In this article, I'll provide several stacking protocols based on feedback sent to me over the years by T-mag readers. Remember that the effects reported from these...
  8. Iron Game

    Super AAS Stacks

    One of the most common steroid questions Testosterone receives is, "What 'roids should I stack together for optimal results?" In this article, I'll provide several stacking protocols based on feedback sent to me over the years by T-mag readers. Remember that the effects reported from these...
  9. Iron Game

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth The “strength-endurance continuum” is a widely accepted concept in the field of exercise science. Simply stated, the theory asserts that training in different rep ranges elicits differential effects on muscular adaptations. From a practical...
  10. drtbear1967

    What Motivates You?

    What Motivates You? by Cade Thomas We all have our own story as to how we found ourselves addicted to lifting weights. Whether you were always mesmerized by action heros and wanted to look like the stars you saw filling up the screen with...
  11. drtbear1967

    Why Beginners Don't Need Training Programs

    by Cade Thomas The gym can be an intimidating place for newcomers. Let’s face it; A lot of people have the desire to build some muscle and improve their physique long before they muster up the balls to actually join a gym. Men in particular have a hard time admitting they don’t know how to do...
  12. drtbear1967

    Embrace your Strong Points

    Embrace Your Strong Points by Cade Thomas We are always told that high level Bodybuilding is not about who has the most strengths, but who has the least weaknesses. While this might remain true to a degree in that any glaring lack of a...
  13. drtbear1967

    Suffering and Succeeding are Not the Same Thing

    Suffering and Succeeding are Not the Same Thing by Cade Thomas Building significant amounts of muscle is a selfish endeavor no matter how you slice it, and there are certain sacrifices that must be made on a social and financial level if progress is something you value. Genetics are always a...
  14. drtbear1967

    Do The Push Press

    <!-- react-text: 40 -->Do the Push Press!<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 43 -->by Glenn Pendlay<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 46 -->The push press is like the upper-body power clean. I think I've called it the upper body squat previously but that was wrong. The squat can be...
  15. drtbear1967

    Growth Stages for Dummies

    Growth Stages for Dummies by Taylor Normandeau Yesterday, Damnit…That’s when we want to achieve our goals. Actually screw that, yesterday is too far in the future. Bodybuilders want to be huge months ago. YEARS ago. In fact most of us harbour some level of...
  16. drtbear1967

    3 Keys to Building Muscle - Stimulate, Supply, and Signal

    3 Keys To Building Muscle – Stimulate, Supply, and Signal Contrary to popular belief, training is not the only way to stimulate muscle growth. In fact the biggest growth spurts for the average person occur in the absence of any intention to increase...
  17. drtbear1967

    Why People Belittle Bodybuilders

    Why People Belittle Bodybuilders by Geoff Roberts The many false assumptions and cruel comments made in regards to bodybuilders generally stem from two different places. These two places being insecurity and jealousy. It is easy to see how...
  18. Iron Game

    Will Dennis Wolf Make A Comeback

    by Matt Weik Coming out of the 2015 Mr. Olympia contest, Dennis Wolf secured yet again, another 4th place slot in the record books—the exact same spot he finished back in 2014. His best placing at the O was back in 2013 when he finished 3rd behind Phil and Kai. With all the anticipation leading...
  19. drtbear1967

    Hardcore Bulking Introduction - Part 2

    HARDCORE BULKING INTRODUCTION – PART II by Gavin Kane In the first article of the series we attacked hardcore dieting and how to gain maximum mass without maximum fat gains. There are two more pieces to this puzzle, training and cycles...
  20. Boomer

    6 months + cycle opinions

    What are your thoughts on staying cycle for 6 months or more... Previously I've stayed on for 4 months and didn't see as much gains towards the end more maintained what I had after 3monts... but in saying that I didn't switch compounds. This time I'm thinking of switching compounds and staying...