
  1. drtbear1967

    The Ultimate Challenge of 36,000 Reps

    The beauty of this challenge lies in its simplicity. Because it's so easy, it's infinitely doable and, given that you can do it week after week, infinitely sustainable. Despite its apparent ease, though, it works really, really well. . Just pick one bodyweight exercise – one that correlates to...
  2. Jumbo Shrimp

    The 1 piece of equipment you need to try

    Have you reverse hypered lately? Reverse Hyper Article from Matt Ladewski Some things in training just can’t be skipped. The Reverse Hyper™ is one such thing. Despite the horrible back pumps...
  3. Jumbo Shrimp

    Assisting Assistance Work

    Good write up from Brian Scott on assistance and assistance of assistance Assisting Assistance Work This article will share a few simple tactics I use when approaching my assistance work to make sure I’m reaping all of the...
  4. drtbear1967

    6 x 6 w/ 30 second Rest

    6 x 6 With 30-Second Rests . This is a great set/rep scheme for size gains. It's a scheme popularized by Vince Gironda, and one which he used with the very first Mr. Olympia, Larry Scott, and many others. It's based on a high training density (doing a lot of work in a shorter amount of time)...
  5. 9

    Moraes "Reps the Stutter Step...." w/ ANOTHER Head Kick KO

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. Presser

    Site Represented WANTED to Run This Supplement Forum! Run it as YOU see Fit!

    Anyone interested in running this supplement forum as a MuscleChemistry Site Representative , please contact myself or one of the other reps through our sites private messaging system. Thank you
  7. drtbear1967

    Higher Reps for Back

    The benefits of training the upper back and scapular muscles as often as possible far outweigh the disadvantages. The muscles of the mid and upper back are responsible for keeping the spine erect, pulling the shoulders back, and fulfilling these postural demands all day long. On a basic level...
  8. drtbear1967

    Mobility drills to help your squat

    Do these three mobility drills before every squat workout (swipe for all photos): - 1. Seated Glute and Ankle: Begin by sitting with one leg crossed over the other and the hands supporting the body at the end of the chair. (See photo above.) Lower yourself down to bring the forehead toward the...
  9. drtbear1967

    Power Abs

    When doing any ab work, your goal should not be to do more reps. It should be to fully fatigue your abs in the least amount of reps possible. Only then will you be efficient at recruiting your abs. If you train your abs like this, and you're lean enough, you will get your six-pack to come in. -...
  10. drtbear1967

    Work Hamstrings first for bigger Quads

    The hamstrings are big knee stabilizers that don't get enough credit since it's the quads that are directly attached to the kneecap, not the hammies. We're constantly thinking about the muscles on the front of the thigh and don't realize that healthy and strong antagonists can create more range...
  11. drtbear1967

    How Fit Are You?

    Pull-ups are the ultimate test. They'll quickly tell you if your upper body is weak or if you're too fat. Suck at pull-ups? That's a wake-up call you should answer. Here's one way to do it. Twice per week, on non-consecutive days, do this simple workout: • Set a countdown timer for 5 minutes. Do...
  12. drtbear1967

    Psychological effects of a Spotter

    by Shawn Wayland • Do spotters do more than keep the barbell from crushing your trachea? One study shows they do. Twelve trained men were recruited and underwent three testing sessions. The first session was to establish their 1RM for the Smith machine bench press. During second and third...
  13. drtbear1967

    25 Rest Pause Reps for Legs.

    The rest-pause method works great with the leg press. Load up the leg press with your 15RM weight (the most weight you can lift for 15 reps) then get at least 25 reps in one set. How? By taking short 30 second rests. (Rack the weight during these short breaks.) So it might look like this: • 15...
  14. drtbear1967

    Why you Fatigue

    themusclephd&#55357;&#56485; There are three main styles of training: 1️⃣heavy strength day where you lift 4-6 reps and have long rest, 2️⃣hypertrophy where you train 8-15 reps with 30-90s rest, 3️⃣and monster reps where you lift 20+ reps and only 30s between sets! - The fatigue these...
  15. drtbear1967

    Change your Rep Range for Different Muscle Groups

    When it comes to isolation work, not all muscles respond best to the same type of stimulation. Fiber dominance matters. Here are some observations about isolation work: • Hamstrings are best trained with lower reps. Even when doing direct hypertrophy work, keep the reps below 10. This is mostly...
  16. drtbear1967

    Hit new PR's - The How

    by Lee Boyce • If you want hit a new PR, you have to focus on performing more reps with as similar a load to your working weight as possible. Here's one way to do it: 4+2 clusters. The 4 + 2 cluster method is an effective tool for performing more reps than you normally "could" with a heavy...
  17. drtbear1967

    Old School Pyramid Training with a new Twist

    The 100 Rep Pyramid by Tim Henriques • The pyramid method of organizing sets and reps is a classic. But we can make it work even better by setting a specific number of total reps to shoot for: 100. Pyramid the weight up for 5-6 sets and then reverse. If you have the energy, see if you can beat...
  18. drtbear1967

    Maximize The Pump

    by Vince Del Monte Discover 5 advanced techniques to maximize your muscle pump and promote faster muscle gains! The nuts and bolts of what you need to know. By restricting a working muscle from obtaining the oxygen it needs, a surplus of blood is sent to the muscle as the body panics, and...
  19. drtbear1967

    High Reps=Muscle Growth

    themusclephd 🔷Can high reps increase muscle growth?🔷 ---- 🏠Here is a technique that will have you breathless! However, the science is clear that it will bust through plateaus like a wrecking ball through an old home! If you have never done this, start with smaller body parts and isolation...
  20. blacktail


    Used cardarine before my workout last night and I have to say I'm very impressed. I had more stamina than ever before and could get a few more reps out of every lift! Should have had this years ago!