
  1. drtbear1967

    Pyramid Sets done Correctly

    Pyramid sets are commonly used by lifters in the gym. What many people tend to do is start with lifting relatively light weights close to failure and then gradually build up to their heaviest set. - A drawback of this training structure is that performing "light" sets close to failure generates...
  2. Jumbo Shrimp

    Hafthor Bjornsson competes

    Over the weekend, the 2018 World’s Strongest Man and Game of Thrones star Hafthor Bjornsson competed in Thor’s Powerlifting Challenge, which took place during the Iceland Open expo in Laugardalshöll, Reykjavík, Iceland. In early November when Bjornsson first announced that he’d be competing in...
  3. drtbear1967

    Does you training partner affect you workouts?

    We all know that there are different kinds of people with regards to sociability and the “need” for social interactions. This can quite easily be seen in the gym. Do you see yourself as a lone wolf or a social creature, buddying up with everyone you see? Maybe you are somewhere in between. Jonas...
  4. drtbear1967

    Creatine - Enhanced ATP Synthesis

    A large body of evidence shows creatine supplementation is beneficial for *slightly* increasing muscle growth in strength training individuals [1-3]. This likely is the result of a sustained improvement in training performance through enhanced ATP synthesis. - ATP is a source of energy for...
  5. drtbear1967

    More info on Stretching..

    About a dozen years ago, word trickled down from sports academia that doing static stretching before a lift would weaken us. Many abandoned pre-lift stretching immediately. But new research shows that doing a static-hold stretch before a lift doesn't hurt performance and might even increase it...
  6. drtbear1967

    The need to Stretch.

    There are three types of stretches: . 1. PNF stretching involves stretching to a point, then flexing the muscle before relaxing into a deeper stretch. . 2. Dynamic stretching (DS) involves moving into a stretch and back out of a stretch in a controlled manor. . 3. Static stretching (SS) is...
  7. drtbear1967

    Muscle soreness - Does it matter?

    We often hear people freak out because they AREN'T getting sore, thinking that their workouts were a waste. Here's why you don't need to be worried. . Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the muscle ache experience 24-72 hours after exercise. It is frequently referred to as a sign of a...
  8. drtbear1967

    Fake Nattie BS

    by Christian Duque First and foremost, I generally don’t care about the whole natty vs enhanced argument. I think what ever people do supplement-wise is their own business. I think it’s very impertinent to walk up to someone you don’t know and ask if they’re taking gear or not. Truthfully...
  9. Musclebeauty

    Stop Muscle Cramps Quickly With These 4 Tips

    Cramps, stitches,*charlie horses... There are a bunch of names. Muscle spasms ruin your workout, hinder your performance at a powerlifting competition, and are just literally a pain in the butt.*If you've had to deal with full body cramping, you understand the pain. The unforgivable pain you...
  10. drtbear1967

    Know how to Deload and Avoid Over-training.

    Ever feel like you finally are “on a roll” with getting to the gym? You work out as many times a week as you have planned and keep making progressions, but soon you feel your body working against you. . You start feeling progressively more tired and have a hard time increasing weight/volume...
  11. Musclebeauty

    A new caffeine what you meed to know about Teacrine

    Teacrine is a new ingredient being used in preworkouts formulas. Learn what the research has to say about the supplement & why it might be helpful to you! There is a famous saying, “Beer*is proof that God wants us to be happy”. My saying is, “Caffeine is proof God wanted us to actually get...
  12. Presser

    Electrolytes and Hydration In Bodybuilding. No More Pedialyte!

    Electrolytes and Hydration – 2 Factors that will Make or Break your Performance We all know that eating a diet with ample high-quality proteins, clean carbohydrates and healthy fats are absolutely essential to your performance and gains. So what is the missing link? Why does performance so...
  13. drtbear1967

    Can DNA predict your gains?

    Can DNA-tests really predict performance? This first-of-its-kind study tries to answer this question! It let athletes take DNA-tests from their saliva and used 14 gene variants to classify them as either “endurance” or “power” athletes, based on their DNA. Without letting them know which type...
  14. Musclebeauty

    Multivitamins Role in Bodybuilding

    Multivitamin*and mineral supplements are possibly the most important single supplement that can beconsumed by bodybuilders and athletes. The human body must be supplied with an immense and complex array of essential nutrients for it to perform at its maximum potential. Becoming deficient in just...
  15. drtbear1967

    Get to Thrusting!!

    ebtofficial🍑 😏 🍑 . 1 did a study where he compared hip thrusts to squats using EMG (a way of electrically measuring muscle activity). (1) EMG measurements usually work by first asking people to squeeze a muscle as much as they can to get a "reference" value of 100%, and then measuring how much...
  16. Presser

    Canadian Bodybuilding Forum Is Now Open

    Canadian Bodybuilding Forum Open. Discussion topics on all things Health and Fitness, Bodybuilders connecting in canada to share training , diet and nutrition as well as all things performance enhancement related. Supplements, P.E.D.'s , Anabolic Androgenic Steroids, Gyms, Contests, Shows, Dates...
  17. drtbear1967

    Could orgasm be a performance enhancer for women?

    Imaging studies in women have shown that their brains are undergoing a fascinating set of changes post orgasm. These include increased activity of the areas associated with relaxation, touch, reward, memory, and pain sensation. Apparently, orgasm is a pretty reliable pain desensitizer for women...
  18. drtbear1967


    themusclephd ➕Tag a friend who loves to chase the pump!- ��Glycerol is a supplement that has great benefits for all athletes because it allows your body to hold onto intracellular water. This is water inside of the muscle. Holding water inside of your muscle not only allows for...
  19. drtbear1967

    Carbs - The Master Food

    Carbohydrates – The Master Fuel A diet rich in carbohydrates increases endurance performance because of the extra store of carbohydrates in the muscles and liver called glycogen. Work completed in the early 1980’s by David Costill at Ball State University showed that if athletes did not...
  20. Muscle mechanic

    A steroid becoming popular Test-1-cyp (DHB)

    There has been alot of noise out there of Dehydro-Boldenone (test-1-cyp) Alot of info out there wrong. I seen DHB (test-1-cyp) Confused with Boldenone cyp. Boldenone Cyp is EQ version with faster cyp ester! DHB (test-1-cyp) is a steroid of it own. Boldenone converts to dehyro-boldenone in our...