
  1. Masher59

    Ball Size

    I have several buddies on gear and they say they haven't lost hardly any size to the family jewels at all. Mine went waaay down, I'm talking about unless I sit in a tub of hot water for quite a while there is no hanging at all. Mine are more like a skin bag that looks like a uniball. I guess...
  2. jimbosmith316

    The Classic Physique It Is Not

    What are your thoughts? It seems to be doing the sport well time will tell! Before anyone gets all pumped up that the new men’s classic physique division will be an answer to the big gut complaints heard on a regular basis about bodybuilding, take a step back and look at it...
  3. jimbosmith316

    NPC Women - 's Physique Competitor Jen Carvalho In The Trenches

    Looks good! Hard damn work to look that good! After changing training protocols Jen Wiseman Carvalho has been able to drop weight and place top ten in the NPC Women's Physique Division. This mother of two has always been a big girl, but now she is showing less size and more aesthetically...
  4. jimbosmith316

    NPC/IFBB Announces New Division - Classic Physique

    More ways to get more people involved and increasing competitors and fans! The NPC’s new men’s division to debut in 2016 <tbody> </tbody> Yes, you read it right. In 2016, Classic Physique will no longer be a descriptor for the builds of bodybuilders from a bygone era; it...
  5. jimbosmith316

    Pregnant Bikini Bodybuilder Slams Critics Who Say Her Baby Bump Is 'Too Small' at 30 Weeks

    What are your thoughts? I know some of you may have wives or be mothers yourself. Australian bodybuilder and lawyer Daegan Coyne is expecting her first child – a girl she's calling "Bubba" – with husband Joseph this September. Like many athletic moms-to-be, the health and fitness expert...
  6. Iron Game


    BRANCH WARREN Q&A | STRATEGIES FOR SIZE Written by Branch Warren Branch Warren Q&A - Strategies for Size I am 5'10", 45 years old, and have been training a long time, with a vast knowledge of exercises and various programs from Gironda-style and techniques to modern ideas. I train two...
  7. jimbosmith316

    Building A Classic Physique!

    Guide to help in competing in Classic Physique. Wet panty maker! What defines a classic physique? Well, Steve Reeves, one of the legends of physique world developed his template for all to adhere to. He based this template on bone structures as the are mostly relatable to our height. Check it...
  8. Iron Game

    Power/Mass Training

    Power/Mass Training by Gene Mozee Why can’t you build muscle mass and density? Is something stopping you from getting bigger and stronger? Maybe you need a dose of power-mass training! When I first began training many years ago, my goal was to get bigger so that I could play football and, of...
  9. Masher59

    Get Big Not Fat!

    GET BIG NOT FAT: THE BEST WAY TO BULK AND BUILD MUSCLE! Stop putting on fat while you are bulking and get your nutrition plan in order to increase you gains without any adding additional fat. Every bodybuilder wants to get big. Unfortunately, in their zeal to get big many bodybuilders...
  10. Boomer they grow?

    I know pregnant women's nipples enlarge due to a hormone response. ..would test and deca effect the actual size of your ariolas?.... no bumps or sorness or puffiness just the actual size..... i swear when ever im on, i look at my nips too much
  11. Iron Game

    ‘Big Ramy’ Mamdouh Elssbiay will compete at Arnold Classic Europe 2016!

    ‘Big Ramy’ Mamdouh Elssbiay will compete at Arnold Classic Europe 2016! 14/04/2016 Mamdouh Elssbiay, the Pro athlete well known as ‘Big Ramy’ has confirmed hispresence at the Arnold Classic Europe 2016 Bodybuilding Pro Championships, that will take place on Saturday September 24th evening...
  12. akn

    Are Heavy Weights Necessary for Maximizing Muscle Growth?

    by Mike Arnold It seems like just yesterday that every aspiring bodybuilder was following the example of men like Dorian Yates and Ronnie Coleman, who were known for lifting ungodly amounts of weights on a near daily basis. But over the last 10 or so years bodybuilders seem to have moved away...
  13. Iron Game

    Strongman Training for Improved Muscle Thickness

    Strongman Training for Improved Muscle Thickness ’m sure you’ve all read the latest article on the popular muscle building sites abouthow to develop a fuller, thicker back with “these 2 NEW maximal hypertrophy igniting muscle shocking lifts!” The title lures you in, but when you get inside...
  14. Presser

    Free Ligandrol Offer

    All IGF-1 Lr3 Orders This week Will Receive 1 Free Ligandrol lgd-4033 to try out Only Upon Request and ONLY if You AGREE to Review your use of it here on Its a Full Size 30ml Bottle not a sample size. Just trying to create some BUZZ on our New Ligandrol and get some...
  15. Presser

    Free Ligandrol Offer

    All IGF-1 Lr3 Orders This week Will Receive 1 Free Ligandrol lgd-4033 to try out Only Upon Request and ONLY if You AGREE to Review your use of it here on Its a Full Size 30ml Bottle not a sample size. Just trying to create some BUZZ on our New Ligandrol and get some...
  16. Presser

    What Steroids are Best for MMA Fighter to Use for endurance and Strength?

    Ok, I will admit, I think this cycle below is not well thought out, however, I would like to know what steroids would be best for MMA type fighters to keep their endurance up, and not gas out fast? Steroid Cycle Suggestions for MMA Ju Jitsu Fighter : strength, size, agressive and endurance...
  17. Iron Game

    Site Enhancing Oil and Stretching Fascia for Mass

    Site oils can be used for two purposes - to increase the size of a muscle or to shape a muscle. To increase size, lets use the biceps for example. You need to inject in EVERY head of the muscle, while rotating the shots daily within that head. This is the only way to ensure that the added...
  18. akn

    Injecting your Way to a World-Class Physique

    by Mike Arnold All things change with the passage of time; some for the better and some for the worse. In many cases this change is positive, especially in areas where the accumulation of knowledge is paramount to progress. In such instances, time is on our side. Examples of this are...
  19. Presser

    Designer Anabolic Prohormone Profiles ,Delta-2 (2-Androstenone) Designer Anabolics,

    Designer Anabolic Prohormone Profiles Available hormones Profiles. Before You Buy Designer Anabolic Steroids or Pro-hormones Read Below: New Prohormone: Delta-2 (2-Androstenone) Designer Anabolics A few months ago supplements maker Androgenetx launched a new prohormone. It's called...
  20. D

    Rich Piana Steroid cycle and what you think

    So I have seen the Rich Piana cycle and wonder what you guys think about his theory? I have heard from others that it is good to keep switching up esters every three weeks or so to keep the body growing. What do you think?