
  1. Iron Game

    Combining Multiple Steroids into 1 Injection. Test, Deca, Eq...

    Q: “So that I don’t have to inject as many mL of anabolic steroids per week, I’d like to combine the materials of a stack into a single preparation. What combinations are good, what sorts of combinations are pointless, and which should I avoid? What’s a reasonable maximum total concentration?”...
  2. M

    Pharmacom labs

    Recently placed an order online and wanted to thank pharmacom for their professionalism. I've used their gear on many occasions but never from an online source. Package was discrete and on time website was easy to navigate. Ordered 3x sustanon, 3x NPP and 4x test p. Test p and NPP were out of...
  3. K

    Fake Sustanon 250 Organon Abbott

    Sry forgot pictures - - - Updated - - - Need Help, i have 12 boxes of Sustanon 25o, I'm not sure ar they real or fake, so pls help
  4. K

    Fake Sustanon 250 Organon Abbott

    Hy guys, Need Help, i have 12 boxes of Sustanon 25o, I'm not sure ar they real or fake, so pls help
  5. Iron Game

    Using Steroids - 40 and Over- Deca, Testosterone, ETC

    Using Steroids - 40 and Over Let’s face it. At around 40 we all start to see signs of aging. It can’t be denied any longer at that point. You aren’t ready to be old. Some of us have been athletes all of our lives and are not ready to be fat and happy sitting in a sports bar watching ball on a...
  6. Iron Game

    How to Use Sustanon 250

    Sustanon 250, whether as the trademarked Schering brand or as another product using the same name, is one of the most popular types of anabolic steroids. Unlike most other steroid injectables, Sustanon comprises a mixture of esters. Specifically, each ampule or mL contains testosterone...
  7. Iron Game

    Mass Building Anabolic Steroids – Sustanon, Dianabol, and Deca Durabolin

    Understanding the Bulking Cycle:A bulking cycle can be simply named a period in which someone is mixing multiple types of anabolic steroids, in order to get muscle mass and weight. If you want to start practicing a bulking cycle, you should know that there are a lot of steroid’s combinations...
  8. Presser

    Testosterone Suspension the water based steroid. TNE Testosterone No Ester

    Figured I would post this since i was reading up on TNE and what some people call Testosterone Base as it can get confusing since i think it comes down to how its referred to, as when some say TNE they say its automatically in oil, and when they say Test Base its automatically in water, however...
  9. F

    need help setting up a new cycle - already ran test tren and mast -test and Deca sust and eq

    Looking for a new cycle to explode, sustanon as a base then eq, that's all I've got so far, looking for a different type cycle. All suggestions welcome
  10. Iron Game

    Clomid FAQ

    Something I put together that may help some of the new comers out there as well as some of the more experienced. Question: What is Clomid? Answer: Clomid is a synthetic estrogen and is generally prescribed by doctors to trigger ovulation in females. Question: Why Should Bodybuilders use...
  11. yellow snow

    Should steriods be legal?

    By John Romano What Happens When Steroids Are LegalI live in Mexico where steroids are legal. Guess what. Mexico doesn't have a steroid problem. In fact, the issue doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Anyone, including a 15 year-old soccer player, can walk into a pharmacy, go right up to the counter...
  12. U

    Our new site is ready SITE PROMO : Each new order over $350 will give you : Human Grade Testosterone Enanthate 250mg (Norma) x 2 Sustanon 250mg (PAK) x 2 Hcg 5000iu (MSD) x 2
  13. 3J

    Cycling too young

    Is there any evidence for the recommendation to not cycle too young? This question gets asked by young new guys constantly and its about time we provided some real evidence to back up our stance on not cycling before you reach your mid 20s. First lets look at the physiological impact aas has if...
  14. Iron Game

    SUSTANON 250: One Mans Review..

    SUSTANON 250: One Mans Review.. Many love Sustanon 250. It contains testoserone with 4 different esters. The idea behind Sustanon 250 was to provide the best of small (short) and large (long) ester testosterones in a single compound. For the healthy adult male, healthy excluding low...
  15. Iron Game

    Site Enhancing Oil and Stretching Fascia for Mass

    Site oils can be used for two purposes - to increase the size of a muscle or to shape a muscle. To increase size, lets use the biceps for example. You need to inject in EVERY head of the muscle, while rotating the shots daily within that head. This is the only way to ensure that the added...
  16. Iron Game

    AndroGel Profile (Transdermal Testosterone)

    (Transdermal Testosterone) AndroGel is a transdermal testosterone cream that is primarily used in male hormone replacement therapy (HRT) plans, specifically testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) plans. In recent years AndroGel has become one of the most popular forms of TRT largely due to its...
  17. Iron Game

    Overview and History of Omnadren

    Overview and History of Omnadren Omnadren, for all intents and purposes, is an almost identical twin to the Sustanon product. Both are oil-based injectable solutions of Testosterone that contain a mixture (or ‘blend’) of 4 different variants of esterified Testosterone in a particular...
  18. Iron Game

    What is Naposim steroid AKA Metandienonum

    Naposim steroid Substance: Metandienonum Pack: 100tabs 5mg/tab Manufacturer: Romania,Terapia Naposim (1 7-alpha-methyl-1 7beta-hydroxil-androsta-1.4dien-3-on) is an orally applicable steroid with a great effect on the protein metabolism. The effect of Naposim promotes the protein synthesis...
  19. Presser

    When to Start PCT with Clomid, Nolvadex after Steroid Cycle

    <h1>When do I begin my PCT protocol for Each Anabolic Steroid in my cycle?</h1> <tbody> Steroid When to start after last administration Length of PCT Testosterone Enanthate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Cypionate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Propionate 3 days 3 weeks Testosterone...
  20. Presser

    When to Start PCT with Clomid, Nolvadex. Steroid Ester Durations for all Anabolics

    <h1>When do I begin my PCT protocol for Each Anabolic Steroid in my cycle?</h1> <tbody> Steroid When to start after last administration Length of PCT Testosterone Enanthate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Cypionate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Propionate 3 days 3 weeks Testosterone...