
  1. drtbear1967

    Shoulders Overhaul

    Shoulders Overhaul From coat rack to refrigerator in 8 weeks! by Christian Thibaudeau I've had very narrow and unimpressive shoulders for a big part of my life. Call it genetics if you want; the fact is that my biacromial width was...
  2. Iron Game

    Testosterone Supplementation - Fact & Fiction

    Testosterone Supplementation - Fact & Fiction There is bias in the media (and medicine); this results in polarity— one side strongly (and blindly) for an extreme position against a separate side just as vehement (and ignorant) with the opposite stance. Yet, revelations arise that eventually...
  3. drtbear1967

    3 Keys to Building Muscle - Stimulate, Supply, and Signal

    3 Keys To Building Muscle – Stimulate, Supply, and Signal Contrary to popular belief, training is not the only way to stimulate muscle growth. In fact the biggest growth spurts for the average person occur in the absence of any intention to increase...
  4. Iron Game

    Gain 1.5 kg lean body mass with three-week course of LGD-4033

    Gain 1.5 kg lean body mass with three-week course of LGD-4033 Despite the negative reports on S4, SARMs like ostarine have become pretty common among chemical athletes, so another SARM, LGD-4033, is likely to find its way quickly into steroids circles. Especially if you read about the successes...
  5. drtbear1967

    Why People Belittle Bodybuilders

    Why People Belittle Bodybuilders by Geoff Roberts The many false assumptions and cruel comments made in regards to bodybuilders generally stem from two different places. These two places being insecurity and jealousy. It is easy to see how...
  6. Iron Game

    Training At The End Of The Day or At The Beginning For Best Results

    If you do strength training because you want to build muscle, then working out early in the evening is a better time than in the morning. We’ve posted links to studies that have shown this at the bottom of the page. And if you combine strength training with cardio training, early evening...
  7. drtbear1967

    Are Squats the New Bench Press?

    Are Squats the New Bench Press? Everyone who considers themselves half a bodybuilder (and probably most men in general) have been asked this question more than a few times in their lives – “How much do you bench?” Most of the time, people...
  8. Iron Game

    Fundamentals of Building Muscle: The First Ten

    Fundamentals of Building Muscle: The First Ten Every issue of Muscular Development is packed with the latest cutting-edge research and authoritative information on building muscle, burning fat, increasing strength, achieving optimal health and maximizing performance. 2016 was a banner year for...
  9. Iron Game

    Can Gym Class Alone Improve Bone Density in Females?

    by Matt Weik With so much talk these days about having kids get in enough physical activity per day, now even more studies are coming out preaching the benefits—especially with respect to girls. But is 60 minutes of gym class each week enough to benefit from? The short answer—no. A new study...
  10. drtbear1967

    Does the Scale Lie?

    Does the Scale Lie? I was going to title this post, “The Scale Is a Liar” and that’s it. Then I saw that articles on this subject have already been written by the dozens. After skimming through them however, I was shocked to see how many of them were giving the wrong advice: “Throw...
  11. Iron Game

    Cable's for MASS, Ronnie Coleman Speaks Out

    QUESTION You’re known for using the same basic heavy free-weight exercises as when you began bodybuilding, yet I’ve read that you sometimes include cables in your biceps workouts. Why bother? ANSWER I only use exercises that build mass. That should tell you that I include cables in my...