
  1. Iron Game

    Pharmacology of anabolic steroids

    Bodybuilding is a journey of learning – identifying boundaries and how to break through them. For many, the choice to use anabolic-androgenic steroids for enhanced muscular development is clear and absolute. But impulsive moves and risky application can be avoided with a little prior research...
  2. C

    GW Cardarine 501516 Fat Loss - Endurance Booster!!

    GW-501516 Cardarine and what makes it so special? In your years in bodybuilding or even though you have just entered it, you would hear much about protein supplementation, hormone therapy and all those kinds of stuff. One thing you would learn about for sure is the use of SARMs like Cardarine...
  3. Iron Game

    Nootropics Increasing Athletic Performance

    by Josh Hodnik Nootropics, also referred to as cognitive enhancers, smart drugs, and memory enhancers are supplements, synthetic peptides, and nutraceuticals that are reported to improve focus, thought connection, memory, and sometimes wakefulness. These drugs are primarily used to treat...
  4. drtbear1967

    Effects of Nitrates and Performance

    theguerillachemist Pretty cool study about the effects of nitrates and performance that was published in December. 12 resistance-trained men were given either 400mg nitrates in the form of beet root drink or a placebo in a double-blind,placebo controlled study. The study measured the...
  5. C


    PRE / POST / RECOVERY / GAINER5 Creatine Blend with Pump and Recovery Agents Pro Maker™ Performance is a innovative and unique Creatine Blend created with five of the best creatine forms available in the market and combined with HICA, L-Citrulline and Carnosyn® (purest form of Beta Alanine) to...
  6. drtbear1967

    ALA - Cognitive Performance

    themusclephd If you remember from yesterday's Food Fact Friday, Omega-3's are essential fatty acids that comes from your diet or in a supplement. I also mentioned that Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) are among these Omega-3's, however...
  7. drtbear1967

    Whole Foods vs. Protein Powders

    Whole Foods vs. Protein Powders Some people like to say that protein supplements are inferior to whole-food protein sources. But what does science say? Check this out. by Chris Shugart What We Know About Higher-Protein Diets Based on a bevy of studies we've covered...
  8. drtbear1967

    Vitamine D - Worth a Try!

    Tip: Boost Performance in 14 Days with this Vitamin Take this for just two weeks and see your endurance escalate and cortisol levels plummet. by TC Luoma Are you one of those gamer geeks who stays indoors a lot? Or are you someone who lives far from...
  9. C


    GW-501516 (Cardarine) is one of the most versatile performance enhancers one will ever come across. Whether you are looking to drastically increase endurance, melt fat, cut or recomp, GW will truly shine. In this article, I am going to touch on the many ways and reason to incorporate GW into...
  10. C


    GW-501516 (Cardarine) is one of the most versatile performance enhancers one will ever come across. Whether you are looking to drastically increase endurance, melt fat, cut or recomp, GW will truly shine. In this article, I am going to touch on the many ways and reason to incorporate GW into...
  11. C


    Endurobol also known as .... Cardarine aka GW-501516 What is ENDUROBOL aka GW-501516 Cardarine and what makes it so special? In your years in bodybuilding or even though you have just entered it, you would hear much about protein supplementation, hormone therapy and all those kinds of stuff...
  12. C

    What is Pro Maker Performance?

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  13. C

    Baking Soda: The Performance Supplement You Are Missing

    Baking Soda: The Performance Supplement You Are Missing When we hear “baking soda,” we think of laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, and the stuff we put in refrigerators so they don’t smell bad. But baking soda has other uses as well, especially in regard to fitness and fatigue. The...
  14. Iron Game

    Anabolic Steroids and Bicycling

    Anabolic Steroids and the Bicycle Sport For an athlete or a sports person to be the best in his/her field, he needs to be in top shape. One of the many ways he/she can ensure they are on top of their game is by using anabolic steroids, to enhance the performance. Anabolic steroids are...
  15. Iron Game

    Steroids and Sporting Society

    Steroids and Sporting Society F Kyle Sporting activities are a way of boosting the wellness and the abilities to come up with a higher performance. Athletes who use steroids while exercising or going for a competition are known to pose greater competition among the rest and also come at as...
  16. Iron Game

    Steroids and Other Pharmaceuticals – the Difference

    Steroids and other pharmaceuticals – the difference Steroids are basically enhancing drugs which are manufactured using testosterone. These drugs are used to improve on performance usually in the sports arena and are also used to better appearance. Steroids are also used medically in the...
  17. Iron Game


    PRO MAKER™ PERFORMANCE - 5 CREATINE BLEND PRE / POST / RECOVERY / GAINER5 Creatine Blend with Pump and Recovery Agents Pro Maker™ Performance is a innovative and unique Creatine Blend created with five of the best creatine forms available in the market and combined with HICA, L-Citrulline...
  18. yellow snow

    Great book for all you readers out there

    I am about half way through "spitting in the soup, inside the dirty game of doping in sports", by Mark Johnson. It is one of the best books on doping in sports I have ever read, and goes through the history ( as well as showing how history has been deceptive went trying to villify POD's). I...
  19. Presser

    Free Bottle of Vital Performance Offer & Latest Store Specials!!

    We are GIVING AWAY 1 FREE BOTTLE of VITAL PERFORMANCE with Every Order Today through SUNDAY (October 23rd) MuscleChemistry Store address is Specials Below Start Today and END MONDAY @ MIDNIGHT (October 24th) Free Pack Of EPHEDRINE HCL with ANY SIZE IGF-1 lr3...
  20. Presser

    Free Bottle of Vital Performance Offer & Latest Store Specials!!

    We are GIVING AWAY 1 FREE BOTTLE of VITAL PERFORMANCE with Every Order Today through SUNDAY (October 23rd) MuscleChemistry Store address is Specials Below Start Today and END MONDAY @ MIDNIGHT (October 24th) Free Pack Of EPHEDRINE HCL with ANY SIZE IGF-1 lr3...