
  1. Iron Game

    Steroids & Sexual Performance - The Hard Truth

    Steroids & Sexual Performance - The Hard Truth Animal studies and media headlines have colored the image of testosterone as a barbaric, orgy-inducing, manic-phase hormone that causes civil men to pillage and destroy in the throes of lust-driven rage while sporting anatomically...
  2. Iron Game


    I know you’ve been using a lot of machines for your chest training because it’s easier on your elbows. I’ve only been training for a few years and don’t have any elbow pain yet, but I’m wondering if maybe I should be using mostly machines to avoid having problems in the future. Or am I being...
  3. 9

    Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather changes glove size

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  4. drtbear1967

    Don't Over Think It. Keep it Simple

    By Jay Ashman PQ: “Progressive overload is the number-one rule for gaining strength and size. As you increase workload, you will increase muscle.” Since man began lifting weights, we have sought to gain muscular size and strength. That pursuit is a huge reason why you read this magazine and...
  5. drtbear1967

    The Dangers of Abdominal Fat.

    It goes without saying, abs are made in the kitchen. You can’t eat junk and think you’re going to walk around 365 days a year with visible abs. You simply can’t out-train a poor diet. But what does your lack of a washboard stomach say about your overall health? Is there more going on than...
  6. B

    How do you add serious mass to forearms?

    Forearms are my weakest point.. I haven't been able to add size to them seemingly no matter what I do. How in the world do you add size and mass to your forearms, especially when you simply don't have a thick bone structure?
  7. Iron Game

    Treasure Your Chest With Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Arnold Schwarzenegger Take a good, hard look at your pecs, then use these tips to improve them. People always seem to mention my chest when discussing my bodybuilding physique. You might say it was my best bodypart. You could also say that I’m something of an authority on the subject...
  8. Iron Game

    Squat Rules with Tom Platz, The Golden Eagle!!

    Giant legs If you have been around the Iron Game for a while, there is one name that comes instantly to mind when people discuss leg training. That name is Tom Platz. “The Golden Eagle” is widely regarded as having the most massively muscular legs in the history of bodybuilding. His thighs...
  9. Iron Game

    Light Weights Can Kick Start Muscle Growth - Training Science

    Training Science - Light Weights Can Kick Start Muscle Gains “Lift heavy to grow!” This mantra has been preached since the early days of bodybuilding. Current research-based resistance training guidelines are consistent with the heavier-is-better-mentality, professing that loads below ~65...
  10. Iron Game

    A Star Profile: Trey Brewer - The Muscle Prodigy

    A Star Profile: Trey Brewer - The Muscle Prodigy Bodybuilding has become a sport where the best amateurs and pro’s are often in their thirties, even forties. Ronnie Coleman is 43 years old and shows no signs of slowing down. There was a time, years ago, when young guns dominated the sport...
  11. Iron Game

    Steroids & Sexual Performance - The Hard Truth

    Steroids & Sexual Performance - The Hard Truth ​Team MD Animal studies and media headlines have colored the image of testosterone as a barbaric, orgy-inducing, manic-phase hormone that causes civil men to pillage and destroy in the throes of lust-driven rage while sporting anatomically...
  12. Iron Game

    Science of Bodybuilding - Six Research Findings

    Science of Bodybuilding - Six Research Findings 1) Train Explosively for Maximum Gains in Strength, Power and Size High-intensity, explosive training (HIET) is the key to rapid gains in aerobic capacity, muscle mass, strength, power and fat loss that will take your fitness to the next level...
  13. Presser

    **LAST CHANCE PROMOTION**. Not Much Time Left To Get Into GREAT SHAPE For Warmer Weather!

    This is the last week we will be giving away 1 FREE SARM of Choice with ANY SIZE IGF-1 lr3 Order! As Today being March 1st, Most, if NOT ALL Supplement or Fitness Related Companies in the Industry Start to RAISE Prices! Now is when most people really start to think about how they'll look when...
  14. Presser

    **LAST CHANCE PROMOTION**. Not Much Time Left To Get Into GREAT SHAPE For Warmer Weather!

    This is the last week we will be giving away 1 FREE SARM of Choice with ANY SIZE IGF-1 lr3 Order! As Today being March 1st, Most, if NOT ALL Supplement or Fitness Related Companies in the Industry Start to RAISE Prices! Now is when most people really start to think about how they'll look when...
  15. drtbear1967

    Body Shaming Bull Shit

    Ok, so I have had enough of the body shaming that has been going on. We as a community must stand up for those that are trying, those that may not the size 1 with no bodyfat and big boobs. I watched the Super Bowl and even though I am not a huge fan of Lady Ga Ga, she put on a great show. But...
  16. Presser

    Free Andarine, Ostarine, or Ligandrol w/ Any Size IGF-1 lr3 Orders! NEW BULK SARM & IGF-1 Lr3 OFFERS

    Free Andarine, Ostarine, or Ligandrol with All IGF-1 lr3 Orders & NEW BULK OFFERS Any Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order Will Receive 1 Free SARM Of Choice. During The Ordering Process You'll See a COMMENTS / NOTES Field. Simply Type Your SARM Choice In There. Visit Us @
  17. Presser

    Free Andarine, Ostarine, or Ligandrol w/ Any Size IGF-1 lr3 Orders! NEW BULK SARM & IGF-1 Lr3 OFFERS

    Free Andarine, Ostarine, or Ligandrol with All IGF-1 lr3 Orders & NEW BULK OFFERS Any Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order Will Receive 1 Free SARM Of Choice. During The Ordering Process You'll See a COMMENTS / NOTES Field. Simply Type Your SARM Choice In There. Visit Us @
  18. Presser

    Free Andarine, Ostarine, or Ligandrol w/ Any Size IGF-1 lr3 Orders! NEW BULK SARM & IGF-1 Lr3 OFFERS

    Free Andarine, Ostarine, or Ligandrol with All IGF-1 lr3 Orders & NEW BULK OFFERS Any Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order Will Receive 1 Free SARM Of Choice. During The Ordering Process You'll See a COMMENTS / NOTES Field. Simply Type Your SARM Choice In There. Visit Us @
  19. Iron Game

    How Many Times Per Week To Train For Strength

    As far as American sports scientist Brad Schoenfeld can tell from the literature, bodybuilders and fitness fanatics make more progression by training their muscle groups twice a week than if they only train each muscle group once a week. Schoenfeld writes about this in a meta-study that has...
  20. Iron Game

    Build Muscle or Burn Bodyfat! Which first?

    FINDING YOUR BALANCE When asked the magic question: "What are your workout goals?" chances are you will get one of two answers. People, regardless of age or sex will usually answer A) "I want to get huge," or B) "I want to lose weight". Or you may get a variant of A and B) "I want to get...