
  1. Chocolate Rain

    Vitamins, Minerals, and Other Supplements

    Vitamins and minerals (when not consumed in food form) are classified by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) as dietary supplements. Amino acids, botanicals, herbs, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues and glandulars, and metabolites, are also classified as dietary supplements. Many...
  2. Iron Game

    Creatine F.A.Q.

    What is Creatine? Creatine is a nutrient naturally found in all our bodies. It is a combination of 3 amino acids; arginine, glycine and methionine. Creatine helps provide the energy our muscles need to move, particularly quick and explosive movements. Muscle contraction is initially fuelled by...
  3. Presser

    How to Guide on Detecting counterfeit Anabolic Steroids, Label, Hologram, Batch Number F.A.Q.

    Detecting Fake or Counterfeit Anabolic Steroids in 2016 Has become nearly Impossible to the every day gym rat or fitness buff who maybe cycles once or twice a year. Even the long time bodybuilder or competitor who is well versed in all things Steroidal / Hormonal. Todays technology make it...
  4. Iron Game

    Oxandrolone (brand names Oxandrin, Anavar, Lonavar, others) reverses effects of muscle disease

    Charcot-Marie-Tooth Charcot-Marie-Tooth is a hereditary muscle disease which is a little like Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The difference between the two is that Charcot-Marie-Tooth affects the nerve pathways that connect the brain to the rest of the body. As people with this disease age their...
  5. Iron Game

    Groundbreaking Study in 2016 on Synthetic Testosterone - Should Have Just Asked US! LMAO

    The effect of using synthetic testosterone on the testosterone your own body produces is bigger than doctors think, according to Swedish endocrinologists at the Karolinska Institutet Study The researchers gave 25 men aged between 27 and 43 single injections of 125, 250 or 500 mg...
  6. Presser

    Producing HGH hormone via E. coli

    Optimization of production of recombinant human growth hormone in Escherichia coli Background:Human growth hormone (hGH) is a single-chain polypeptide that participates in a wide range of biological functions such as metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids as well as in growth...
  7. Iron Game

    Bill Roberts: 2-on, 4-off Steroid Cycle

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">The 2-On, 4-Off Steroid Cycle: A Case Study By Bill Roberts </header>The previous report made of results seen from the 2-on, 4-off cycle did not include any blood work, nor were there...
  8. Iron Game

    Safest AAS & PEDs For Women

    Safest AAS & PEDs For Women by Mike Arnold PED use among women has changed a lot over the last 15 years. What used to be a relatively simple undertaking involving consistent recommendations across the board has slowly evolved into a much more complicated process. Previously, pretty much the...
  9. Iron Game

    Bikini IFBB Pro Ashley Kaltwasser--Lingerie PIX!!

    Major Distraction: Ashley Kaltwasser Back by Popular Demand Three-time Ms. Olympia Bikini and IFBB Pro Ashley Kaltwasser is one of the fittest women on the planet, and her appearances on and in Muscular Development media always causes a testosterone tremor among our followers. So fellas, get...
  10. Iron Game

    Hair Loss and AAS Usage, What Are Your Options

    by Mike Arnold When it comes to the subject of hair loss, you will find strong opinions on both sides of the fence. For some, it is simply a natural part of life; not something to be feared or despised. Being met with acceptance, these individuals fret little over the state of their hairline...
  11. Iron Game

    High-protein diet curbs metabolic benefits of weight loss

    Dieters sometimes consume extra protein to stave off hunger and prevent loss of muscle tissue that often comes with weight loss. But in a study of 34 postmenopausal women with obesity, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that eating too much protein...
  12. Iron Game

    Battle of the Aromatase Inhibitors

    by Mike Arnold There has been considerable debate as to which of the 3rd generation aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, exemestane, and letrozole) possesses the most ideal risk to benefit ratio; a question which has thus far been difficult to answer due to significant diversity in individual...
  13. Iron Game

    Stomach Distension In Bodybuilding – Myth vs Fact

    by Mike Arnold Conflicting Opinions Beginning in the mid-1990’s, the issue of stomach distension became an area of criticism among traditionalists, with many in the bodybuilding community voicing disapproval over its presence within the upper echelons of the sport. Ever since then various...
  14. Iron Game

    BREAKING NEWS ON ANAVAR (oxandrolone)

    It is no longer sold under the brand name Anavar, but oxandrolone remains one of the most popular oral AAS among bodybuilders and physique-oriented individuals. It is often considered to be semi-equivalent to oral Winstrol (stanozolol) as it provides relatively hard, dry lean mass gains, though...
  15. E

    Release from Depot site and timing of blood serum level testing

    It's generally accepted practice when testing for low testosterone to draw blood early in the morning because this is when the natural testosterone level is highest. Insurance companies, whose doctors look over YOUR doctor's shoulder insist upon it and in fact may deny a claim for low T...
  16. Iron Game

    Performance Enhancing Drugs: The Truth Part 1 of 3

    Chemical Enhancement: The Truth37 Facts You Need to Know - Part 1 TEAM MD First of a three-part series Muscular Development covers the bodybuilding industry better than anyone else on the planet, because we educate readers on how to build muscle, burn fat and enhance performance through all...
  17. Iron Game

    (AAS) Anabolic - Androgenic Steroids & Hair Loss

    by Mike Arnold When it comes to the subject of hair loss, you will find strong opinions on both sides of the fence. For some, it is simply a natural part of life; not something to be feared or despised. Being met with acceptance, these individuals fret little over the state of their hairline...
  18. Iron Game

    AAS Dosing - How Much Can The Body Use?

    by Mike Arnold In today’s world of bodybuilding it is not uncommon to hear of some individuals using doses which, 20 years ago, would never even have been contemplated by the typical professional BB’r. In fact, things have progressed so far that cycles which were once reserved for only the most...
  19. Masher59

    Trenbolone and Estrogen

    These days, there probably isn’t a BB’r alive that hasn’t heard of trenbolone. In today’s drug circles, it has attained nearly super-hero status as an anabolic agent. “Nectar of the gods”…“A steroid on steroids”…and “indispensable” are just some of the terms which have been used to describe this...
  20. Iron Game

    Steroid (AAS) Cycle For Men's Physique Competitor

    by Mike Arnold When the idea of Men’s Physique was first launched, there was a lot of uncertainty among the BB’ing and Fitness communities as to what this division would ultimately represent. With brand new judging criteria in place, it would take a few years to demonstrate consistency in its...