
  1. drtbear1967

    NPP - Deca's not so Little Brother.

    NPP - Nandrolone Phenylpropionate History Nandrolone phenylpropionate was actually the first nandrolone compound to ever be sold by Organon back in the 1950's. However, it was quickly shouldered out of the way by its big brother deca durabolin and shoved under the rug for many years in the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Superdrol - Profile

    Superdrol (Methyldrostanolone) (Methyldrostanolone) Superdrol is an anabolic steroid that carries a bit of a unique history compared to many anabolic steroids. Superdrol itself is merely a brand name of an over the counter anabolic steroid sold as a pro hormone or nutritional supplement by...
  3. drtbear1967

    Testosterone Enanthate Profile

    Testosterone Enanthate is one of the oldest and perhaps the most commonly used anabolic steroid of all time. Testosterone Enanthate is a slow acting release form of the testosterone hormone and would be the first large/long ester testosterone form used. Synthetic testosterone itself would be...
  4. drtbear1967

    Compound 6 - Profile

    theguerillachemist[/URL] Despite SARMs being pulled from the market, I still keep tabs on all the new and promising ones looking to hit clinical trials. This one by Eli Lilly caught my eye. Despite it being a topical(for now), it has some very promising data. Known as Compound 6, it has a...
  5. drtbear1967

    The Science of Steroid Stacking.

    The Science of Steroid Stacking The infamous steroid stack; what is it and what is its purpose? A stack is the combining of various steroids where the ultimate goal is the sum effects are greater than that of the individual sum of its parts. Basically it is combining steroids where the...
  6. Iron Game

    Study: Aromatase Inhibitors (AI's)

    by Matt Weik If you are a bodybuilder or are heavily into using supplements to achieve a desired physique, there’s a good chance at one point or another you have used aromatase inhibitors (AI’s). You could have used them as a standalone product or as part of post-cycle therapy (PCT). Aromatase...
  7. Iron Game

    Hormone Replacemen Therapy HRT Part 2

    Obesity and Hormone Imbalance A consistent finding in the scientific literature is that obese men have low testosterone and very high estrogen levels. Central or visceral obesity (pot belly) is recognized as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes. New findings have shed...
  8. drtbear1967

    Cheque Drops - (Mibolerone) The Most Potent Anabolic Ever Made.

    Cheque Drops (Mibolerone) (Mibolerone) Mibolerone is a veterinarian grade anabolic steroid that was released in the 1960’s by Upjohn under the brand name Cheque Drops and later as Cheque Medicated Dog Food. The purpose of this steroid is to disrupt the menstrual cycle of a female dog in order...
  9. Iron Game

    Metribolone - Methyltrienolone - R1881

    Metribolone-Methyltrienolone-R1881 On the left you see a picture of ampoulle made by Newgenpharm, Korea. Its an obvious fake, seen the doses. Metribolone is an extremely powerfull steroid, some experts even call it monstreous. It is hard ro buy the real products and API's. Mostly because its not...
  10. drtbear1967

    Testosterone Enanthate Profile

    Testosterone Enanthate Testosterone Enanthate is one of the oldest and perhaps the most commonly used anabolic steroid of all time. Testosterone Enanthate is a slow acting release form of the testosterone hormone and would be the first large/long ester testosterone form used. Synthetic...
  11. Iron Game

    Nilevar - Anabolic Steroid Making A Comeback

    by Josh Hodnik Nilevar is a steroid that is mostly unheard of within the steroid industry. This long forgotten anabolic was first developed in 1956, and had basically become extinct in the United States, but its now being reported that it has recently resurfaced through a select few underground...
  12. Iron Game

    Simply Put... The Importance of Hormones and Glands

    Simply Put… The Importance of Hormones and The Glands That Control Them Our endocrine system is much more complex than testosterone and estrogen that most of us think of when we hear “hormones”. Hormones control – · Thirst and hunger · Body temperature · Mood ·...
  13. Iron Game

    Woman, AAS and Birth Control

    AAS and Birth Control One of the most common questions asked is about AAS and Birth Control. Women typically experience an interruption of their menstrual cycle while on any sex hormone-manipulating cycle (AAS or ?anti-estrogen?). This does NOT mean that you cannot get pregnant. Despite the...
  14. drtbear1967

    Optimizing Appetit and Digestion For Maximum Muscle Growth

    Optimizing Appetite and Digestion for Maximum Muscle Growth by Mike Arnold As a bodybuilder, you don’t need to be told that diet plays a direct and critical role in the achievement of your goals. Even beginners understand this, yet knowledge of this...
  15. Iron Game

    Underground Anabolic Steroids

    Underground Anabolic Steroids Steroid is a general class of chemical substances that are structural connected with each other. Basic examples of steroids include sex hormones, cholesterol and dexamethasone. Steroids are important for keeping the body running smoothly. Different steroids have...
  16. Iron Game

    Methyltrienolone - Oral Trenbolone (Tren)

    Methyltrienolone is structurally similar to trenbolone (Parabolan/Finaplix), a well-liked and powerful androgen that does not aromatize to estrogen. The difference is the attachment of a 17-alpha-methyl group for oral activity. So one could refer to methyltrienolone as oral trenbolone. It was...
  17. Presser

    Bodenone (EQ) Stacks WELL With Nandrolone (DECA) in Steroid Cycle.

    Why equipoise and Deca stack well together in a bodybuilding cycle! Boldenone Boldenone is similar to testosterone in anabolic action with only about 50% the aromatization rate (conversion to estrogens). It is only moderately androgenic yet provides a hardening effect commonly realized due...
  18. J

    Z shape backbone

    Normal anabolic steroids have a flat spatial structure. But in a patent filed in 1965, Dutch researchers devote over a hundred pages to describing a group of anabolics with a Z-shaped structure. Regular anabolic steroids are 10-beta, 9-alpha steroids. This means that the tenth carbon atom has a...
  19. Dean Destructo

    Psychopathic personality traits and cortisol response to stress

    Previous research indicates that psychopathic personality traits are associated with lower cortisol secretion in response to stress in men but not in women. The current study explored whether prior null results for women were related to the latency of the cortisol stress response to two...
  20. Dean Destructo

    Very early administration of progesterone for acute traumatic brain injury.

    Very early administration of progesterone for acute traumatic brain injury.Wright DW, Yeatts SD, Silbergleit R, Palesch YY, Hertzberg VS, Frankel M, Goldstein FC, Caveney AF, Howlett-Smith H, Bengelink EM, Manley GT, Merck LH, Janis LS, Barsan WG; NETT Investigators. Collaborators (299)...