
  1. Presser

    Anavar is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) related anabolic steroid

    Anavar, or Oxandrolone, is one of the most popular oral anabolic steroids used today. Originally designed for the treatment of AIDS-related muscle wasting, alcoholic hepatitis, treatment of osteoporosis, trauma recovery and other weight loss illnesses, its popularity amongst athletes grew due to...
  2. drtbear1967

    Arjuna - Heart Health

    Arjuna is a tree bark that has many medicinally benefits when it comes to cardiovascular health. As you know, some of the things bodybuilders take to build muscle can have deleterious effects on your heart health. There are several triterpenoids and polyphenols associated with the benefits of...
  3. drtbear1967

    Fat Storage and Diet

    theguerillachemist I made a post awhile ago about how whey protein(or proteins with high leucine levels) can spike insulin levels higher than white bread. This study shows similar conclusions when eating high protein meals with either high fat or high carbs, and how it affects body fat...
  4. drtbear1967

    Effects of Sugar

    Most studies (meta-analyses) investigating the dangerous effects of sugar are in fact based on sugar-sweetened soda consumption in diabetics. The levels of sugar consumed have also been relatively high (around 25% of calories). . This is because studying high sugar consumption in a sick...
  5. drtbear1967

    Beef Protein

    Whey protein is usually considered the best form of supplemental protein. The problem is that many whey formulations can contain ingredients that some individuals are allergic to. Our lab found similar gains in muscle size in subjects taking beef and whey protein powders over an 8-week training...
  6. drtbear1967

    Post Carbs - What you really need.

    A study found that consuming high GI carbs after a workout was more effective at replenishing muscle glycogen levels than consuming low GI carbs. White rice, white bread, and sugary cereals are all great options if you are needing to replenish carbs rapidly (e.g at a competition where you have...
  7. drtbear1967


    DHEA has long been purported to increase testosterone and muscle mass in bodybuilders but studies show that’s not the case. DHEA doesn’t have any effect on testosterone and will not increase gains from a resistance training program. A few studies do show mild cognitive benefits in older...
  8. drtbear1967

    MCT Oil vs LCT Oil

    This study compared one group consuming a diet using MCT oil with another group consuming a diet using LCT oil. The diets had the same caloric content and were designed to maintain bodyweight. The MCT group lost more weight and significantly more weight from fat than the LCT group! This is...
  9. drtbear1967

    Keto Diet and the Truth.

    Is a keto diet better for fat loss than other diets? One of the reasons why ketogenic diet a diet that usually restricts carbohydrates to less than 50 g per day - is supposed to be better for fat loss is because a higher level of fat burning is observed during ketogenic diet. But fat oxidation...
  10. drtbear1967

    Deload periods for gains.

    Sometimes the best thing you can do for gains is taking a deload period. This study found that trained athletes increased muscle fiber diameter by 11% following a taper protocol. This method might be useful for the bodybuilder undergoing constant and strenuous training – back off of the weights...
  11. drtbear1967

    More Info on Feeding of BCAA/EAA/Creatine and Carbs.

    theguerillachemist As you know, I'm an advocate of the intra workout "feeding" of BCAA/EAA/ creatine/carbs to create an extreme anabolic environment. That being said, the one amino acid I haven't spoken about that is crucial to take during training to combat fatigue is ORNITHINE. ORNITHINE is a...
  12. drtbear1967

    Stay away from Processed foods.

    Overweight adults were randomly assigned to eat ultra-processed or unprocessed meals (defined according to the so-called NOVA classification) for two weeks. Meals had the same calories, macros, sugar, salt, and fiber and energy density, but everyone was allowed to eat as much as they wanted. The...
  13. drtbear1967

    Cardio for Fat Loss

    Why is it that cardio is always the hot topic of fitness discussion and seems to be the fix all solution to burning fat? As we have all learned and I have written about in the past that cardio is not the fix all solution when it comes to body compositional changes anymore. New times have...
  14. drtbear1967

    Volume Variations

    Nonlinear periodization is a method in which you constantly vary your training volume. This means you’ll have high, low, and moderate volume days in your weekly workouts. This method has been shown to be more effective at increasing gains in size and strength than linear periodization! - ◾️The...
  15. drtbear1967

    Dehydration and Insulin Sensitivity

    This study found that subjects who were dehydrated at 2.5- and 5% of their bodyweights had higher insulin levels following exercise. Dehydration can reduce insulin sensitivity which can impair muscle growth and overall gains. Drink 16oz of water before and after your workout and shoot for at...
  16. drtbear1967

    Vitamine C - Know when to take it.

    Vitamin C is a popular antioxidant and immune system booster. Its antioxidant properties, however, make it unsuitable for ingestion around a workout. Antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress that accumulates during exercise. Oxidative stress may act as a growth signal, so reducing the amount can...
  17. drtbear1967

    Flexing to help Willpower?

    Achieving just about any goal is simple: there are some things you must do, and there are some things you shouldn't do. We make these "do it" and "don't do it" decisions all day long. They add up. And all of them involve willpower, whether it's doing the tough exercise you really don't want to...
  18. drtbear1967

    Train while you sick?

    Training when you’re sick is a tricky scenario as it’s much easier to overtrain given the amount of stress that’s already on the body. Follow these recommendations to continue training without risking overtraining while you’re sick. For severe infections like the Flu, taking time off is the best...
  19. Presser

    IGF 1 Enables More Muscle Mass Growth Without Need To Increase Food Intake. "Study"

    IGF 1 Study and Conclusion Below is pretty amazing, and puzzles the the scientists as to how its possible to add more muscle mass without adding anymore food intake, but rather just by adding in IGF 1 or IGF 1 lr3, and also greater utilization of carbs. Pretty awesome stuff man! A main...
  20. drtbear1967

    Deer Antler Velvet- Yeah or nay?

    Deer antler velvet has long been purported as a potential anabolic supplement due to either IGF-1 or testosterone interactions. While these interactions have not been confirmed, some studies do show strength improvements in subjects taking deer antler velvet. Results are not conclusive, so try...