
  1. Iron Game

    The Life Of Dan Duchaine. The Original Steroid Guru

    by Josh Hodnik Dan Duchaine is a name that many attached to the bodybuilding industry don’t know much about today. To me, that is sad, because in many ways, this industry would not be where it’s at without Dan. Many take the information that they read about steroids and other performance...
  2. Iron Game

    Should I Eat Before My Workout?

    by Matt Weik There has been a debate for quite some time on whether you should eat before you exercise or if you should exercise when in a fasted state. The banter has been enough to turn people blue in the face arguing their point of view. Theories have gone back and forth for both sides, yet...
  3. B

    You-tube ads

    Google owns You-tube and they have just changed the way they put ads up before the video. Before you could just click it off. Now you are forced to watch the entire ad. Some are 5 minutes long. It looks like Google is getting greedy for higher profits. Some of these videos have views in the 10's...
  4. Iron Game

    Impact of Dietary Carbs on Muscle Recovery & Free Testosterone

    Low-Carbohydrate Diet ResearchThe Impact of Dietary Carbs on Muscle Recovery & Free Testosterone The mission of MD is to be the leader in the field of cutting-edge research, we want to give you all the tools (i.e., knowledge) you need to become a successful bodybuilder, and it’s up to you to...
  5. Iron Game

    The Truth About Stubborn Body Fat – Part II

    “Stubborn fat” is really a misnomer. It’s also a self-limiting belief that turns into self-fulfilling prophecy. The truth is, each person inherits a unique pattern of fat storage. When you lose fat, you lose it all over your body and the first place you’re genetically prone to deposit it will be...
  6. drtbear1967

    Understanding Post-Cycle Therapy

    Understanding Post-Cycle Therapy by Mike Arnold As the greatest development in the area of adjunctive performance enhancement in the last 20 years, post-cycle therapy offers undeniable benefits to the cycling steroid user. The ability to...
  7. drtbear1967

    Does the Scale Lie?

    Does the Scale Lie? I was going to title this post, “The Scale Is a Liar” and that’s it. Then I saw that articles on this subject have already been written by the dozens. After skimming through them however, I was shocked to see how many of them were giving the wrong advice: “Throw...
  8. Iron Game

    If It Fits Your Macro - Nutrient Goals

    by Geoff Roberts If It Fits Your Macros, or IIFYM, has been a hot topic over the last several years in the bodybuilding industry. For those of you who are not familiar with this diet, here is a simple explanation. IIFYM is a diet strategy in which the dieter sets certain macro-nutrient goals...
  9. drtbear1967

    Turinabol (TBOL) Best of Both Worlds

    <h1>Turinabol, also known as Turanabol , Tbol</h1> is the dream oral steroid of those wanting to experience the effectiveness of the legendary dianabol coupled with the safety of anavar. In fact, it is the least known version of dianabol, and in spite of this familiarity, they are very different...
  10. KngShisa

    Thoughts on sodium?

    We all know that one of the issues of eating out is the ridiculous amount of sodium in most restaurant foods. I typically eat out twice a week so the majority of the foods I eat are bought at the grocery store. I buy low sodium tuna packets (140 mg) and low-ish sodium tuna cans (180...
  11. drtbear1967

    The Inflammatory Responce in Athletes

    The Inflammatory Response in Athletes by Anthony Roberts Inflammation has become a hot online topic lately, primarily due to a crop of experts who have made the term a part of many trainers and trainees new vocabularies. “Inflammation is...
  12. Iron Game


    DRUGS IN SPORT BREAKTHROUGH - ORAL GH MAY BE COMING! Written by William Llewellyn Human growth hormone (somatropin) is among the more common non-steroid drugs used in bodybuilding and sport. It is a powerful growth mediator, essentially identical to the growth hormone circulating in our...
  13. Iron Game

    AAS Dose and Duration

    Its actually quite logic that if we use means that are bad for our organs, it makes a difference how long wedo that and at which dose. A long heavy dosed cycle should do more harm than some short light cycles.We also know that injectable roids are safer than orals. And some orals, like...
  14. Iron Game

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy - HRT

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy You say you want some information about test therapy and it's benefits? You say you haven't found any articles or studies? Well bunky this is your lucky day. Boy did you come to the right place or what. As men age past year 40, hormonal changes occur that...
  15. C


    Exercise Promotes BCAA Catabolism: Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle during Exercise1 [*=left]Yoshiharu Shimomura*,2, [*=left]Taro Murakami*, [*=left]Naoya Nakai†, [*=left]Masaru Nagasaki*, and [*=left]Robert A. Harris** American Society for Nutritional Sciences...
  16. C


    Exercise Promotes BCAA Catabolism: Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle during Exercise1 [*=left]Yoshiharu Shimomura*,2, [*=left]Taro Murakami*, [*=left]Naoya Nakai†, [*=left]Masaru Nagasaki*, and [*=left]Robert A. Harris** American Society for Nutritional Sciences...
  17. Iron Game

    Steroids+creatine= more satellite cells+more nuclei=THE ABILITY TO GROW LARGER MUSCLES!!

    Creatine and steroids a match made in anabolic heaven By DAWG and THE-DET-OAK with PUBMED research to boot! There is no doubt that Creatine is one of the biggest supplement breakthroughs to hit the market since the invention of protein powder. The effects of creatine use can no longer even...
  18. Iron Game

    Steroids+creatine= more satellite cells+more nuclei=THE ABILITY TO GROW LARGER MUSCLES!!

    Creatine and steroids a match made in anabolic heaven By DAWG and THE-DET-OAK with PUBMED research to boot! There is no doubt that Creatine is one of the biggest supplement breakthroughs to hit the market since the invention of protein powder. The effects of creatine use can no longer even...
  19. Iron Game

    Steroids+creatine= more satellite cells+more nuclei=THE ABILITY TO GROW LARGER MUSCLES!!

    Creatine and steroids a match made in anabolic heaven By DAWG and THE-DET-OAK with PUBMED research to boot! There is no doubt that Creatine is one of the biggest supplement breakthroughs to hit the market since the invention of protein powder. The effects of creatine use can no longer even...
  20. KngShisa

    Favorite Pre Workout Meal?

    I'm sure this isn't the first thread on the subject, but I wanted to share my favorite pre workout snack, thinkThin protein and fiber oatmeal. For pre workout snacks, it's tough to beat oatmeal packets since they're so easy and convenient and if you train evenings you can bring them to work...