
  1. jasonhill800

    6 Ways Foam Rolling Improves Your Workout

    To get the most out of your session, work out any tension. Work Smarter, not harder. Being too painful and stiff is possibly the only guilt-free justification for skipping gym sessions. However, if you're consistently skipping workouts due to painful muscles, it's time to think about doing some...
  2. jasonhill800

    Unlock Easy Leg Gains By Taking It Slow

    It’s all about taking it slow with this smart leg day workout. If you slow down the tempo on your heavy lifts, you’ll see quick gains. Squats, lunges, and deadlifts with heavy weights can (and will!) help you grow stronger legs. They are, for the most part, a recipe for success. However...
  3. jasonhill800

    4 Effective Exercises When You Only Have Time for One

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/>...
  4. J

    My review on King Kong

    Yes, I'm King's rep. But, I'm not a person that would just blow smoke up someone's ass. 3rd time using King Kong. I've only been using it on Leg days, which is Saturdays. All of my lifts have been going up weekly. The extra aggressiveness is far from anything else. Not to the point where you...
  5. N

    Napsgear: Single-Leg Strength in Four Easy Steps

    How do powerful people become even more powerful? They are focusing on single-leg strength. Here's how to put it together, step by step. STEP UP Every lifter should be able to do this basic single-leg exercise. Increase the step height or add weight to this activity to make it more difficult...
  6. N

    What It Takes to Get a Great Set of Abs

    Having great abs or a six pack has essentially become a trend for many of us. It's almost magical how a seductive tight waist, washboard abs, and those "sex lines" appear to fascinate the human eye. "What body part do you think ladies look at first on a man?" I asked a local survey, and 9/10 of...
  7. jasonhill800

    Napsgear: Dial In Your Physique with These Minor Touchups

    We are all familiar with building and sculpting the major muscle groups into our weekly splits. We tend to focus on the larger and more prominent areas of our bodies. But to complete the overall look of a complete and balanced physique, we still need to put some work into a few other areas...
  8. drtbear1967

    High Reps for fat loss - nope

    It's common for people to think that training with high reps helps you get more "toned" and lean muscles. But targeting a muscle group with higher reps won't increase fat loss in that area. - In one study, the participants trained only 1 leg 3x per week for 12 weeks straight. They gained a good...
  9. drtbear1967

    Starting a new program.

    I am starting a new program. The first three weeks are basically a nutritional detox of your entire diet. The program doesn't recommend that you train during the first three weeks. This is due to your body getting use to all the changes that it is going through. It is my goal to get as shredded...
  10. T

    I severly pulled my hamstring, anyone have any suggestions??

    OK about 2 and half wks ago I had one of my powerlifters yell for me, he was stuck on the bench with about 275lbs so I straddled him and when I pulled up the bar I majorly pulled my left hammy forcing me to drop the bar back on him, we managed to get him out of it w hardly any injury but me! It...
  11. drtbear1967


    We often hear that recovery is important for gains, however, there’s a few different reasons WHY that is the case. This study underlines one of those reasons. As you can see on the graph, it can take three full days for a muscle to recover to original activation levels. When a muscle is damaged...
  12. drtbear1967

    Lower Body - Sliders

    SLIDER: LOWER EXTREMITIEs . Sliders are a great addition to a workout routine for lower extremity training. This series primarily focuses on isolating one leg, keeping the core engaged at all times, keeping the knee stable, working the quadriceps and glute muscles while utilizing sliders. . You...
  13. drtbear1967

    Lat Frequency

    The lats are pretty similar to the pectorals in many of the variables mentioned on the graphic. However, the lats are closer to an even split between fast and slow twitch fibers. This means that the lats typically experience a little less damage and soreness when compared to the pecs and have...
  14. drtbear1967

    Killer Core Variations

    HANGING CORE VARIATIONS . 📚By using the weight of the legs there is added resistance placed on the core muscles. Each of these variations target different muscle groups. Make sure not to use momentum while pulling the legs up for each of these variations, keep the core tight and engaged at all...
  15. drtbear1967

    Add these to the end of your leg day.... better have a puke bucket.

    Got a couple extra minutes on leg day? Add these to your workout plan and try not to throw up. This is a nasty way to finish off a leg workout. Just grab a dumbbell or safety-squat bar, set a timer for two minutes, and go! . Duck lunges are often performed with your knees coming out as you step...
  16. drtbear1967

    Patellar Tendinitis

    Patellar tendinitis (inflammation) and patellar tendinopathy (disease, abnormal condition) “jumpers knee” is an issue that might make it hard to perform exercises that require more load on the quads from bending at the knee joint. This is the tendon that bring together the thigh muscles over the...
  17. drtbear1967

    Quads to grow!!!

    QUADRICEPS VARIATIONS . 📚 This series can be great for your arsenal if it’s for your warm up (before your workout, form of dynamic stretching) cool down (post workout) or even an exercise to superset with a compound exercise like a squat or a stiff leg deadlift. Since leg workouts can demand a...
  18. drtbear1967

    100 Rep Leg Press - Just do it.

    100 Rep Leg Presses, Every Training Day – Start every workout (not just leg workouts but all of them) with 100 reps on the leg press. Use a very light weight. You might even want to start with the empty sled and try to get all 100 reps unbroken using a moderate speed and tempo. Don't go slow...
  19. drtbear1967

    Wall Sit Variations

    WALL SIT VARIATIONS . 📚You want to start off with feet shoulder width apart as you lean against the wall and slowly lower yourself to about 90° at the knee joint. These exercises for the most part are done with isometric contractions. Which means the muscle doesn’t change length, but still...
  20. drtbear1967

    Plyometrics: Single Leg

    PLYOMETRICS: SINGLE LEG VARIATIONS . 📚Most athletes expose themselves to high impact landing while playing sports. Recurrent hard landings can lead to degeneration of the ankle, knee, and hip joints. Learning to land softly and to decelerate the weight of the body will significantly lower the...