
  1. drtbear1967

    Don't Major in Minors

    While many different factors are involved in creating a freakishly strong physique, they aren't all of equal importance. For example, getting lean is mostly a matter of calorie control. Sure, optimizing macronutrient ratios, meal frequency and timing, and food quality all play a role, but to a...
  2. E

    Injury and MRI results

    Background first: about 10 years ago, I had rotater cuff repair surgery on both shoulders. First right, then left. Right was more extensive and required drilling and installing a pair of anchors in the humerous. Recovery from this was excruciatingly painful. Pain so strong it took my breath away...
  3. drtbear1967

    Wife is down 75 pounds.

    I wanted to let you guys know about one of the hardest working ladies that I know. My wife. Over the last 15 years or so she has been slammed with one thing after another. The doctors kept putting her on more and more meds and she gained a lot of weight. Well last September, she said enough is...
  4. Ox 51

    2019 Home Run Derby

    Liz Roscher,Yahoo Sports•July 8, 2019 CLEVELAND — Carlos Santana got the loudest roar to start the night, and Vlad Guerrero Jr. had the most support throughout, but the winner of the 2019 Home Run Derby was New York Mets rookie Pete Alonso. Guerrero had the crowd in the palm of his hand with...
  5. A

    Is IGF-LR3 worth it for me?

    I have been combing the internet for a good source of IGF-LR3 and you guys seem legit, so I just have a question about whether its a worthy investment for me? Stats: 21yo, 6', 215lbs, ~10%bf My current cycle is 250mg Sustanon/week and 50mg Proviron/day Planning on adding CJC1295DAC at...
  6. drtbear1967

    Is Cedric playing the Size Game?

    by Christian Duque Let me start off by saying that I am a fan of Cedric’s physique. I consider him to be one one of the greatest of this decade; however, I don’t share in the same marvel of others, like Arnold, over his physique. Arnold made a point to make public comments about how great he...
  7. 9

    The Intense Diet and Training of a Female Bodybuilder | Strong AF

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. B

    AAS during and after knee replacement surgery?

    Hello all, I am scheduled to have one of my knees replaced on 11/01/18. I am 56yrs, 6'6", 275lbs, 12%bf, and have been cycling for several years. I cruise with TRT doses and blast with Test P, Tren, and Mast. 1ml each EOD. I run long cycles 12-16 weeks. I used to power lift until my 40s. I do...
  9. C

    First time IGF-1 LR3 cycle about to start!!

    Just ordered 2 bottles of LR3 to add to my bulking stack starting next week.. Have been at 198lbs body weight and about 13% BF... I am wanting to move to 220 weight class for powerlifting by spring so lets see if I can get strong as hell this winter! My stack looks like this 800mg Test E wk...
  10. Ox 51

    Best Time Of Year For Sports Lovers!!!

    Isn't October just the best sports month ever? Baseball playoffs are happening. Football is going strong. Basketball and Hockey are starting. Even NASCAR is getting to the fun stuff. This is like sports lovers' paradise!
  11. drtbear1967

    LGD-3303 (Not Ligandrol)

    LGD-3303(not ligandrol) is a SARM that seems to be very potent at activating the AR in muscle cells at very low doses. The study showed increased muscle mass in doses as little as 0.1mg/kg in rats. Unfortunately, it also seems to activate the AR in the prostate as well, especially at higher...
  12. drtbear1967

    Body Weight Exercises to drop Fat.

    It's easy to think you're getting stronger if your lifts are going up, even if your waistline is expanding right along with them. Increasing your body mass can improve your leverage to lift an external load, regardless of whether that mass is comprised of fat or muscle. With calisthenics...
  13. Jumbo Shrimp

    Ed Coan (The Goat) and Dave Tate

    Ed and Dave's powerlifting inspiration WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate on Their Powerlifting Inspiration TAGS: Pumping Iron, Powerlifting Inspiration, Franco Columbu, Spinal Erectors, Arnold Schwarzenegger, ed coan,focus, powerlifting, dave tate Ed Coan and Dave Tate sit down at Omaha Barbell to...
  14. Presser

    Lat pulldowns, Reverse grip, Behind The Neck with Illustrations

    Lat Pull-Down Basics Aesthetics aside, the benefits of having a strong back are innumerable and range from better posture and improved spine health to injury prevention and...
  15. drtbear1967

    Amber Dawn Fokken - Interview

    Interview Q&A with Amber Dawn Fokken<!--sec-marg-in--> <!--sec-marg-out--> <!--post-header--> <!--author-img--> <!--post-soc-pin--> <!--prev-next-posts--> <!--post-info-left-bot--> <!--sec-marg-in-->...
  16. drtbear1967

    Strength Test - Can you pass the test?

    There are a lot of strength tests out there, many unrealistic. But here's one that you and everyone else should be able to pass. . Barbell Squats: Bodyweight Equivalent for 6 Reps Minimum: Front squat, back squat, you name it. I don't care what variation you choose, if you can't squat to your...
  17. drtbear1967

    Lean what works for you. We are all different.

    One of the biggest mistakes novice and intermediate lifters make is that they see one really strong guy and think they should be doing all the things he did to arrive there. But this is true only to an extent. The really strong guy learned the basics of good technique, but he also gravitated...
  18. drtbear1967

    Eria Jarensis Extract

    In an attempt to bring the latest and greatest stimulant to market, many companies are using Eria Jarensis extract so I want shed some light into this new ingredient. Real Eria Jarensis extract consists of 2 main constituents that are phenylethylamine(PEA) derivatives(most companies use...
  19. drtbear1967

    Drop the Fat and shoot for Strength

    by Dr John Rusin The constant chase to throw more weight on the bar with a progressive-overload-or-die mindset will eventually bite you in the ass. Especially when it causes you to lose sight of other things and you end up fat and unhealthy. There are a lot of strong guys out there, but how...
  20. 9

    Conor McGregor: Floyd Mayweather has strong tools for MMA

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