
  1. U

    Human Grade BULK sale

    20 amps pack,get a special BULK price 20 x Testosterone Enanthate 250mg (Norma) 20 x Sustanon 250mg 20 x Stanozolol 50mg 20 x Hcg 5000iu (organon) 20 x Hcg 1500iu (organon) Email for price.
  2. U

    Human Grade CRAZY sale

    <!-- message -->Buy Testosterone Enanthate 250mg (Norma) x 20 - Get 5 free Buy Sustanon 250mg x 20 - Get 5 free Buy HCG 5000iu x 10 - Get 5 Testosterone Enanthate 250mg (Norma) Buy HCG 5000iu x 20 - Get 5 free
  3. K

    Euro pharmacies Proviron (25mg/tab):

    I’m currently running EP proviron @ 50mg/day with sustanon 750mg/week, boldenone 750mg/week. I feel like my libido is going extremely high and I always want sex. I have this feeling that when I do sex frequently I loose some nutrition from my body and I require more to replace. Of course that...
  4. U

    Who will pull the trigger?

    <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Aurum RX Need 3 guy's to run a log. #1 2 - LiquidDrol (ANADROL 25mg) 2 - SUSTANON 250mg #2 2 - TEST CYPIONATE 250mg 2 - NPP 200mg #3 2- TEST 400mg 2 - DECA 300mg Tell us why we should choose you.
  5. U

    Aurum RX -- 4+1 deal on oil's !!

    <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> ALL VIAL'S ARE 10ml TEST PROPINATE 100mg TEST CYPIONATE 250mg TEST ENTHANATE 250mg SUSTANON 250mg TEST 400mg (test C150mg,test E150mg,test P100mg) BlendMix300 (200mg test cypionate, 100mg tren e) EQ (Boldenone) 200mg DECA 300mg NPP 200mg...
  6. U

    Human Grade sale

    <!-- / status icon and date --> <!-- message -->Te stosterone Enanthate 250mg (Norma) x 20 - Sustanon 250mg x 20 - Rimobolan (Primobolan) 100mg x 10 - Stanozolol 50mg x 10 - <!-- / message --> <!-- sig -->
  7. Presser

    Most Popular 3 steroids to stack for 16 week cycle Sustanon dbol, and deca

    Sustanon 250, Dianabol, and Deca Durabolin maybe the 3 most popular steroids among bodybuilders. The combination of these three compounds can put loads of strength and muscle growth on any bodybuilder within a short amount of time (cycle length generally 12-16 weeks) I have used this stack...
  8. J

    A Brief Description to Sustanon 250

    Sustanon 250 is a blend of four testosterone esters testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate. These esters make Sustanon one of the longest-lasting steroid compounds available today. It is an ideal compound for putting on size...
  9. K

    Current Cycle Log with PSL gear

    Hello Dear iron buddies, Starting my new cycle with PSL gear. The plan was to start it at the beginning of this month but unfortunately due to some personal reasons and issues, had to postpone it till the mid of month. I will be regularly updating with my diet, pinning, workout and progress. My...
  10. Mountain_Man

    huge weekend sale on alot of products

    weekend sale 48 hours International only 100 iu Gray tops Test400 sustanon 500 - (BLENDS) TE/EQ TE/Deca TE -Tren E TP/Tren A- check out the web site
  11. M

    First time Cycle

    Looking for advise I am 35 years old. 6'1" and 215 lbs I am carring around too much fat right now (20%) and would loke to cut back up (10%ish) and gain some strength was advised to run Sustanon 1 cc twice a week Nolvadex durring cycle and Clomid after. I have been doing some research and...
  12. IronJulius

    Test E 500mg or Sustanon 500mg

    test E 500mg or sustanon 500mg both have 40% EO and my body has learned to accept EO especially when i mix other compounds with it. my question is if i dosed .5ml with the test E or Sust with 1.5ml tren E would it help with the pain of high hormone concentration of Test? i have run sustanon 350...
  13. Killjoy29

    What pct to use for sustanon,deca,dbol cycle

    Was wanting some help on what pct to run after a cycle of sustanon,deca and dbol?
  14. Presser

    Organon Sustanon 250mg Amps. 4 Testosterone: Propionate, Phenyl, Deca and Isocaproate

    Sustanon 250Pro Anabolic Steroid Sustanon Sustanon 250 (Code No: SUS-01) Product Name: Sustanon 250 Substance: 4 Testosterones Manufacturer: Organon Content: 3 amps per box - 250mg per amp Effective Dose: 250 - 1000mg per week Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable containing four different...
  15. Presser

    Bulking Cycle with nandrolone, dianabol and sustanon 250 12 week cycle dosages

    Nandrolone , Sustanon 250 and Dianabol dbol cycle protocol. PCT with Nolvadex
  16. GOTGrowth

    ( PSL ) EP SUSTANON 500 anabolic steroids; muscle gain; fat loss; cycle

    Purity Source Labs now has brand new in stock. Euro Pharmacies Sustanon 500! ENJOY!
  17. HackTwat

    Starting New Blast: Sustanon, NPP and Dbol

    Starting a new Blast. Hoping to put on a few pounds of lean mass. Stats: 5'9" 178 lbs 11-12% 41 years old Cycle is My own Sustanon blend with 50mg more of Prop totaling 300mg pinned eod, NPP 150mg eod and 50mg Dbol ED. Ancillaries are Aquadex 1 mg eod Gonna run it thru 12/31/2014
  18. T

    Sustanon vs test prop

    So I have been searching some threads and cant seem to find if a true benefit exsist to using sustanon over test prop except maybe less pinning. Looking forward to see what you folks response is here. Thanks all
  19. S

    Test Sustanon only cycle

    I'm planning on doing my first cycle as a Test Sustanon only cycle. Plan on using GP's Sus 270; 20mg Acetate, 30mg Propionate, 60mg PhenylPropionate, 60mg Isocaproate, 100mg Deconoate. I'm planning on doing EOD injections, but am having trouble deciding on quantity. I want to a relatively...