
  1. Dean Destructo

    hanges in salivary estradiol predict changes in women's preferences for vocal masculinity.

    Although many studies have reported that women's preferences for masculine physical characteristics in men change systematically during the menstrual cycle, the hormonal mechanisms underpinning these changes are currently poorly understood. Previous studies investigating the relationships...
  2. Presser

    Understaning Hormone Replacement Therapy and The Most Common Forms of Testosterone Used By USA Clinics

    The difference between bioidentical-hormones,testosterone, estradiol, and synthetic versions of these hormones is critical to understanding hormone replacement therapy(HRT). The main definition of bioidentical-hormones is any substance or hormone that is a manufactured drugs must have the...
  3. Presser

    Which steroids convert into estrogen. Understanding Aromatization of Hormones

    Understanding how steroid hormones convert into estrogen Which steroids convert or Aromatize into estrogen or progesterone. How to Stop the Bloat from excessive estrogen Which drugs cause gyno (bitch tits). <big>Aromatization</big> is the process by which the body converts anabolic steroids...
  4. Iron Game


    Anabolics 101 - Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) Description Deca-Durabolin is an injectable form of the anabolic steroid nandrolone. Nandrolone is very similar to testosterone in structure, although it lacks a carbon atom at the 19th position (hence its other name, 19-nortestosterone)...
  5. Iron Game

    Combating Estrogens and Progesterone

    Estrogens and progesterone are two hormones responsible for female characteristics. They can be produced as a side effect of anabolic steroid use when they convert (aromatise) into these hormones. Both are responsible for some of the side effects of steroid use, eg gyno (gynecomastia - female...
  6. 3J

    PCT Specific Dieting: Nutrition for Faster Recovery by 3J

    The PCT Specific Diet: Why Many People Fail in Post Cycle Therapy By 3J Today I would like to discuss a very important topic that seems to be overlooked by most amateur steroid users, post cycle therapy nutrition. Having been a nutritionist on steroid forums for almost a...
  7. Iron Game

    Testosterone Tested as Mood Drug--ANOTHER GOOD READ

    In the 1920s, long before the appearance of modern antidepressants, physicians tried to treat listless men with a serum of ground-up animal testes, which they imagined contained the essence of male virility. In the '40s and '50s, when that essence had been discovered and synthesized in a...
  8. Iron Game

    Sex hormones and immunity. Androgen's, Estrogen's, and The Immune Response

    It's really not quite correct to say androgens suppress or stimulate the immune system. It is a bit more complicated than that, not surprisingly. Here is Immunology 101 in a nutshell. The immune system has two "arms of attack": the cell mediated arm and the humoral arm. The cell mediated arm...
  9. Iron Game

    Testosterone: a natural tonic for the failing heart?

    Testosterone: a natural tonic for the failing heart? P.J. Pugh, K.M. English, T.H. Jones1 and K.S. Channer From the Department of Cardiology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital 1 Department of Human Metabolism and Clinical Biochemistry, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK Introduction Chronic...
  10. Iron Game

    Gynaecomastia in AAS users

    Written by Bigcat Gynaecomastia in AAS users Gynaecomastia is the development of breast tissue in males. It’s a side-effect often associated with anabolic androgenic steroid use/abuse, although it’s not all that prevalent in healthy males. One study with low-dose testosterone (200 mg/week of...
  11. Iron Game

    Primobolan - The Ultimate Steroid? I think yes!

    Pharmaceutical Name: Methenolone Enanthate Effective dose: 200-800 mg/week injections Average Street-price: $12-$16 Available Doses: 100mg/1ml ampoules by Schering, Turkey Primobolan Depot is an extremely effective steroid that's earned its respect as the safest injectable steroid. It's the...
  12. Iron Game

    Does Nandrolone Aromatize Into An Estrogen?

    Written by Dan Gwartney, MD Most anabolic steroid (AAS) users are not extreme in their practices. While people find it interesting to discuss the cycles of professional athletes, amazed by the number and amount of drugs used to achieve elite levels of mass and power, the common user tends to...
  13. Dean Destructo

    testosterone-like effect of Kaempferia parviflora

    The aim of the present study was to investigate the testosterone-like effect of Kaempferia parviflora (KP). Castrated immature rats were randomized and divided into two groups (control and KP-treatment groups). The rats (n=7-8) were treated daily for 5 days by oral route with water in the...
  14. Dean Destructo

    Neuroprotection by Estrogen and Progesterone in Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury.

    In recent years there has been a growing body of clinical and laboratory evidence demonstrating the neuroprotective effects of estrogen and progesterone after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI). In humans, women have been shown to have a lower incidence of morbidity and...
  15. Dean Destructo

    Melatonin and its receptor MT1 are involved in the downstream reaction to luteinizing hormone

    The functions of melatonin in preovulatory fluid remain elusive. In the current study, we observed that the extremely high level of expression of MT1 in mice granulosa cells was rapidly induced byhCG (equivalent LH) within 2 hours and this was referred as MT1 surge. In cumulus cells, serotonin...
  16. Dean Destructo

    Safety concerns regarding 5α reductase inhibitors for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.

    PURPOSE OF REVIEW:<abstracttext label="PURPOSE OF REVIEW" nlmcategory="OBJECTIVE">To examine the clinical and basic studies regarding persistent adverse effects associated with 5α reductase inhibitor treatment for androgenetic alopecia.</abstracttext> RECENT FINDINGS:<abstracttext label="RECENT...
  17. Dean Destructo

    Effects of intranasal oxytocin on steroid hormones

    Effects of intranasal oxytocin on steroid hormones in men and women.BACKgROUND:<abstracttext label="BACKGROUND" nlmcategory="BACKGROUND"> Recent interest in the social and cognitive effects of intranasal oxytocin prompts a need for understanding its physiological effects in humans. Few studies...
  18. Iron Game

    A Closer Look at Trenbolone

    A Closer Look at Trenbolone Not too many steroids have an air of mystique about them quite like trenbolone. It is one of those agents that you will hear talked up aggressively by some guy in the gym, to later find he has not even tried it himself yet. The bodybuilding literature is full of...
  19. Iron Game


    Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their effects. Anabolic pharmacology is the study of drugs that have a growth-promoting effect in muscle. This column will explore anabolic pharmacology by profiling a different anabolic drug and its effects each month. The focus of discussion this month...
  20. Iron Game

    Cheque Drops - Mibolerone

    Cheque Drops Mibolerone Mibolerone was initially as a veterinary product used to keep female dogs under control while they are in heat by shutting down the cycling of their ovaries. With proper timing, breeders are able to regulate the heat cycles of their b*tches. Eventually, athletes began to...