
  1. drtbear1967

    Zach Zeiler - His Fight with Cancer

    Age: 19 Height: 6’0” – 183 cm Weight: 170 lbs – 77 kg <noscript><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-24302" alt="1" src="http://cdn.simplyshredded.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/1.jpg" width="610" height="456" /></noscript> How did you get started?At the age of 15 I was diagnosed with...
  2. 9

    Hunter Labrada Shows Sage Northcutt His Bodybuilding Leg Workout!!

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rRqiXBe17LA?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. 9

    Chael Sonnen shows new double leg technique

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y53bWtHepws?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. drtbear1967

    Band Training

    themusclephd&#55357;&#56633; This research shows that while performing lateral banded walking, it is necessary to place the bands around the ankles and not above the knees as some do. This is because the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus (upper parts of the glutes) are better activated when...
  5. T

    PT'ing problem with a client

    OK I have a training client I'm kinda stumped with, hes 46 male been lifting about 4 yrs, looks good, very lean 6"0" 180 lbs no doubt an ectomorph. He insists on doing minimal cardio, says a little each wk keeps him strong, eats decent but heres issue Because of his skinny ectomorphic frame, he...
  6. drtbear1967

    High Reps=Muscle Growth

    themusclephd 🔷Can high reps increase muscle growth?🔷 ---- 🏠Here is a technique that will have you breathless! However, the science is clear that it will bust through plateaus like a wrecking ball through an old home! If you have never done this, start with smaller body parts and isolation...
  7. drtbear1967

    Ashwagandha - Indian Ginsend for Gains

    &#55357;&#56631;Ashwagandha (KSM-66) can make you bigger, stronger, and leaner. ---- &#55357;&#56458;Ashwagandha is commonly known as Indian Ginseng (brand name: KSM-66). It is also known as an adaptogen, which basically means that it can be beneficial for anything that you want. It has been...
  8. LeatherHead

    So there I was, 7 weeks out with a torn hamstring...

    Presser and MC came through for me. He got me the IGF that I needed. For those who have been around for any period of time, you know that I call MC IGF my "Miracle in a Bottle". Well, my opinion hasn't changed... in fact, I believe it more now than ever. A week ago I was working hamstrings, 3rd...
  9. E

    Beem doing "Barbell conditioning" lately

    I recently decided to hire my wife's trainer to do "conditioning" training with me. We met this woman, whose name is Soonya, when we lived in Vegas for 2 years, and now that we're back east, my wife has kept on with Soonya via Skype (we have a well equipped home gym). I broke my leg a couple...
  10. Iron Game

    30 Sets for Arms and How to Bring Up Weak Hamstrings

    Branch Warren 30 Sets for Arms: Overkill? I was watching a video on MD with Victor, Juan Morel and Jonathan De La Rosa training arms, and they must have done five exercises each for biceps and triceps. I want to say the total amount of sets was around 30. That strikes me as overkill. What do...
  11. Iron Game

    Don't Train Like A Sissy!!

    Don’t Train Like a Sissy! I saw a great photo of Clint Eastwood on Facebook the other day with the quote, “I miss the ole days when everybody wasn’t such a pussy”. Although I’m not quite as old as Clint, I can relate to his brash opinion of the diminishing state of manhood when it comes to...
  12. Iron Game

    IFBB Bikini Pro Francesca Lauren Glutes & Leg Workout

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/haeboKu4sw8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Iron Game

    Squat Rules with Tom Platz, The Golden Eagle!!

    Giant legs If you have been around the Iron Game for a while, there is one name that comes instantly to mind when people discuss leg training. That name is Tom Platz. “The Golden Eagle” is widely regarded as having the most massively muscular legs in the history of bodybuilding. His thighs...
  14. E

    Trying to get back on this horse

    Several things conspired to interfere with my workouts in the last few months. For one thing, I hit a plateau in my 5x5 routine and just stopped making progress. Along with that, my shoulder started really giving me trouble. This is an old injury from a motorcycle crash in 2010 that was never...
  15. drtbear1967

    Variations of the Leg Extension

    themusclephd Today’s topic in The Muscle PhD Academy addresses variations of the leg extensions. Turning the toes in activates the tear drop / inner quads (vastus medialis) because this muscles job is to turn the toes in (internal rotation). The vastus medialis’ (outer quad sweep) muscle...
  16. Iron Game

    Chicken Legs - NO MORE

    Almost everyone has a favorite muscle group they like to train and develop best. For most of the new or young builders this is the biceps/arms. Why is this, probably because strong arms and especially the flexed biceps is the summum of showing your strength. On the other hand, most people also...
  17. Iron Game

    Kai Greene's Killer Leg Workout

    Kai Greene's Killer Leg Workout Lots of Sets, and Silent From Start to Finish Part of the fun of following Kai Greene during a leg workout is you never know what’s next. Kai does a lot of sets— and despite two hours of a pre-workout workout, he was still going to do a lot of sets. His...
  18. drtbear1967

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier You

    Fidget Your Way to A Healthier YOU by Matt Weik Are you a toe-tapper? Don’t think too deep into that question or become offended. In fact, let’s just get to the point. Many of us have jobs where we have to sit for long periods of time. As most of us...
  19. P

    HGH Side Affects

    I am 60 years old and have been lifting since I was 14. Over a 12 year military career and 18 year law enforcement career I have sustained many injuries which have led to 10 different orthopedic surgeries. In December I had a severe lumbar sacral back surgery after almost losing the use of my...
  20. Iron Game

    Use The Leg Press Properly

    Don't think you can't mess up your form on machines? Here are some important reminders of what can go wrong. You'd think the leg press would be idiot-proof. But nope! Like anything else in the weight room, there are any number of ways you can mess it up. Because you don't have to balance the...