
  1. drtbear1967

    L-Citrulline - Nitric Oxide Booster

    L-Citrulline is probably the most effective nitric oxide booster found in many pre-workout formulas. Not only does L-Citrulline help produce massive pumps, but studies have also found L-Citrulline to have potential performance benefits as well. Shoot for 3-6 grams 30-minutes before your workout...
  2. drtbear1967

    EAA's - You need them.

    Pretty interesting study about portion size and anabolism in both young people and the elderly. Researchers compared changes in muscle protein synthesis(MPS) and anabolic efficiency in response to a meal either containing 30g protein or 90g of protein, all from 90% lean beef. They study showed...
  3. drtbear1967

    Minor Injury's in Power lifting

    A unique study on injury surveyed 104 Swedish sub elite powerlifters. The study is unique because it defined injury as a condition that causes pain and affects training in some minor way. By this definition, 70% of respondents were injured. . The “classic” definition of injury is otherwise an...
  4. drtbear1967

    Zine - Why it's important.

    Zinc is a critical mineral for many biological processes. This study in rats shows how a zinc-deficient diet can affect androgen binding, aromatization and conversion to DHT. This study fed rats either a deficiency or surplus of Zinc through diet and had some pretty significant results. This...
  5. drtbear1967

    High and Low Reps to build Hamstrings

    For hamstring size, do both a heavy load, lower-rep range and a higher rep range. . 1 – Heavy, Low Reps: Your hamstrings are primarily fast-twitch dominant. This may contribute to the massive hamstring development in sprint athletes. In the gym, this means you should incorporate heavy...
  6. drtbear1967

    Leucine - Why you need it.

    “Skeletal muscle protein synthesis (MPS) is regulated by a number of dietary factors, to include essential amino acids (EAAs). Leucine, a branched-chain amino acid, has been identified as a stimulator of MPS in many cell culture and animal studies. . However, whether supplemental leucine exerts...
  7. drtbear1967

    Truth about Casein Protein.

    Whey and casein are by far the most popular protien supplements Casein is slow digesting while whey is fast. Long-term, there is no difference in their protein synthesis boosting effects. Milk-products, such as cheese, yoghurt and, of course, milk itself have high amounts of casein protein. ...
  8. drtbear1967

    Calcium - Why you need it.

    themusclephd ��99% of our body’s calcium is stored in our bones with the other 1% being stored in the muscle. Calcium is critical for muscle contractions, but if our muscles start to run low on calcium, they can simply extract more from the bone. This is why calcium intake is so...
  9. drtbear1967

    Holiday eating... beware.

    Many of us have a tendency to eat a little bit more and possibly move a little bit less during the holidays, whether it be during the summer or during Christmas. This may explain why young adults in the US gain on average between 0.2-0.8 kg per year and adult swedes gain on average 3.8 kg during...
  10. drtbear1967

    Study on Rest Pause Sets

    themusclephd💥This study found that using rest-pause sets increased muscle activation more so than traditional sets. Greater muscle activation is correlated with increases in muscle size (Wakahara, et. al. 2012) so rest-pause sets might help increase gains. Try rest-pause sets by performing a...
  11. drtbear1967

    Study on Forced Reps.

    themusclephd💥This study analyzed growth hormone levels throughout two different training sessions and found that subjects using forced reps had a higher growth hormone response during the training session. Use this method by having a spotter help you force out 2-3 extra reps per set after you...
  12. drtbear1967

    Does you training partner affect you workouts?

    We all know that there are different kinds of people with regards to sociability and the “need” for social interactions. This can quite easily be seen in the gym. Do you see yourself as a lone wolf or a social creature, buddying up with everyone you see? Maybe you are somewhere in between. Jonas...
  13. drtbear1967

    Front Squat - Don't miss out.

    A study found that back squats and front squats produced similar levels of quadriceps activation, however participants used over 21% less weight in the front squat. This means that front squats can be a solid option to hit your quads if you want a lighter workout or want to work around some knee...
  14. Presser


    CAN RESISTANCE TRAINING IMPROVE CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH? You want to build muscle? Lift weights. You want to strengthen your heart? Put your running shoes on. This has been the conventional belief of every gym rat who has ever grumbled his (or her) way through thirty minutes on the treadmill...
  15. drtbear1967

    Mind Muscle Connection

    This study first measured the specific activation of various portions of the triceps muscle during a triceps exercise. The subjects then performed this exercise for 12-weeks. - ◾️It was found that the portions of the triceps that were activated the most in the exercise grew the most over the...
  16. drtbear1967

    Pre Sleep Protein for Gains

    Previous work has shown that taking some extra protein before sleep might increases muscle mass gains. . 🥛Our new study suggests that you probably want a relative large dose before going to bed for stimulating muscle protein synthesis (MPS, the process that drives muscle growth) during the...
  17. drtbear1967

    Piperine - Helps Supplements be absorbed.

    Are the supplements you take are actually absorbed?🔹 - ❇️If they contain Piperine (Bioperine), the answer is yes! Piperine is an akaloid found in black peppers. Piperine is unique in its effects on nutrient absorption because it may change the metabolism of certain compounds. One of these...
  18. drtbear1967

    Shortest Esters for Less Side Effects.

    GO WITH SHORTER ESTERS FOR LESS SIDE EFFECTS AND SUPPRESSION! Very interesting study that compares short vs long esters of testosterone and how it affects peak plasma levels, suppression, and aromatization. This study compares test enanthate, test undecanoate, and test bucilate at equal doses...
  19. drtbear1967

    Lemon Verbena Extract - Cut out the soreness.

    by Matt Weik If you train legs and can wake up the next couple of days feeling like a million bucks, then you didn’t train legs. We all know what follows any brutal leg day – the inability to sit down to take a dump, the look of fear when you see multiple flights of stairs, and the all too...
  20. Presser

    Anabolic Steroids Positive Effects when Stacked With Vitamin D and Calcium throughout Cycle. Female Study

    Positive effects of anabolic steroids, vitamin D and calcium on muscle mass, bone mineral density and clinical function after a hip fracture. A randomised study of 63 women. A total of 63 women who had an operation for a fracture of the hip was randomly allocated to one year of treatment...