
  1. Iron Game

    Another PCT Protocol

    By Swale I advise my AAS patients to use small amounts of HCG (250IU to 500IU) two days each week, right from the beginning of the cycle. This serves to maintain testicular form and function. It makes more sense to me to keep the horse in the barn, so to speak, then to have to chase it across...
  2. Iron Game

    Basic Planning for Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    By Bill Roberts Q: “What are the most basic things to avoid in anabolic steroid cycle planning?” A: As a quick summary, avoid: Creating situations likely to lead to poor recovery of natural testosterone production Uncontrolled high-estrogen situations Overly-prolonged use of alkylated...
  3. Masher59

    5 Steps To A Leaner Physique Year Round

    FIVE STEPS TO A LEANER PHYSIQUE ALL YEAR ROUND! 0 Team Scivation discuss diet and five steps to follow to help you burn fat and build a leaner and healthier physique.Diet. The four letter word that we all love to hate. From serious fitness and physique competitors to the average person trying...
  4. 9

    Travis Fulton Slams the S**t Out of Opponent

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> Fulton vs. Bullock is a good example of a fight that never should have happened. Fulton was a 200-pound brawler who had already been in dozens of fights. Bullock was a...
  5. Iron Game

    Manage Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) During Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    By Bill Roberts Q: “Why might I want to keep SHBG levels as normal as reasonably possible, and how would I do that in steroid cycles?” A: Contrary to common opinion that SHBG is the enemy of the weight trainer, allegedly working only to reduce free T, normal SHBG levels serve useful purposes...
  6. Masher59

    Post Workout Nutrition

    POST-WORKOUT NUTRITION AND SUPPLEMENTATION <tbody style="margin: 0px;"> 2 </tbody> 0 Gaining muscle and losing fat is hard enough without the confusion of trying to get the right post-training foods and supplements.You work hard every trip you take to the gym. You would never want your...
  7. Iron Game

    When Does a Anabolic Steroid Cycle Really End?

    Q: “For anabolic steroid cycle planning, when should I consider a cycle to have ended? At the end of the last week that I used steroids, or when the steroids have cleared?” A: Any system can be used if the thinking is consistent, but I prefer figuring cycle length according to how long anabolic...
  8. Iron Game

    Recovery Time Between Anabolic Steroid Cycles

    Q: “How much recovery time should I allow between steroid cycles?” A: The first factor is that recovery of the HPTA (hypothalamus, pituitary, and testicular axis) from one cycle should always occur fully before starting the next. Where an anabolic steroid cycle is very short, such as only 2...
  9. Iron Game


    The old cliché goes that bodybuilders are too busy rubbing their bodies in baby oil and squeezing themselves into a thong to build any real, functional strength while powerlifters are fat, lazy morons who are to dunderheaded to understand how to eat properly. <ins id="aswift_0_expand"...
  10. Iron Game

    The 4-Day Split For Arm Specialization

    The 4-Day Split For Arm SpecializationOnce again, I’ve become delinquent in my bodybuilding blog entries (sorry gang), but, I’ve got a couple more months of mass training before it’s back to dieting for competition in the fall, so I promise to post often enough over the next eight weeks or so to...
  11. Iron Game

    Modern Anabolic Steroid Cycling

    If you are planning a 10 week cycle, the goal is to be at highest blood concentrations for as many of the 10 weeks as possible. If you use a long ester such as deca at xmg/week, it will take you 4-5 weeks to build up to max blood concentrations possible for xmg/week. So half of your cycle is...
  12. Iron Game

    How to run HCG.

    Good article on how to run HCG. Iron-Game by swale (MD / hrt specailist). originally posted at ............ I advise my AAS patients to use small amounts of HCG (250IU to 500IU) two days each week, right from the beginning of the cycle. This serves to maintain testicular form and function. It...
  13. Iron Game

    How to Bridge and Cruise on your Steroid Cycle

    How to Bridge and Cruise on your Steroid Cycle Steroid Cycle Bridging is a process to bridge two steroid cycles together with a compound what wont restrict recovery of your endogenous hormone production and hopefully still be able to possibly carry on gaining or at least hold onto all the...
  14. Iron Game

    Powerlifting tips for bodybuilders.

    Powerlifting tips for bodybuilders. The myth goes that bodybuilders are weak, vain sissies who spend too much time lathering themselves in oil and mincing around in disturbingly small thongs, while powerlifters are a bunch of fat, macho idiots who spend too much time stuffing their faces with...
  15. Iron Game

    Utilizing Active Recovery for Bodybuilders

    Utilizing Active Recovery for Bodybuilders Imagine this…You have just finished your final set of yet another brutal workout. Every worked muscle feels like it could give way at any moment. You slowly ease your numb body back into your car as you prepare to drive home. If you’re like most gym...
  16. Iron Game

    Common Types of Anabolic Steroids

    There are numerous types of steroids; in-fact, there are hundreds of variations found in nature, but of course, for our purposes we’re only concerned with anabolic androgenic steroids. Within this group, again we have numerous types of steroids; numerous forms, variations and derivatives, and...
  17. Iron Game

    When you get sick in the middle of a cycle?

    When you get sick in the middle of a cycle. We are in the middle of flu season. I figure this article can help if you get sick mid steroid cycle and still want to maximize your results/usage. It happened to me it can happen to anyone. Bill Roberts Q: “What should I do if I get sick during...
  18. Iron Game

    Basic Considerations During Anabolic Steroid Cycle Planning

    Basic Considerations During Anabolic Steroid Cycle Planning Q: “What are the most basic things to avoid in anabolic steroid cycle planning?” A: As a quick summary, avoid: Creating situations likely to lead to poor recovery of natural testosterone production Uncontrolled high-estrogen...
  19. Iron Game

    Hulk Hogan's Steroid Cycle

    Hulk Hogan, real name Terry Gene Bollea – born in 1953, is the king of professional wrestling. He is by far the most famous professional wrestler to date. He even recently came back into the WWE game and spent almost 3 years as a part of TNA wrestling. Historically, in the 80s and 90s, Hulk...
  20. Presser

    Insulin Protocol Updated. Best time to take pre-workout and with Creatine Cycle Bests

    Insulin Cycle Update. Info includes best time to inject insulin be it before working out or post workout. Is creatine ok to use with insulin and what dosages for both. How many I.U.s per dosage and how many carbohydrates and protein should be taken. Personalization is important takeaway from...