
  1. drtbear1967

    Longer Rest between Sets to Increase Gains

    By Nathane L. Jackson, RHN, CSCS Most of us would like to see greater muscle building returns from our workout investments. What if we gave you a way and it required you to do next to nothing? Seriously. Resting longer between sets is a key to greater muscle growth. Researchers from the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Effects of Nitrates and Performance.

    cool study about the effects of nitrates and performance that was published in December. 12 resistance-trained men were given either 400mg nitrates in the form of beet root drink or a placebo in a double-blind,placebo controlled study. The study measured the participants bench press intensity at...
  3. Iron Game


    Max-OT for Dummies Max-OT (Maximum - Overload Training) is one of the most popular routines out there, and it can give great gains in strength and size. This article will put in simple and short terms what exactly Max-OT is, what the training looks like, and what to expect from it. I've seen...
  4. Iron Game

    Don't Train Like A Sissy!!

    Don’t Train Like a Sissy! I saw a great photo of Clint Eastwood on Facebook the other day with the quote, “I miss the ole days when everybody wasn’t such a pussy”. Although I’m not quite as old as Clint, I can relate to his brash opinion of the diminishing state of manhood when it comes to...
  5. Iron Game

    What You Need To Know About Doggcrapp Training

    A Concise Guide to Doggcrapp Training To its supporters, Doggcrapp (also known as DC) is the best training system for packing on strength and lean muscle mass. It is the brainchild of Dante Trudel who used the term ‘Doggcrapp’ for this program because it was his username on a forum where...
  6. drtbear1967

    Devil Drop Sets

    Devil's Drop Sets by Dean Graddon This drop set protocol strikes a nice balance between strength and hypertrophy through the use of relatively heavy weights and high reps. It's pretty simple: 6-6-6. 1. With a weight somewhere around your 8 rep max, complete 6 reps (a couple of reps shy of...
  7. Iron Game

    Squat Rules with Tom Platz, The Golden Eagle!!

    Giant legs If you have been around the Iron Game for a while, there is one name that comes instantly to mind when people discuss leg training. That name is Tom Platz. “The Golden Eagle” is widely regarded as having the most massively muscular legs in the history of bodybuilding. His thighs...
  8. Iron Game

    Tom Platz 500lb squat for 23 reps

    Tom Platz 500lb 227.5kg squat for 23 reps <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. drtbear1967

    The Goblet Squat Test

    The Goblet Squat Test by Dr John Rusin 25 Goblet Squats with 50% Bodyweight Before you graduate to barbell squats, you should be able to goblet squat to parallel using a dumbbell or kettlebell for 25 unbroken reps. It's a test of relative strength, which means it'll show you whether or not...
  10. drtbear1967

    Effects of Nitrates and Performance

    theguerillachemist Pretty cool study about the effects of nitrates and performance that was published in December. 12 resistance-trained men were given either 400mg nitrates in the form of beet root drink or a placebo in a double-blind,placebo controlled study. The study measured the...
  11. Iron Game

    Victor Martinez On Training Arms For Big Guns

    Barbell Curls Victor almost always starts his biceps workouts off with a barbell curl, alternating between a straight bar and an EZ-curl bar. With both the shorter bars weighing 25 pounds, he can do as much as four 25s on each side for a total of 225 pounds. Why not just put two 45s on? “The...
  12. Iron Game

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth The “strength-endurance continuum” is a widely accepted concept in the field of exercise science. Simply stated, the theory asserts that training in different rep ranges elicits differential effects on muscular adaptations. From a practical...
  13. B

    Back, biceps & abs

    I liked my routine today so much, I wanted to share it with you all. I'm trying to take a break from lifting heavy so often, so this workout was focused on getting pumped & to completely fatigue the muscle. The routine incorporates drop sets & super sets, which will be labeled ds & ss. Warm-up-...
  14. Iron Game


    An Impressive Résumé at 21 It’s safe to say that none of today’s pros can claim to have accomplished as much as Cody Montgomery had at the age of 21. Firstly, until he came along, no one had ever won the NPC Teenage Nationals more than once. Cody racked up three of those titles, along with an...
  15. Iron Game

    Kai Greene's Killer Leg Workout

    Kai Greene's Killer Leg Workout Lots of Sets, and Silent From Start to Finish Part of the fun of following Kai Greene during a leg workout is you never know what’s next. Kai does a lot of sets— and despite two hours of a pre-workout workout, he was still going to do a lot of sets. His...
  16. Iron Game

    Bill Pearl "Mr. Universe" Training and Q&A

    <center style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: tahoma, "ms sans serif", arial, verdana, helvetica; font-size: 11px;">Bill Pearl Training Systems</center> Bill Pearl PicBill Pearl's Workout Strategies (Excerpts from a 1980’s Interview)by Dennis B. Weis “The Yukon Hercules” Bill Pearl is a...
  17. Iron Game

    Power and Muscle Building Intensity Techniques - Not For The Weak of Heart

    Power and Muscle Building Intensity Techniques Forced reps are great but these incredible techniques will open a whole new world of results for you!Intensity techniques are among the greatest weapons in your arsenal for building a truly astonishing physique. However they are not for everybody...
  18. Iron Game

    Occlusion Training / Blood Flow Restricted Training??

    Let's not kid ourselves. The vast majority of us want bigger arms. Whether you're an athlete, a bodybuilder or a regular guy, you understandably want to fill out your sleeves. Large arms aren't that important outside of aesthetics. But they make it readily apparent that you put in work in the...
  19. Iron Game

    Arm Workout Guide For All Experience Levels

    As gym newbies, intent on building a pair of massive, sleeve-splitting arms, it's only natural that the first exercises we gravitated to in the gym involved every variation of elbow flexion and extension we could find. However, despite weeks of intense curling, our guns grew very little and...
  20. Iron Game

    Chest Training Programs, Tips, and Basics

    Basic Chest Training Every man wants a thick, strong chest for the ladies to rest their heads on in bed, as well as to look more masculine in general and fill out that T-shirt. Building a powerful set of pectorals may seem like child’s play, as most of us have been bench-pressing since...