
  1. A

    Steroids yes or no?! How much years i need to start with steroids? 😀

    sustanon deca dbol cycle IS THAT DEADLY? CAN I BUY THAT ON EBAY? IS THAT LEGAL? :)
  2. BAMA1212


    What's up? I've been juicing for 10 yrs and counting, and still learning as I go. Over the years I have ran across some stuff I really like and then on the other hand have done some stuff that I guess my body does not agree with, for example Sustanon, I've heard great things about the compound...
  3. Iron Game


    ANABOLICS 101 - FEATURING SUSTANON 250 Written by William Llewellyn Description Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable testosterone blend that contains four different testosterone esters: testosterone propionate (30 mg); testosterone phenylpropionate (60 mg); testosterone isocaproate (60...
  4. Iron Game

    Testosterone Types and Delivery

    Testosterone Types and Delivery Overview In testosterone therapy , testosterone (often called "T" for short) can be administered into the body in a number of ways. The most common method is intramuscular (IM) injection with a syringe. Other delivery methods include transdermal application...
  5. Iron Game

    How to Use Sustanon 250

    How to Use Sustanon 250 by Bill Roberts Sustanon 250, whether as the trademarked Schering brand or as another product using the same name, is one of the most popular types of anabolic steroids. Unlike most other steroid injectables, Sustanon comprises a mixture of esters. Specifically, each...
  6. drtbear1967

    Opinion on cycle

    I would like to get input on my cycle that I plan on running. This is nothing big but I just want to bump things up a bit and get some help with the old joints. Sustanon - 500 per week Cypionate - 200 per week Deca - 300 per week IGF-lr3 - 40mcg daily
  7. Iron Game

    Anabolic Q&A - On Orals & Test Blends

    Anabolic Q&A - On Orals & Test BlendsBy William Llewellyn Are Orals Necessary? I know you have regularly warned of the higher health risks of orals … on the liver and cholesterol. These drugs are very popular, and it makes me wonder: Do you think they are worth the greater risks for some...
  8. Muscle mechanic

    Cutting water weight (retention)

    In July, after trt visit I ran my trt 100 mg per week with 500 sustanon then about 700 sustanon with deca 300 per week. Ran about 10 weeks. Gained weight 184 body fat 9% to 196 5'10" bf 13%. My ai letro mixed at 4 mg per ml. started at 2 drops a day mid-cycle before that 3 drops twice a week...
  9. U

    Bulk pack,Crazy price, Offer is valid only for 48 hours.

    <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Testosterone Propionate 100mg x 10 vial's. CypEnan Blend 300mg x 10 vial's. ANADROL-Ject 25mg x 10 vial's. Sustanon 325mg x 10 vial's. Crazy price, This offer is valid only for 48 hours. Email/Pm for price.
  10. Iron Game

    Are Orals Necessary?

    Anabolic Q&A - On Orals & Test Blends Are Orals Necessary? I know you have regularly warned of the higher health risks of orals … on the liver and cholesterol. These drugs are very popular, and it makes me wonder: Do you think they are worth the greater risks for some people? I guess what I am...
  11. DefMetalLifter


    STEROID HALF LIFE CHART Steroid Half life's - anyone new to steroids may be wondering what this means, even some steroid users may also be wondering what this means. So here in simple terms you can read and hopefully understand all about steroid half life's and what this term means. Basically...
  12. Presser

    Understaning Hormone Replacement Therapy and The Most Common Forms of Testosterone Used By USA Clinics

    The difference between bioidentical-hormones,testosterone, estradiol, and synthetic versions of these hormones is critical to understanding hormone replacement therapy(HRT). The main definition of bioidentical-hormones is any substance or hormone that is a manufactured drugs must have the...
  13. U

    Aurum RX label is back!!!

    At the moment we are selling the following products: Deca 250 Npp 100 Sustanon 250 Test 300 (150mg Enan 150mg Cyp) Test c250 Test e250 Test p100 Tren E200 Tren A100 In the coming days we will add also Tabs.
  14. Iron Game


    THE CLASSIC ANABOLIC Steroid STACK - WHAT THE GUYS FROM THE 70'S USED The Classic Anabolic Stack - What the Guys from the 70's Used Written by Daniel Gwartney, M.D. The Classic Anabolic Stack What the Guys from the 70's Used Among veteran bodybuilders from the so called Golden Era...
  15. M

    Sarm Sciences review and log

    Please to announce that I have been sponsored to rep/log prosarms1 products. Very excited about this opportunity and can't thank the guys at prosarms1 enough. After the first use the products are not bad tasting whatsoever go down very easy. I will be running a stack of: Ostarine 25mg Ed...
  16. M


    I looked the insulin up and man I never thought it would cost that much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That I pitiful , there is so much product I can purchase with that money. So I want to start my new cycle and was curious if anyone has any ideas on what I should take, I have some Kigtropin HGH and all you do...
  17. Iron Game

    Sustanon And It’s Use

    Sustanon And It’s Use Sustanon. Every BBer in the world knows the name. Every “noob” has to try it. But is it a good choice for BBers? Not really. Unless you know what you’re doing and even then you would likely have better and more stable results with less expensive and easier to maintain...
  18. J

    To gain muscle mass

    New member just started back working out was wondering what u would suggest for muscle gain have used deca and sustanon but has been a few months ago just trying to get feed back
  19. M

    Could I compete ?

    Honest opinions guys. Posting a few pics, I'd guess I'm around 12%bf right now (correct me if I'm wrong though. Been eating clean but not limiting carb intake too much. I would be aiming to compete towards the end of the year so got some time to add a bit of mass and then cut 12 weeks out. I...
  20. Iron Game

    The Facts and everything you need to know about using steroids.---AGAIN

    The Facts and everything you need to know about using steroids. It has long been my goal to demonstrate that steroid use cannot only occur without causing any harm, it can actually benefit us in lengthening our life-span and increasing our quality of life. Since in essence, steroids have never...