
  1. B

    How do you add serious mass to forearms?

    Forearms are my weakest point.. I haven't been able to add size to them seemingly no matter what I do. How in the world do you add size and mass to your forearms, especially when you simply don't have a thick bone structure?
  2. Iron Game

    Dallas McCarver's Super-Heavy Mass Building BACK Training

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  3. drtbear1967

    Trimethylglycine (TMG) - Betaine

    Trimethylglycine(TMG) or commonly known as betaine is a molecule that's becoming more and more popular in preworkouts. Naturally found in beet root, broccoli, and spinach, Betaine has a few different mechanisms by which it can help with health and performance. Firstly, it acts as a methyl...
  4. Iron Game

    Nutrition for Building Muscle

    Nutrition for Building MuscleYour Ultimate In-The-Trenches Guide Disclaimer: I am not a scientist. I do not hold a degree or any standardized certification in nutrition. There are many others in this industry who can spout study results, chemical names and detail the complex processes of how...
  5. Iron Game

    Does Excessive Weight Loss in Female Competitors Cause Health Risks?

    by Matt Weik The industry today is definitely not lacking hardworking women. In fact, today there are more female competitors than ever before in the fitness industry. Their hard work and dedication to their craft is showcased on stages across the globe. That being said, many people believe the...
  6. Iron Game

    Super AAS Stacks

    One of the most common steroid questions Testosterone receives is, "What 'roids should I stack together for optimal results?" In this article, I'll provide several stacking protocols based on feedback sent to me over the years by T-mag readers. Remember that the effects reported from these...
  7. Iron Game

    Super AAS Stacks

    One of the most common steroid questions Testosterone receives is, "What 'roids should I stack together for optimal results?" In this article, I'll provide several stacking protocols based on feedback sent to me over the years by T-mag readers. Remember that the effects reported from these...
  8. Iron Game

    Weight loss diet while physically inactive speeds up loss of muscle mass

    A few months ago we wrote that a surplus of calories during a period of physical inactivity speeds up muscle breakdown. This finding tempted us to speculate that during a period of inactivity a mild caloric deficit might be the way to hold this in check. If that’s the case, then the caloric...
  9. Iron Game

    Is it okay to lose 3 pounds per week when you have a lot to lose?

    Question: Is it okay to lose 3 pounds per week when you have a lot to lose? I know you preach losing one to two pounds per week. Does this apply to everyone? I’m currently at a 31% body fat level. I was curious to know if it’s ok to lose up to 3 pounds per week until I get to a 25%-20% body fat...
  10. Iron Game

    Study: Crash Dieting Works Better Without Carbs

    You need to lose a couple of pounds in a few weeks. The only solution: a strict diet with fewer than a thousand calories a day. You’re guaranteed to lose fat – but unfortunately you’ll lose muscle too. Italian researchers wrote in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences that...
  11. Iron Game

    Women And Weight Training Myths Vs. Facts

    Here we are, the year 2011, and it’s stunning to me that myths surrounding weight training and women still exist, and worse yet, it’s the same myths I was hearing a few decades ago! It seems I can dispel these myths ’til I’m blue in the face, and yet, they persist! In addition to the myths, it...
  12. drtbear1967

    Gain 30 Pounds in 30 Days?

    Gain 30 Pounds of Mass in 30 Days by Mike Arnold For all but the most fortunate, building muscle mass, particularly in large quantities, is an arduous task requiring an extreme degree of dedication and determination. It demands great...
  13. drtbear1967

    Embrace your Strong Points

    Embrace Your Strong Points by Cade Thomas We are always told that high level Bodybuilding is not about who has the most strengths, but who has the least weaknesses. While this might remain true to a degree in that any glaring lack of a...
  14. drtbear1967

    Suffering and Succeeding are Not the Same Thing

    Suffering and Succeeding are Not the Same Thing by Cade Thomas Building significant amounts of muscle is a selfish endeavor no matter how you slice it, and there are certain sacrifices that must be made on a social and financial level if progress is something you value. Genetics are always a...
  15. Iron Game

    Deca, Nandrolone Decanoate, Deca-Durabolin

    Nandrolone Decanoate You're entering into your off-season period of growth, and with the right plan in place you're going to grow like never before. In-order to pull off such growth, you're going to need dedication to your training, a sound nutritional plan with plenty of calories to spur...
  16. O

    Whats up guys new member here!

    Hello, I came across this forum and saw some good reads throughout different subforums on here so thought I would join! I am currently 20 years old and prepping to compete in my first show in roughly a year. Like they say you have to have mass to chisel it down ;) . I workout out about 6 days a...
  17. drtbear1967

    Can you OD on Protein?

    by Blane Morton Everyone involved in bodybuilding, but sports in general has been told since their first day in the weight room that they key to building muscle is to literally eat as much as you can swallow or afford, whichever comes first. The gold standard in protein to build lean muscle...
  18. B

    Anavar or orals only cycle

    I have a good friend who wants to gain a little muscle, but for personal reasons would prefer to use an oral to help more with recovery instead of sheer mass. He's 6' 3" 230 lbs. probably 8-10% body fat, doesn't want to get too much heavier, possibly only 10 lbs to 240, but he feels he has...
  19. drtbear1967

    Do The Push Press

    <!-- react-text: 40 -->Do the Push Press!<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 43 -->by Glenn Pendlay<!-- /react-text --> <!-- react-text: 46 -->The push press is like the upper-body power clean. I think I've called it the upper body squat previously but that was wrong. The squat can be...
  20. drtbear1967

    Growth Stages for Dummies

    Growth Stages for Dummies by Taylor Normandeau Yesterday, Damnit…That’s when we want to achieve our goals. Actually screw that, yesterday is too far in the future. Bodybuilders want to be huge months ago. YEARS ago. In fact most of us harbour some level of...