
  1. drtbear1967

    Swear to increase strength?

    by Jake Tuura We know that swearing increases pain tolerance. That has even been backed up by research. Now new research shows it can also increase strength and power. . The Studies: Repeating a swear word was compared to repeating a neutral word during two different experiments. In the first...
  2. johnscooley

    Top 3 Muscle Supplements. I Think You Should Buy Them

    Number 1: Caffeine. Caffeine is perhaps the most widely used stimulant in the world, taken almost religiously by many sleep-deprived individuals for a quick energy boost. But, it also has very capable ergogenic, performance enhancing effects that can aid muscle growth. Studies consistently...
  3. Presser

    New Design Muscle Thredz Pictures. Many FREE Giveaways HERE & NOW!

    Below are some of the new designed logos and graphics for "Muscle Thredz" and the new Silver/Shiny, Metallic Laser Print is just that "NEW" for me to work with , which means some VERY SMALL FLAWS on them so they cant be sold, but they can be given away to members so you guys...
  4. Dean Destructo

    Acute Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Muscle Flexibility and Performance

    Stretching has long been used in many physical activities to increase range of motion (ROM) around a joint. Stretching also has other acute effects on the neuromuscular system. For instance, significant reductions in maximal voluntary strength, muscle power or evoked contractile properties have...
  5. Dean Destructo

    Warm ups , only in your mind? "The effect of warm-ups with stretching on the isokinetic "

    The effect of warm-ups with stretching on the isokinetic moments of collegiate men.Performing warm-ups increases muscletemperature and blood flow, which contributes to improved exercise performance and reduced risk of injuries to muscles and tendons. Stretching increases the range of motion of...
  6. drtbear1967

    EAA's over BCAA's

    theguerillachemist One more reason to go with EAA(or while food complete protein) over BCAA. Exercise performance can be reduced from elevated serotonin levels. This study, in rats both exercising and sedentary, aimed to see why BCAA, which lower brain serotonin levels do not cause increases in...
  7. drtbear1967

    Nootropic Alpha-GPC

    Nootropic Alpha-GPC - ��Many use Alpha-GPC for its cognitive benefit through increasing focus, mental alertness, energy, mood, and memory. It also has some validity for adjuvant therapy with Alzheimer's disease. - ��If you have checked the labels on some newer...
  8. drtbear1967

    Beetss to improve performance

    Did you know that beets may increase performance? - ��Research shows supplemental beetroot powder can increase total training volume by decreasing fatigue. It can also increase nitric oxide in the blood, which we know has an impact on muscular performance and overall exercise...
  9. 9

    Joe Rogan on Francis Ngannou training at the UFC Performance Institute

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. 9

    Kenny Florian Visits the UFC Performance Institute

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. Iron Game

    Marijuana Impairs Exercise Performance

    Marijuana Impairs Exercise Performance Pot Also Increases Death from Hypertension Many people derive pleasure from smoking a joint, but it’s not something that serious athletes should do along with watching their macros, getting enough rest and drinking a gallon of water a day. New...
  12. drtbear1967

    Effects of Nitrates and Performance.

    cool study about the effects of nitrates and performance that was published in December. 12 resistance-trained men were given either 400mg nitrates in the form of beet root drink or a placebo in a double-blind,placebo controlled study. The study measured the participants bench press intensity at...
  13. drtbear1967

    Power of Pineapple.

    By Emmy Schneider-Green Do you like pina coladas? Then you need pineapple. But, pineapples aren't only useful for their decor-enhancing abilities or as a key ingredient of pina coladas. This fruit is a powerhouse that could provide you with a natural boost to your muscle gains and athletic...
  14. drtbear1967

    Betaine - Health and Performance

    theguerillachemist Trimethylglycine(TMG) or commonly known as betaine is a molecule that's becoming more and more popular in preworkouts. Naturally found in beet root, broccoli, and spinach, Betaine has a few different mechanisms by which it can help with health and performance. Firstly, it...
  15. drtbear1967

    Cytomel - What You Need To Know

    (Liothyronine Sodium) Cytomel is the commonly associated brand name for the synthetic thyroid hormone Liothyronine Sodium. This is a perfect replica of the naturally produced thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, or what is commonly referred to as the T3 hormone. While synthetic Cytomel has been...
  16. drtbear1967

    Anavar - What You Need to Know!!

    AnavarAnavar is a popular anabolic steroid that while often considered mild is quite powerful. The mild classification many tend to give it is due to its extremely high threshold of toleration. Both men and women can normally tolerate this steroid fairly well. In fact, this is the single most...
  17. Iron Game

    Kratom Use In Bodybuilding

    Kratom Use In Bodybuilding by Anthony Roberts Kratom is one of those herbs that always seems to be on the periphery of the circles I travel in. Proponents claim that it’s a safe and legal way to get high, a natural painkiller, and even a way for addicts to detox. Typically, none of those...
  18. Iron Game

    Whats The Deal With Meldonium?

    by Anthony Roberts The biggest doping story of 2016 is Maria Sharapova failing a drug test at the Australian Open. Most of the general public was shocked at her testing positive – but within my crowd (read: steroid-people), the shock was at the actual compound itself: Meldonium. Meldonium...
  19. Iron Game

    New Study: Growth Hormone Does Not Boost Exercise Performance

    New Study: Growth Hormone Does Not Boost Exercise Performance Some bodybuilders use growth hormone (GH) to gain a competitive edge, but what are the real benefits? A study just published in Growth Hormone & IGF Research found that GH administration elicits significant changes in body...
  20. C

    **Product Reviewers**

    Looking for 3 MC members to review products from Must be able to log updates at least 2x a week for 30 days. Including pictures of product landing. Honest reviewers is all that is expected. Review on taste, how well the product mixes, and of course the effects...