
  1. Iron Game

    The Best Training Techniques for Muscle Size & Strength

    The Best Training Techniques for Muscle Size & Strength Optimal strength gains are typically achieved by high-intensity training requiring the use of heavy weights within a low repetition range, while the best hypertrophic response is ordinarily stimulated by the use of moderate weights...
  2. Iron Game

    The Best Training Techniques for Muscle Size & Strength

    The Best Training Techniques for Muscle Size & Strength Optimal strength gains are typically achieved by high-intensity training requiring the use of heavy weights within a low repetition range, while the best hypertrophic response is ordinarily stimulated by the use of moderate weights at a...
  3. Presser

    Free Ephedrine HCL with Any Size IGF 1 Lr3 Order! New Years New BULK PRICES Currently Sending 2 Free Blister Packs of Ephedrine HCl with Any Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order! New BULK Prices on 10, 15 and 20 IGF-1 Lr3 Available NOW to Kick OFF The New Year! Private Message Me Presser or Contact / E-mail us at [email protected] or...
  4. Presser

    Free Ephedrine HCL with Any Size IGF 1 Lr3 Order! New Years New BULK PRICES Currently Sending 2 Free Blister Packs of Ephedrine HCl with Any Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order! New BULK Prices on 10, 15 and 20 IGF-1 Lr3 Available NOW to Kick OFF The New Year! Private Message Me Presser or Contact / E-mail us at [email protected] or...
  5. B

    Phil Heath arm size

    Nice video on Phil Heath's arm size.
  6. drtbear1967

    Ostarine - for gains and size

    Ostarine is a SARM like LGD-4033, that binds to the androgen receptor and activates the same genes that testosterone does, including genes that increase protein synthesis and decrease muscle breakdown. The main difference is that SARMs are not steroids, so they don't convert to estrogen or DHT...
  7. Iron Game

    Injecting Your Way To A World-Class Physique

    by Mike Arnold All things change with the passage of time; some for the better and some for the worse. In many cases this change is positive, especially in areas where the accumulation of knowledge is paramount to progress. In such instances, time is on our side. Examples of this are...
  8. Presser

    REMINDER: Free Ligandrol with ANY SIZE IGF-1 lr3 Order

    Don't forget Free (SARM) Ligandrol LGD-4033 with ANY Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order Today Through Monday October 17th. ***NEW BULK SPECIALS***** *New Prices On Bulk Buys of 10, 15 and 20 IGF-1 Lr3. Reply To This Private Message for Price Quotes!
  9. Presser

    REMINDER: Free Ligandrol with ANY SIZE IGF-1 lr3 Order

    Don't forget Free (SARM) Ligandrol LGD-4033 with ANY Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order Today Through Monday October 17th. ***NEW BULK SPECIALS***** *New Prices On Bulk Buys of 10, 15 and 20 IGF-1 Lr3. Reply To This Private Message for Price Quotes!
  10. Presser

    Free Ephedrine HCL with ANY SIZE IGF-1 Lr3 Order!

    <right> </right> For those of you who prefer Ephedrine HCl over clenbuterol , and like to use it in conjunction with Caffeiene and Aspirin as a thermogenic fat burner were GIVING 1 FREE Pack Away with IGF-1 Lr3 orders. Visit us @ Ends Wednesday the 12th @...
  11. Presser

    Free Ephedrine HCL with ANY SIZE IGF-1 Lr3 Order!

    <right> </right> For those of you who prefer Ephedrine HCl over clenbuterol , and like to use it in conjunction with Caffeiene and Aspirin as a thermogenic fat burner were GIVING 1 FREE Pack Away with IGF-1 Lr3 orders. Visit us @ Ends Wednesday the 12th @...
  12. Iron Game

    Understanding Steroid (AAS) Site Injections

    by Mike Arnold The topic of steroid site injections is one of the most controversial in modern BB’ing, no doubt due to the recent proliferation of Synthol within the sport; a similar, although different approach to site enhancement. While not all advocate using AAS for site enhancement, it is...
  13. Iron Game

    Steroid Cycles Of Pro Bodybuilders (MORE)

    Steroid Cycles Of Pro Bodybuilders by Mike Arnold Let’s face it; today’s professional BB’rs are light years ahead of the typical steroid user when it comes to physique development. For most aspiring BB’rs, their efforts in the gym are more likely to be rewarded with a level of musculature on...
  14. Presser

    Free Box of Ephedrine HCl w/ Any Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order!

    We are Giving Away Free Box Of Ephedrine HCL with all IGF-1 Lr3 Orders This Weekend ONLY! Visit Us @ or Click Banner Below!
  15. Presser

    Free Box of Ephedrine HCl w/ Any Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order!

    We are Giving Away Free Box Of Ephedrine HCL with all IGF-1 Lr3 Orders This Weekend ONLY! Visit Us @ or Click Banner Below!
  16. Presser

    Aleppo Boy In Shock and bloodied after Air Strike Destroyed his home. Brought me to Tears anyhow!

    Aleppo Boy In Shock and bloodied after Air Strike Destroyed his home If this doesnt bring you to tears, I dont know what will! This Photo got me bad today! Then like an idiot i went and looked up the video, and well lets just say im all out of tears! He is a Beautiful Little Boy, Looks to be...
  17. jimbosmith316

    Rich Piana – done with bigger by the day?

    Dude is fucking huge! From the beginning of 2016, Rich Piana, a bodybuilding favourite, former Mr. California and YouTube sensation, has been embarking upon his self-designed ‘bigger by the day’ program in an effort to prove to his fans that putting on quality muscle mass really isn’t that...
  18. Presser

    Free Box of Ephedrine HCl w/ Any Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order This Weekend ONLY!

    We are Giving Away Free Box Of Ephedrine HCL with all IGF-1 Lr3 Orders This Weekend ONLY! Click Banner Below!
  19. Presser

    Free Box of Ephedrine HCl w/ Any Size IGF-1 Lr3 Order This Weekend ONLY!

    We are Giving Away Free Box Of Ephedrine HCL with all IGF-1 Lr3 Orders This Weekend ONLY! Click Banner Below!
  20. jimbosmith316


    I think it was a good call to add another division. What are your thoughts? As the sport of bodybuilding evolves and continues to grow, it’s shaping up to be something that almost anybody who hits the gym and diets right can compete in. There’s now a division inspiring people of almost every...