
  1. Masher59


    <tbody> Trenbolone Trenbolone is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids available . It is injected intramuscularly into one of the several injection sites on the body. Trenbolone is not available in a form that can be taken orally. It is an intermediate to advanced level steroid and it...
  2. Iron Game

    Limp Dick - Deca

    Limp Dick - Deca A few words on deca and impotence... I would place an estimated guess that 90% of deca users experience some sexual dysfunction from nandrolones. That includes all esters, decanoate being the worst. Most already understand that nandrolones are a strong stimulator of the...
  3. Iron Game

    List of Human Hormones and their Importance

    List of Human Hormones and their Importance Hormones in your body determine your growth, weight, physique, mood, behavior, digestion, fertility, overall health, almost everything. This article presents a list of human hormones and explains their importance too. Let's find out how hormones govern...
  4. Iron Game

    Does Tren Increase Progesterone and Prolactin levels?

    Q: “Is trenbolone progestagenic? Or does trenbolone increase prolactin? A friend did a cycle of 500 mg/week testosterone plus 500 mg/week trenbolone enanthate and got gyno, when previously he’d done just the testosterone and did fine. This has me concerned about trenbolone.” A: Trenbolone has...
  5. Iron Game

    Using Steroids - 40 and Over- Deca, Testosterone, ETC

    Using Steroids - 40 and Over Let’s face it. At around 40 we all start to see signs of aging. It can’t be denied any longer at that point. You aren’t ready to be old. Some of us have been athletes all of our lives and are not ready to be fat and happy sitting in a sports bar watching ball on a...
  6. Iron Game

    Myths & Misinformation - Deca, Winny & Your Joints

    Deca, Winny & Your Joints - Myths & Misinformation I’ve been somewhat plagued by certain questions ever since I started reading about steroids a decade ago. Certain ideas just never sat well with me…and unfortunately, when I asked more questions, I only received similar answers. When I was...
  7. Presser

    Is there and acceptable level of trenbolone acetate hormone residue in meat for human ingestion. YES!!

    Hormonal growth promoting agents in food producing animals.Stephany RW1. Author information Abstract<abstracttext>In contrast to the use of hormonal doping agents in sports to enhance the performance of athletes, in the livestock industry hormonal growth promoters ("anabolics") are used to...
  8. Iron Game

    Testosterone Therapy for Women

    Until fairly recently the mere suggestion of using the essentially male hormone testosterone to treat female patients would have been considered out of the question by the majority of the medical profession. However, with leading pharmaceutical company Procter & Gamble announcing the development...
  9. Iron Game

    Should Women Use Testosterone

    Should Women Use Testosterone Contrarian Endocrinology Part I: Testosterone for Women by Karlis Ullis, M.D. and Joshua Shackman, Ph.D. Part I: Testosterone for Women In this series of articles, I will attempt to bring clarity to two common myths about endocrinology. The first myth is...
  10. Iron Game

    Post PCT and Women HCG and Clomid for Female Estrogen Levels

    I wrote this a while back and thought I would share it here as well. I usually recommend Clomid to bring levels of estrogen back into alignment as part of a post cycle therapy regimen for the more aggressive female user. Hcg promotes progesterone production and mimics the pituitary glands...
  11. Iron Game

    NPP vs. Deca Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    What is NPP? The anabolic steroid nandrolone is most often referred to as Deca Durabolin, the trade name for its decanoate ester. However, the phenylpropionate ester, known as nandrolone phenylpropionate (a.k.a. “NPP”), is also very popular. In fact, some bodybuilders like the NPP steroid far...
  12. Iron Game

    Cheque Drops (Mibolerone)

    Cheque Drops (Mibolerone) Cheque Drop is the tradename for the anabolic steroid mibolerone. Originally used to suppress ovulation of female dogs in heat, Mibolerone is one of the most harsh steroids in existence. It is approximately 5.9 times as anabolic, and 2.5 times as androgenic as...
  13. Presser

    Designer Anabolic Prohormone Profiles ,Delta-2 (2-Androstenone) Designer Anabolics,

    Designer Anabolic Prohormone Profiles Available hormones Profiles. Before You Buy Designer Anabolic Steroids or Pro-hormones Read Below: New Prohormone: Delta-2 (2-Androstenone) Designer Anabolics A few months ago supplements maker Androgenetx launched a new prohormone. It's called...
  14. Iron Game

    A Womans Guide to Chemical Enhancement

    A Womans Guide to Chemical Enhancement This article is Part I of II. This article was written by one of RxMuscle's most respected female Forum Administrators who is an accomplished bodybuilder and veteran of Performance Enhancing Drug use. I am republishing this now to try and get the word...
  15. Iron Game

    Testosterone Tested as Mood Drug

    In the 1920s, long before the appearance of modern antidepressants, physicians tried to treat listless men with a serum of ground-up animal testes, which they imagined contained the essence of male virility. In the '40s and '50s, when that essence had been discovered and synthesized in a...
  16. gandhisays

    DHEA not for Men, But works Well for Women in building muscle, mood, female labido

    DHEA effective muscle building Supplement For Women! from Have you ever noticed if a supplement, drug, etc is tried in men, and fails to work, it’s written off as being ineffective? Although improving, it’s well known that men have been the standard subjects in research, with...
  17. PUMPED

    Natural Hormones 2

    Steroid chemical classes, target receptor, cells, and effects of androgens, anabolics, progesterones and estrogen hormones <tbody> Chemical class Name Abbreviation Tissue Cells Receptor Target Tissue Effect androgen Testosterone testes Leydig cells AR libido, Anabolic: growth of muscle...
  18. Area 1255

    The Third Bride; Explaining How Progesterone Works in the Brain

    ~ORIGINAL ARTICLE PAGE~ This ladies and gentlemen is the third article of it's kind - first we had DHT and the brain, then we put out Estrogen's Impact on Brain Function - now we have the third, the tip of the iceberg. The point of the pyramid. You get it. This article will step into the...
  19. Presser

    How Long Can I Cycle Ostarine. What is Best Dosage to take & other FAQ on Sarms

    MK-2866 Ostarine SARMS FAQ What Is Sarm mk-2866 Ostarine? Ostarine (also known as MK-2866) is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) originally created to address issues like Osteoporosis. Ostarine mimics the effects of anabolic steroids, without side effects like gyno, increased...
  20. Presser

    Effects Deca and Winstrol Have on Your Joints.

    I’ve been somewhat plagued by certain questions ever since I started reading about steroids a decade ago. Certain ideas just never sat well with me…and unfortunately, when I asked more questions, I only received similar answers. When I was introduced to the world of internet steroid boards about...